
Find substring between specific characters

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-01-28 21:39:29
问题 I am unfamiliar with Lua language and a I would like your help. I am trying to receive some values through POST and the values is something like that: pwd = password ssid = ssid_name swstat={string.find(payload,"pwd=")} swstat1={string.find(payload,"ssid=")} if swstat[2]~=nil then pass=string.sub(payload,swstat[2]+1,#payload) ssid=string.sub(payload,swstat1[2]+1,#payload) print("Password: "..pass) print("SSID: "..ssid) end The actual result of the above code is ( am sending through a web

Elixir - find sub-bitstring within larger bitstring

久未见 提交于 2021-01-28 20:34:05
问题 How would I go about finding if a sub-bitstring is present with another bitstring in Elixir? I need to verify that bitstring X exists somewhere within bitstring Y for testing purposes. Is there a simple way to do this with existing functions? x = "bar" y = "foo bar baz" some_substring_function(x, y) with some_substring_function returning a truthy value. Thanks in advance! 回答1: You can use the =~ operator: iex> "hello world" =~ "hello" true The String module also has some convenience functions

Are there multiple KMP algorithmic approaches with different space complexities? What is the difference?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-01-28 05:46:56
问题 I am reading about the KMP substring search algorithm and the examples I find online use an one-dimensional table to build the prefix information table. I also read the Sedgewick explanation and he used a 2-D array to build the table and explicitly states that the space complexity of KMP is O(RM) where R is the alphabet size and M the pattern size while everywhere else it is stated that the space complexity is just O(M + N) i.e. the text to process and the pattern size itself. So I am

Algorithmic way to search a list of tuples for a matching substring?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-01-27 12:43:31
问题 I have a list of tuples, about 100k entries. Each tuple consists of an id and a string, my goal is to list the ids of the tuples, whose strings contain a substring from a given list of substrings. My current solution is through set comprehension, ids can repeat. tuples = [(id1, 'cheese trees'), (id2, 'freezy breeze'),...] vals = ['cheese', 'flees'] ids = {i[0] for i in tuples if any(val in i[1] for val in vals)} output: {id1} Is there an algorithm that would allow doing that quicker? I'm

How to use a SQL query in Google Sheets to group by a substring

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-21 10:42:41
问题 In my table, in Google Sheets, I have a column B called "description" and I'm trying to write a SQL query to group by substrings of column B. Values in B are like "Sell 1 Jan11 300.0/307.5 Strangle" and I just want to group by 'Jan11'. I have a few rows with Jan11 then it switches to Jan18, etc. I've tried substring, char index, mid, and nothing is working I've tried: =QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, mid(B,7,5), sum(M) group by mid(B,7,5)" =QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, substring(B,7

How to use a SQL query in Google Sheets to group by a substring

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-21 10:41:09
问题 In my table, in Google Sheets, I have a column B called "description" and I'm trying to write a SQL query to group by substrings of column B. Values in B are like "Sell 1 Jan11 300.0/307.5 Strangle" and I just want to group by 'Jan11'. I have a few rows with Jan11 then it switches to Jan18, etc. I've tried substring, char index, mid, and nothing is working I've tried: =QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, mid(B,7,5), sum(M) group by mid(B,7,5)" =QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, substring(B,7

Changing country code subdirectory from URL

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-01-07 06:59:54
问题 I need to change the country code in the URL when I select the country from the dropdown. Currently I only have 3 countries in the dropdown, but when I switch from SG ( to IE, the resulting URL becomes ( It works fine when I switch from IE( to SG( tho. <form name="form1"> <select class="region regionTopBar" onchange="formChanged(this);" name="country" size="1" style="font-family: inherit;

Changing country code subdirectory from URL

不羁的心 提交于 2021-01-07 06:58:32
问题 I need to change the country code in the URL when I select the country from the dropdown. Currently I only have 3 countries in the dropdown, but when I switch from SG ( to IE, the resulting URL becomes ( It works fine when I switch from IE( to SG( tho. <form name="form1"> <select class="region regionTopBar" onchange="formChanged(this);" name="country" size="1" style="font-family: inherit;

Is there a way to find out how many numbers are at the end of a string without knowing the exact index?

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-01-05 07:10:23
问题 I have a method that extracts a certain substring from a string. This substring consists of the numbers in the string. Then this is parsed to an integer. Method: protected int startIndex() throws Exception { String str = getWorkBook().getDefinedName("XYZ"); String sStr = str.substring(10,13); return Integer.parseInt(sStr) - 1; } Example: String : '0 DB'!$B$460 subString : 460 Well, I manually entered the index range for the substring. But I would like to automate it. My approach: String str =

Is there a way to find out how many numbers are at the end of a string without knowing the exact index?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-01-05 07:10:10
问题 I have a method that extracts a certain substring from a string. This substring consists of the numbers in the string. Then this is parsed to an integer. Method: protected int startIndex() throws Exception { String str = getWorkBook().getDefinedName("XYZ"); String sStr = str.substring(10,13); return Integer.parseInt(sStr) - 1; } Example: String : '0 DB'!$B$460 subString : 460 Well, I manually entered the index range for the substring. But I would like to automate it. My approach: String str =