
^=, -= and += symbols in Python

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-02-05 18:56:28
问题 I am quite experienced with Python, but recently, when I was looking at the solutions for the codility sample tests I encountered the operators -= , += , ^= and I am unable to figure out what they do. Perhaps could anyone explain the context in which they are used? 回答1: As almost any modern language, python has Assignment Operators so they can use them every time you want to assign a value to a variable after doing some arithmetic or logical operation, both (assignment and operation)are

^=, -= and += symbols in Python

不问归期 提交于 2021-02-05 18:55:39
问题 I am quite experienced with Python, but recently, when I was looking at the solutions for the codility sample tests I encountered the operators -= , += , ^= and I am unable to figure out what they do. Perhaps could anyone explain the context in which they are used? 回答1: As almost any modern language, python has Assignment Operators so they can use them every time you want to assign a value to a variable after doing some arithmetic or logical operation, both (assignment and operation)are

Latin Regex with symbols

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2021-02-05 05:51:27
问题 I need split a text and get only words, numbers and hyphenated composed-words. I need to get latin words also, then I used \p{L} , which gives me é, ú ü ã, and so forth. The example is: String myText = "Some latin text with symbols, ? 987 (A la pointe sud-est de l'île se dresse la cathédrale Notre-Dame qui fut lors de son achèvement en 1330 l'une des plus grandes cathédrales d'occident) : ! @ # $ % ^& * ( ) + - _ #$% " ' : ; > < / \ | , here some is wrong… * + () e -" Pattern pattern =

Latin Regex with symbols

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-05 05:51:06
问题 I need split a text and get only words, numbers and hyphenated composed-words. I need to get latin words also, then I used \p{L} , which gives me é, ú ü ã, and so forth. The example is: String myText = "Some latin text with symbols, ? 987 (A la pointe sud-est de l'île se dresse la cathédrale Notre-Dame qui fut lors de son achèvement en 1330 l'une des plus grandes cathédrales d'occident) : ! @ # $ % ^& * ( ) + - _ #$% " ' : ; > < / \ | , here some is wrong… * + () e -" Pattern pattern =

Displaying degree symbol on webpage

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-05 04:46:26
问题 I have a program which extracts GPS coordinates from metadata and imports the results onto a database. I then display the data using PHP on a webpage. My problem - I've recently created a new template but for whatever reason, it is no longer showing the degrees symbol '°' but a '�'. I just find it strange that it works with one template, but not the other? I've tried changing fonts, but had no luck 回答1: See DEGREE CHARACTER. Specifically, HTML Entity: ° . Check that you have the proper

Displaying degree symbol on webpage

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-05 04:45:40
问题 I have a program which extracts GPS coordinates from metadata and imports the results onto a database. I then display the data using PHP on a webpage. My problem - I've recently created a new template but for whatever reason, it is no longer showing the degrees symbol '°' but a '�'. I just find it strange that it works with one template, but not the other? I've tried changing fonts, but had no luck 回答1: See DEGREE CHARACTER. Specifically, HTML Entity: ° . Check that you have the proper

What is the mapping of ZaptDingBats and Symbols in jsPDF?

邮差的信 提交于 2021-01-29 13:16:51
问题 I am trying to use the TM in the Symbols font, but not sure how to do it - I searched around here and found this similar question for the checkmark in ZaptDingBats font. The answer to this related question mentions that the checkmark is mapped as 4...this leads me to my question of how do we know what the mapping is? Using Zapfdingbats with jsPDf 回答1: You can use the JS octal sequence \u2122 and jsPDF will output the TM symbol. See this list for more sequences. Example picture of output. doc

WooCommerce Currency Symbol

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-01-29 07:59:35
问题 I am recently working with WooCommerce WordPress project for my client and I am editing a plugin for WooCommerce WordPress. I am trying to display the product price to include the currency code use this function * @param mixed $item * @param bool $inc_tax (default: false). * @param bool $round (default: true). * @return float */ public function get_item_total( $item, $inc_tax = false, $round = true ) { $qty = ( ! empty( $item['qty'] ) ) ? $item['qty'] : 1; if ( $inc_tax ) { $price = ( $item[

When not to use to_sym in Ruby?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-01-28 03:09:28
问题 I have a large dataset from an analytics provider. It arrives in JSON and I parse it into a hash, but due to the size of the set I'm ballooning to over a gig in memory usage. Almost everything starts as strings (a few values are numerical), and while of course the keys are duplicated many times, many of the values are repeated as well. So I was thinking, why not symbolize all the (non-numerical) values, as well? I've found some discusion of potential problems, but I figure it would be nice to

R How to Pass a function as a String Inside another Function

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-28 02:57:46
问题 Any assistance on this little conundrum would be mightily appreciated thanks. I am trying to pass an argument to the tq_transmute function from the tidyquant package; the value for the argument is a function, however I would like to pass it as a string (out with the scope of the example below I’ll be passing it via a Shiny selectInput ). I have tried every way I can think of to turn the string 'apply.quarterly' into the object apply.quarterly accepted by the mutate_fun argument. The commented