
SUMIFS in python jupyter

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-11 14:25:16
问题 I have this dataframe. This is a transaction of exchange goods. So basically the client can switch into those goods which have the same quality or lower. So for Client 1 on 16/08/2019, 360 B grade goods switch into 180 B and 180 A goods. This needs to be flagged. I can do this in excel, however, the file is too big and it crashes. In/Out Client Quality Date GoodsAmount In 1 A 16/08/2019 180 In 1 B 16/08/2019 180 Out 1 B 16/08/2019 360 In 2 C 14/08/2019 130 Out 2 B 14/08/2019 45 Out 2 C 14/08

Count unique text values based on criteria in other column

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-04 21:53:04
问题 I have two columns titled "Company" and "Department", example below. The third column is what I would like to create, but I am unsure how. I want the third column to show the number of departments for a given company, and only show that number in the first reference to the company. 回答1: Try this in D2 and fill down. =IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2)=1, SUMPRODUCT((A$2:A$999=A2)/(COUNTIFS(B$2:B$999, B$2:B$999&"", A$2:A$999, A2)+(A$2:A$999<>A2))), "") 回答2: If you create a helper column in Column C that

Count unique text values based on criteria in other column

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-04 21:49:20
问题 I have two columns titled "Company" and "Department", example below. The third column is what I would like to create, but I am unsure how. I want the third column to show the number of departments for a given company, and only show that number in the first reference to the company. 回答1: Try this in D2 and fill down. =IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2)=1, SUMPRODUCT((A$2:A$999=A2)/(COUNTIFS(B$2:B$999, B$2:B$999&"", A$2:A$999, A2)+(A$2:A$999<>A2))), "") 回答2: If you create a helper column in Column C that

excel 2016 combine subtotal with sumifs

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-01-29 17:11:36
问题 My SUMIFS needs to add up column D (D11:D172) and the first criteria is a range called qbplistcomp (which is column B so B11:B172) for multiple hits (e.g. CHF, COPD, and all STROKE so using STROKE*) and the second criteria is in column C (C11:C172) looking for the criteria which is a label "qbp volumes" ... so far without subtotaling, this formula works as: =SUM(SUMIFS(D11:D172,qbplistcomp,{"CHF","COPD","STROKE*"},C11:C172,"QBP Volumes")) Now my column A has the ability to filter on Category,

R sum by group if date within date range

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-01-28 14:26:17
问题 Suppose I have two dataframes. The first one includes "Date" at which a "Name" issues a "Rec" for an "ID" and the "Stop.Date" at which "Rec" becomes invalid. df (only a part) structure(list(Date = structure(c(13236, 13363, 14074, 13199, 14554), class = "Date"), ID = c("AU0000XINAA9", "AU0000XINAA9", "AU0000XINAC5", "AU0000XINAI2", "AU0000XINAJ0"), Name = c("N+1 BREWIN", "N+1 BREWIN", "ARBUTHNOT SECURITIES LTD.", "INVESTEC BANK (UK) PLC", "AWRAQ INVESTMENTS"), Rec = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 1), Stop.Date

Excel - SUMIFS for multiple columns

房东的猫 提交于 2021-01-24 08:27:08
问题 I need to sum the values of several columns, if other cells in the same row match a predefined criteria. The working formula for only 3 columns is the following: =SUM(SUMIFS(‘Sheet1'!W:W; ‘Sheet1'!$B:$B;"Sales";‘Sheet1'!$C:$C;">=4");SUMIFS(‘Sheet1'!X:X; ‘Sheet1'!$B:$B;"Sales";‘Sheet1'!$C:$C;">=4");SUMIFS(‘Sheet1'!Y:Y; ‘Sheet1'!$B:$B;"Sales";‘Sheet1'!$C:$C;">=4")) I will need to use the formula for several cells (and sum more than 10 columns per time) and I will need to change the columns

Faster way of using Sumifs()

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-12-07 07:39:09
问题 I have a weekly task where I need to update a report (currently just over 50K rows) which is growing by around 500 rows every week. After the new data is added manually, I run the code below to do a Sumifs() to summarize the data. The data structure is: columns A to C are the criteria columns (numeric-alpha-numeric), column D has the quantity to sum (whole numbers). The data is contiguous. My macro puts the Sumifs() formula into column E – overwriting what’s there. My question is: can this