
parallel strlen?

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-05 09:26:35
I'm wondering if there would be any merit in trying to code a strlen function to find the \0 sequence in parallel. If so, what should such a function take into account? Thanks. You'd have to make sure the NUL found by a thread is the first NUL in the string, which means that the threads would need to synchronize on what their lowest NUL location is. So while it could be done, the overhead for the sync would be far more expensive than any potential gain from parallelization. Also, there's the issue of caching. A single thread can read a string contiguously, which is cache friendly. Multiple

strlen not giving correct string length C

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-05 07:46:15
I am reading from my dictionary and printing out the word + the length of the word for testing purposes. I use strlen to get the length of the string. However, the numbers I got are not correct. I believe strlen doesn't count the \0 character. I am reading the first 10 words in the dictionary. My expected output should be: W:A L:1 W:A's L:3 W:AA's L:4 W:AB's L:4 W:ABM's L:5 W:AC's L:4 W:ACTH's L:6 W:AI's L:3 W:AIDS's L:6 W:AM's L:4 But this is what I got (Notice how the L:'s are on another line. I think this is where the problem is): W:A L:2 W:A's L:4 W:AA's L:5 W:AB's L:5 W:ABM's L:6 W:AC's L

PhpStudy BackDoor2019 深度分析

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-05 06:27:50
笔者《Qftm》原文发布《合天》: 关于《PhpStudy BackDoor》风波已经过去有一段时间了,由于,前段时间一直忙于其它事情QAQ,今天有时间对该事件重新回溯&深度分析。 *严正声明:本文仅限于技术讨论与分享,严禁用于非法途径 背景分析 2019年9月20日,杭州市公安局举行新闻通报会,通报今年以来组织开展打击涉网违法犯罪暨“净网2019”专项行动战果,通报内容中提到国内著名的PHP调试环境程序集成包Phpstudy软件遭受到以马某为首的国内黑客团伙攻击并被植入后门。 Phpstudy集成环境包在国内的使用用户逾百万,据悉,此次后门攻击事件可追溯到2016年

Is There A Difference Between strlen()==0 and empty()?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-05 05:08:04
I was looking at some form validation code someone else had written and I saw this: strlen() == 0 When testing to see if a form variable is empty I use the empty() function. Is one way better than the other? Are they functionally equivalent? strlen is to get the number of characters in a string while empty is used to test if a variable is empty Meaning of empty: empty("") //is empty for string empty(0) // is empty for numeric types empty(null) //is empty empty(false) //is empty for boolean Paul There are a couple cases where they will have different behaviour: empty('0'); // returns true,

php strlen()函数 语法

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-05 02:36:42
php strlen()函数 语法 作用: 返回字符串的长度。 大理石平台价格 语法: strlen(string) 参数: 参数 描述 string 必需。规定要检查的字符串。 说明: 返回字符串的长度。 php strlen()函数 示例 <?php echo strlen("I love php!"); ?> 来源:


一世执手 提交于 2019-12-05 00:38:59
首先放上代码和运行结果。(在VC6.0上运行) 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<string.h> 3 4 int main(void) 5 { 6 char s1[]="YeHuan"; 7 char *s2="YeHuan"; 8 char s3[]="Ye\0Huan"; 9 char *s4="Ye\0Huan"; 10 printf("sizeof(s1) %d\n",sizeof(s1)); 11 printf("sizeof(s2) %d\n",sizeof(s2)); 12 printf("sizeof(s3) %d\n",sizeof(s3)); 13 printf("sizeof(s4) %d\n",sizeof(s4)); 14 printf("sizeof(\"YeHuan\") %d\n",sizeof("YeHuan")); 15 printf("sizeof(\"Ye\\0Huan\") %d\n",sizeof("Ye\0Huan")); 16 printf("strlen(s1) %d\n",strlen(s1)); 17 printf("strlen(s2) %d\n",strlen(s2)); 18 printf("strlen(s3) %d\n",strlen(s3)); 19 printf("strlen(s4

C++11 char16_t strlen-equivalent function

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-05 00:20:47
I have a simple question: Is there a way to do a strlen() -like count of characters in zero-terminated char16_t array? use char_traits<char16_t>::length(your_pointer) see struct char_traits<char16_t> and table 62 of the C++11-Std. Necrolis Use pointers :), create a duplicate pointer to the start, then loop through it while (*endptr++); , then the length is given by endptr - startptr . You can actually template this, however, its possible the the compile won't generate the same intrinsic code it does for strlen (for different sizes ofc). 来源:

Does strlen return same value for a binary and ascii data

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-04 23:27:14
Please find the below code snippet. unsigned char bInput[20]; unsigned char cInput[20]; From a function, I get a binary data in bInput and I determined its length using strlen(bInput) . I converted bInput which is in binary to ASCII and stored in cInput and printed its length. But both are different. I am new to programming. Please guide regarding its behaviour. result wont be same for both cases. Below is one sample scenario: Null is valid UTF-8, it just doesn't work with C 'strings'. char temp[8]; buf = "abcde\0f"; What we have here is a buffer of length 8, which contains these char values:


一世执手 提交于 2019-12-04 18:48:05
一. strlen与sizeof的意义 sizeof是C/C++中的一个关键字,不是函数,简单的说其作用就是返回一个对象或者类型所占的内存字节数。 strlen()是一个函数,求一个字符串的有效长度,strlen函数的结束条件是遇到\0结束计数。 二.用sizeof求一个字符串分为几种情况: A.\后面一般跟的是八进制数如 \000 \377 \378 B.\也可跟16进制如\x11 \xff C.\后面跟的字符如\a \A \8 如下字符串举例: "\0000" 可以看成\000 0 \0 ,sizeof 值为3,第一个\000代表ascii第一个元素(NULL空操作),第二个0是字符0,最后红色的\0是系统自带\0(他实际也是\0,\00,\000 也就是ASCII所代表的第一个元素NULL)用于结束字符串。所以sizeof就是3 "\3770" 可以看成\377 0 \0 ,sizeof 值为 3,第一个代表\377(注意此时的377是一个8进制数转换成十进制是255,刚好是一个字符所能表示的最大数字,一个字符占一个字节,一字节= 8位,每一位可用01表示,所以一个字符所能表示的最大范围是2^8=256 0~255), 第二个0是字符0,最后红色的\0是系统自带\0(他实际也是\0,\00,\000 也就是ASCII所代表的第一个元素NULL)用于结束字符串


断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-04 18:45:21
本文转载百度百科。 编辑本段 用法   var a : array[1..10000] of longint;    Begin   Writeln(SizeOf(a));   End.   输出:40000   如果定义Integer,则输出:20000    c语言 中判断数据类型长度符   用法   sizeof(类型说明符, 数组 名或表达式);   或   sizeof 变量名   1. 定义:   sizeof是C/C++中的一个操作符(operator)是也,简单的说其作用就是返回一个对象或者类型所占的内存字节数。   MSDN上的解释为:   The sizeof keyword gives the amount of storage, in bytes, associated with a variable or a type (including aggregate types). This keyword returns a value of type size_t.   其返回值类型为size_t,在头文件 stddef.h 中定义。这是一个依赖于编译系统的值,一般定义为   typedef unsigned int size_t;   世上 编译器 林林总总,但作为一个规范,它们都会保证char、signed char和unsigned