初学Drupal(7.26),刚好遇到一个需要用到CKEditor模块的项目,于是就摸索着把它给装上了。 图片上传出问题 回到Drupal7的管理页面后刚好发现了对于CKEditor的“状态报告”(错误报告): You are using a feature that requires $cookie_domain to be set, but it is not set in your settings.php (CKFinder is enabled in the Advanced profile) 需要修改修改 sites\default\settings.php文件: $cookie_domain = 'localhost';//去掉注释,填写正确的路径 这样就没有错误,图片也可以正常上传了。但还是有警告:You are using an unlicensed version of the CKEditor module for Drupal. Visit http://cksource.com/ckeditor-for-drupal to purchase a licensed version that also includes a license for a full-featured file browser, CKFinder, and a dedicated