
spring cloud dataflow on kubernetes error on deploy

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-11 15:48:05
问题 I am working on spring cloud dataflow stream app. I am able to run Spring cloud data flow server with the skipper running in Cloud Foundry . Now i am trying to run the same with the skipper running in kubernetes cluster and getting below error on deployment even though i am explicitly giving the username in the environment config in deployment. Caused by: io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: GET at: kubernetes_cluster_url:6443/api/v1/namespaces/pocdev

How to set up Spring Cloud Gateway application so it can use the Service Discovery of Spring Cloud Kubernetes?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-21 23:37:26
问题 I created two Spring Boot applications which both will be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. One of those apps will act as a gateway and therefore uses Spring Cloud Gateway as a dependency. Also I want to integrate service discovery with Spring Cloud Kubernetes and that the gateway uses the service discovery to automatically generate corresponding routes. But when I expose the gateway application, which is running in an local Minikube cluster, and invoke the second app/service I get a 503

Spring Cloud Kubernetes + Spring Cloud Gateway: Unable to find instance for k8s service

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-11 15:54:34
问题 I am using Spring Cloud Kubernetes + Spring Cloud Gateway(SCG) and I have some trouble to deploy my app on GKE. SCG does not find k8s service, I still get this error: There was an unexpected error (type=Service Unavailable, status=503). Unable to find instance for uiservice uiservice is Angular app. When I take a look at .../actuator/gateway/routes I have this result: [ { "route_id": "CompositeDiscoveryClient_gateway", "route_definition": { "id": "CompositeDiscoveryClient_gateway",

Feign client not able to make calls- Kubernetes

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-02 20:06:26
问题 I have deployed microservice on docker-desktop for windows and feign is not able to make a call to another service. person ms calling organization ms through feign. I can see in the logs of person pod 2019-11-10 12:58:34.000 INFO [personservice,13631e6ef2efe358,15c75b9a4006485a,true] 6 --- [ionThreadPool-1] c.p.service.OrganizationServiceData : Get the value from the organization ms hystrix-organizationThreadPool-1 2019-11-10 12:58:34.293 INFO [personservice,13631e6ef2efe358,e0bbcecf5f7c349f