
Why the display of Unicode characters for superscripted digits are not at the same height?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-17 14:49:00
问题 Why the display of Unicodes for superscripts of digits are not at the same height? This is specially noticeable if you make two digit numbers out of the superscript digits. Some of them look fine but the rest look out of the place with respect to each other. Am I missing something? Or is this how it is? 回答1: Like jrturton mentions, ¹, ² and ³ were from a legacy character set (Latin 1) and therefore included in a different place. This also means that lots of fonts don't have support for more

Why the display of Unicode characters for superscripted digits are not at the same height?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-17 14:48:02
问题 Why the display of Unicodes for superscripts of digits are not at the same height? This is specially noticeable if you make two digit numbers out of the superscript digits. Some of them look fine but the rest look out of the place with respect to each other. Am I missing something? Or is this how it is? 回答1: Like jrturton mentions, ¹, ² and ³ were from a legacy character set (Latin 1) and therefore included in a different place. This also means that lots of fonts don't have support for more

Superscript + Underline inline in a RichTextBox in WPF

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-13 02:03:30
问题 I have a set of text that I'd like to put in a RichTextBox which goes like so: So I used a RichTextBox since it allows me to do the following. var zipCodeParagraph = new Paragraph(); string zipCodes = String.Empty; var dateRun = new Underline(new Run(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek + ", " + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(DateTime.Today.Month) + ' ' + DateTime.Today.Day)); Underline dateSuperscript; switch (DateTime.Today.Day % 10) { case 1: dateSuperscript = new Underline(new

Return a string with superscript characters in VBA function

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-12 23:06:38
问题 i have a macro in Excel which converts a decimal degree value (right ascension) into astronomical hour angle with hours (h), minutes (m) and seconds (s). Is there any way, to return the string with superscript abbreviations h,m,s? This is my Excel-macro: Function Convert_Hours(Decimal_Deg) As Variant With Application hours_dec = Decimal_Deg / 360 * 24 hours = Int(hours_dec) minutes_dec = hours_dec - hours minutes = Int(minutes_dec) seconds = minutes_dec - minutes Convert_Hours = " " & hours &

How to convert successive numbers after caret to superscript with jquery?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-12 18:28:59
问题 This question is related to How to convert numbers after caret to superscript with jquery where I got a very good answer. Problem now, I need to extend the recent script | jsfiddle so that it takes successive numbers into account. The recent script takes a string, and checks it for carets. Then: If there is no bracket behind the caret, only superscript the next character. x^2 becomes x<sup>2</sup> If there is an opening bracket, superscript until the closing bracket. x^(2y+1) becomes x<sup>2y

superscript characters in string IOS

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-11 08:38:13
问题 My app in xcode has a tableview with some product data. One of my products have a superscript e in its name. How can I use superscript characters in a string like: text e I can get it to work with numbers: text\u2070 -> text 0 or text\u2071 -> text 1 . But how to do this with other characters? thx! 回答1: tl;dr: NSString does not support concept of super/sub script. That's more or less a UI formatting concern. One possible solution is to dynically add UILabels in code instead of interface

Render sub/superscript in table (shiny)

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-11 02:44:44
问题 I have a datatable in a shiny app, in which I want to add superscript to my observations. These should detail whether the observation is an estimate, and how far the year of the observation is from the reference year (this data is already in my dataset). For example a particular observation might display : "75(superscript)-3 e". Is this possible? 回答1: I had the same question today and this post helped me get some of the way there. There is a working example of this on How to add subscripts in

“Squared” superscript in ggplot2 yaxis label in R

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-10 18:46:32
问题 I am plotting a multiple line graph with ggplot2 and am having trouble labeling the y-axis with mile per second squared. I have tried the command: ggplot(data.frame, aes(id)) + labs(y = "Acceleration in m/s^2") and( after searching Stack Overflow): ggplot(data.frame, aes(id)) + labs(y = expression ("Acceleration in m/s[2]") In both cases, the label does not create superscript, instead looking exactly like "Acceleration m/s^2". How should this superscript command for a ggplot label be

How to convert numbers after caret to superscript with jquery

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-08 08:36:46
问题 A lot of users on our maths forum enter n-th power with caret symbol , e.g. x^(4y) . We would like to replace the caret symbol and use superscript instead, wrapping the numbers and variables right after the caret. So that x^(4y) becomes x (4y) . Rules: If there is no bracket behind the caret, only superscript the next character. If there is an opening bracket, superscript until the closing bracket. Here is a post with different caret versions. Of course there are many js-libraries out there

Swift 3.1 - NSSuperScript in NSAttributedString not working as expected

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-08 06:56:33
问题 The application I am working on encountered an issue when testing with iOS 10.3 Simulator via XCode 8.3 beta 2, where the superscript in AttributedString displayed on the same line with normal text. For iOS 10.2.x and below, it is displaying correctly. iOS 10.3 screenshot: iOS 10.2.x and below screenshot: