
Best StAX Implementation [closed]

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-30 03:46:56
My quick search reveals the reference implementation ( ), the Woodstox implementation ( ), and Sun's SJSXP implementation ( ). Please comment on the relative merits of these, and fill me in on any other implementations I should consider. Woodstox wins every time for me. It's not just performance, either - sjsxp is twitchy and overly pedantic, woodstox just gets on with it. prakash Interesting to note that: SJSXP performance is consistently faster than BEA, Oracle and RI for all of the documents described here in

integrating org.apache.poi and the* package (stax-api) in android - how to set the --core-library argument in Android Studio?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-29 16:37:27
问题 I'm using Android studio 1.5.1 I'd like to include the org.apache.poi-ooxml library in my android project. To include that library I needed to include some other library dependencies, among which the stax-api library. The problem with stax api is that it has all the packages in javax.* which is a "core library". Java jdk has all these libraries included, so if I were to use it in Java SE, I wouldn't need that stax-api library. Android, on the other hand, has a "partial" stax-api library. For

how to override a service provider in java

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-11-29 09:44:08
This is more a general question by example: I'm using xstream and woodstox, woodstox comes with a service provider for in woodstox jar registering com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory. I want to provide my own and still have woodstox jar in the classpath. I know I can provide my own with the system property , but I'm trying to take off the hassle from our dev ops team and do it with a service file in my jar or maybe in my war's META-INF/services folder. looking the code of

Reading a big XML file using stax and dom

久未见 提交于 2019-11-29 06:22:00
I need to read several big (200Mb-500Mb) XML files, so I want to use StaX. My system has two modules - one to read the file ( with StaX ); another module ( 'parser' module ) suppose to get a single entry of that XML and parse it using DOM. My XML files don't have a certain structure - so I cannot use JaxB. How can I pass the 'parser' module a specific entry that I want it to parse? For example: <Items> <Item> <name> .... </name> <price> ... </price> </Item> <Item> <name> .... </name> <price> ... </price> </Item> </Items> I want to use StaX to parse that file - but each 'item' entry will be

What is 'Push Approach' and 'Pull Approach' to parsing?

允我心安 提交于 2019-11-28 19:15:05
Under the push parsing approach, a push parser generates synchronous events as a document is parsed, and these events can be processed by an application using a callback handler model This is the text given in the book Pro XML Development with Java about SAX 2.0. As for StAX, the book says: Under the pull approach, events are pulled from an XML document under the control of the application using the parser. I want to ask, what is the meaning of the highlighted text ? An answer befitting a beginner is appreciated :) Basically, a push is when the parser says to some handler, "I have a foo, do

How to satisfy dependencies for Apache POI on Android?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-11-28 14:02:33
There are many posts about reading .docx files with Apache POI on Android. I write Java program, which do it and want move it Android platform. But XWPFDocument requires xmlbeans.jar, and xmlbeans.jar requires stax-api.jar. And Stax API can not be added to android app , because it tries to extends javax.* namespace, which is not allowed. So question is: how can I satisfy dependencies for Apache POI on Android? There are now at least two projects which try to solve most of the problems when using Apache POI on Android. Only some methods when handling images will still fail because Apache POI

Formatting XML file using StAX

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-28 10:28:25
I am using StAX XML stream writer to write the XML file. It writes all the data in a single line. I want all the tags to be indented instead of a single line. chris stax-utils provides class IndentingXMLStreamWriter which does the job: XMLStreamWriter writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(...); writer = new IndentingXMLStreamWriter(writer); ... k_b Answered here: StAX XML formatting in Java EDIT: A quick example (without resource cleaning) using stax-utils ( ): XMLOutputFactory xmlOutputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();

Read XML String using StAX

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-28 09:14:43
I am using stax for the first time to parse an XML String. I have found some examples but can't get my code to work. This is the latest version of my code: public class AddressResponseParser { private static final String STATUS = "status"; private static final String ADDRESS_ID = "address_id"; private static final String CIVIC_ADDRESS = "civic_address"; String status = null; String addressId = null; String civicAddress = null; public static AddressResponse parseAddressResponse(String response) { try { byte[] byteArray = response.getBytes("UTF-8"); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new

Reading a big XML file using stax and dom

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-11-27 23:48:32
问题 I need to read several big (200Mb-500Mb) XML files, so I want to use StaX. My system has two modules - one to read the file ( with StaX ); another module ( 'parser' module ) suppose to get a single entry of that XML and parse it using DOM. My XML files don't have a certain structure - so I cannot use JaxB. How can I pass the 'parser' module a specific entry that I want it to parse? For example: <Items> <Item> <name> .... </name> <price> ... </price> </Item> <Item> <name> .... </name> <price>

stax xml validation

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-27 18:50:39
I know I can validate xml-file when I use sax. But can I validate when I use Stax? There are two ways of XML validation possible with SAX and DOM: validate alone - via Validator.validate() validate during parsing - via DocumentBuilderFactory.setSchema() and SAXParserFactory.setSchema() With StAX, validation is possible , but only the first way of doing it. You can try something like this: import javax.xml.validation.*; import javax.xml.transform.stax.*; import*; import javax.xml.*; import*; public class StaxValidation { public static void main (String args[]) throws