
C# 微信消息模板 发送

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-14 08:23:29
项目要用到微信提醒 ,加上调转到小程序页面,或者 指定url 用到 RestSharp、Senparc.Weixin 类库 一开始直接照着微信示例直接post进去 发现一直提示 47001 ,估计是我姿势水平不太够,还是用个类库操作吧 using RestSharp; using Senparc.Weixin.MP.AdvancedAPIs.TemplateMessage; using System; namespace TemplateApp1 { class Program { public static string OpenId = ""; public static string Template_id = ""; public static string AccessToken = GetACCESS_TOKEN(); static void Main(string[] args) { //网页跳转 SendTemplateMessageResult T = SendTemplateURL(AccessToken, OpenId, Template_id); //小程序跳转 SendTemplateMessageResult T1 = SendTemplatMiniProgram(AccessToken, OpenId, Template_id); Console


跟風遠走 提交于 2020-08-20 05:39:51
这一篇续上篇, 让我们继续来学习一下,Freemarker,话不多说,煌sir带你上干货~~ 一. 其他指令 1.运算符 算数运算符:FreeMarker表达式中完全支持算术运算 算数运算符 + - * / % 逻辑运算符 逻辑 运算符 描述 && 逻辑与 || 逻辑或 ! 逻辑非 比较运算符 比较 运算符 描述 == 判断两个值是否相等 != 判断两个值是否不等 >或者gt 判断左边值是否大于右边值 >=或者gte 判断左边值是否大于等于右边值 <或者lt 判断左边值是否小于右边值 <=或者lte 判断左边值是否小于等于右边值 注意:>、>=、<、<= 可能出现与预期结果不一致的情况,建议使用等效的字母 实例 <#if num > 60 > num大于60 </#if> 如果num为100,num表示条件成立,输出结果: 60 > num 大于 60 建议编写方式 <#if num gt 60 > num大于60 </#if> 2. 空值处理 判断某变量是否存在使用 “??” 变量?? ,如果不为空返回true,如果为空返回false Controller: @GetMapping ( "/if" ) public String _if(Model model) { //设置数据 model.addAttribute( "token" , 1234 ); model core mvc中如何把二级域名绑定到特定的控制器上

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-08-06 14:05:36
  由于公司的工作安排,一直在研究其他技术,所以一直没时间更新博客,今天终于可以停下手头的事情,写一些新内容了。   应用场景:企业门户网站会根据内容不同,设置不同的板块,如新浪有体育,娱乐频道,等等。有的情况下需要给不同的板块设置不同的二级域名,如新浪体育。   在 core mvc中,如果要实现板块的效果,可能会给不同的板块建立不同的控制器(当然也有其他的技术,这里不讨论实现方式的好坏),在这种情况下,如何给控制器绑定上独有的二级域名,比如体育频道对应的控制器叫SportController,通过sports.XXX.com域名访问系统的时候,直接进入SportController,并且通过这个二级域名无法访问其他的控制器。   上面说完场景了,下面来看下如何实现。   在 core mvc中有路由规则配置,配置的地方在Startup.Configure方法中,具体代码如下:    app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute( name: "default", template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}", defaults: new { area="admin"}); });   遗憾的是不支持对域名的支持(我目前了解的是

(8)ASP.NET Core 中的MVC路由一

风格不统一 提交于 2020-04-18 12:31:32
1.前言 ASP.NET Core MVC使用路由中间件来匹配传入请求的URL并将它们映射到操作(Action方法)。路由在启动代码(Startup.Configure方法)或属性(Controller Action属性)中定义。路由描述应如何将URL路径与操作(Action方法)相匹配。它还用于在响应中生成送出的URL。 路由操作可以设置中间件,支持传统路由、属性理由(通过在Controller Action上放置理由可实现)、多个路由。 2.设置路由中间件 在Configure方法中,可能会看到与下面类似的设置路由中间件代码: app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute(name: " default " , template: " {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?} " ); }); 等价于 // 默认模版就是 "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}" app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute(); 在UseMvc的匿名方法中,MapRoute表示创建单个路由,指定为默认(default)路由、路由模版“{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}”。 路由模版“{controller=Home}/{action

Generate source code from AST with Antlr4 and StringTemplates

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-21 11:37:39
问题 If I have an AST and modify it, can I use StringTemplates to generate the source code for the modified AST? I have successfully implemented my grammar for Antlr4. It generates the AST of a source code and I use the Visitor Class to perform the desired actions. I then modify something in the AST and I would like to generate the source code for that modified AST. (I believe it is called pretty-printing?). Does Antlr's built in StringTemplates have all the functionality to do this? Where should

Dynamically Map a DataSet to StringTemplate

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-16 19:43:30
问题 I am using StringTemplate in a Windows Service notification project (.NET 4.0). My objective is to read in and process XML files that define a query and a stringtemplate. The class then binds the results from a DataTable into the template for emailing. Below is an XML snippet and the LINQ statement and the C# to do the binding. <!-- XML Data Original--> <Items> <Item> <Query> Select name, title, date from People; </Query> <Template> Welcome $name to $title$ on $date$. </Template> </Item> <

Dynamically Map a DataSet to StringTemplate

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-16 19:43:08
问题 I am using StringTemplate in a Windows Service notification project (.NET 4.0). My objective is to read in and process XML files that define a query and a stringtemplate. The class then binds the results from a DataTable into the template for emailing. Below is an XML snippet and the LINQ statement and the C# to do the binding. <!-- XML Data Original--> <Items> <Item> <Query> Select name, title, date from People; </Query> <Template> Welcome $name to $title$ on $date$. </Template> </Item> <

Format date in String Template email

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-13 09:08:13
问题 I'm creating an email using String Template but when I print out a date, it prints out the full date (eg. Wed Apr 28 10:51:37 BST 2010). I'd like to print it out in the format dd/mm/yyyy but don't know how to format this in the .st file. I can't modify the date individually (using java's simpleDateFormatter) because I iterate over a collection of objects with dates. Is there a way to format the date in the .st email template? 回答1: Use additional renderers like this: internal class

How to format decimal numbers with StringTemplate (ST) in Java?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-04 06:23:47
问题 I am using StringTemplate in Java. I would like to render decimal number with a certain precision (e.g. 3 digits after the decimal point). Is it possible to for the ST object to do it? And how? Edit: to clarify, this is especially relevant when rendering objects. E.g. my code looks like String renderMe(String template, Collection<MyClass> items) { // render the items here using the template.... } renderMe() doesn't have to know anything about the fields of MyClass, in particular it doesn't

How to format decimal numbers with StringTemplate (ST) in Java?

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-04 06:23:11
问题 I am using StringTemplate in Java. I would like to render decimal number with a certain precision (e.g. 3 digits after the decimal point). Is it possible to for the ST object to do it? And how? Edit: to clarify, this is especially relevant when rendering objects. E.g. my code looks like String renderMe(String template, Collection<MyClass> items) { // render the items here using the template.... } renderMe() doesn't have to know anything about the fields of MyClass, in particular it doesn't