
Spring AOP - @Pointcut: @Before advice for @Test methods does not work

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-23 09:58:12
问题 I am working with: Spring Framework 4.3.2 AspectJ 1.8.9 JUnit Gradle The project is based in multi-modules. In src/main/java ( main ) I have some @Aspect classes and they work how is expected. I can confirm it through Runtime and Testing Now I need for JUnit through logging show the @Test method name that is executed Therefore in src/test/java ( test ) I have the following: class TestPointcut { @Pointcut("execution(@org.junit.Test * *())") public void testPointcut(){} } @Aspect @Component

Pointcut is not being applied to Abstract method

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-23 09:13:45
问题 I am trying to apply pointcut to an implemented method in childclass but the AspectMethod is not being invoked around this pointcut. Following is my configuration and code: public abstract class ParentClass { protected abstract void buildResponse(QueryResponse qryResp,ContentSearchServiceResponseImpl cssResp); } public class ChildClass extends ParentClass { @override public void buildResponse(QueryResponse qryResp,ContentSearchServiceResponseImpl ssResp){ //doSomething } Pointcuts: <aop

Pointcut is not being applied to Abstract method

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-23 09:13:28
问题 I am trying to apply pointcut to an implemented method in childclass but the AspectMethod is not being invoked around this pointcut. Following is my configuration and code: public abstract class ParentClass { protected abstract void buildResponse(QueryResponse qryResp,ContentSearchServiceResponseImpl cssResp); } public class ChildClass extends ParentClass { @override public void buildResponse(QueryResponse qryResp,ContentSearchServiceResponseImpl ssResp){ //doSomething } Pointcuts: <aop

spring annotation advice order

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-23 06:05:10
问题 I have a method with two annotations @One @Two public Object foo() { ... } I have two aspects that use these annotations @Around("@annotation(One)") public Object doOne(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable { ... } and @Around("@annotation(Two)") public Object doTwo(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable { ... } But is the order in which these advices are executed indeterminate? 回答1: The order is undefined. If you need determinate order, use @Order annotation.

How to intercept each method call within given method using Spring AOP or AspectJ

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-22 15:37:28
问题 class Test { @override public String a(){ b(); d(); } private String b() { c(); } private String c(){ d(); } private String d(){} } I want to intercept each methods of class Test that is been called from overridden method A() and want to know how much time each method like b(), c() took while processing some business logic separately. How can I achieve it using Spring AOP or Aspectj? 回答1: In order to weave into private methods, handle self-invocation within one class, dynamically determine

Spring AspectJ loadtimeweaving not invoked

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-17 06:42:35
问题 The Spring AspectJ loadtime weaving configuration is building and loading server without any errors, but the aspect is not getting invoked. Here is the list of configuration 1) JDK 8 2) Server Jetty @Configuration @ComponentScan(basePackages = {..}) @EnableSpringConfigured @EnableLoadTimeWeaving(aspectjWeaving=AspectJWeaving.ENABLED) @PropertySource(...) @ImportResource(value = { "classpath:META-INF/aop.xml", ..}) class config { ... } aop.xml <aspectj> <weaver options="-Xlint:ignore -Xset

AOP: Able to Intercept JDBCTemplate calls but not NamedParameterJdbcTemplate calls

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-16 08:46:19
问题 I have made two test methods. One uses JdbcTemplate to make the query while other uses NamedParameterJDBCTemplate. Using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate: @Autowired JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public Student findById(long id) { NamedParameterJdbcTemplate apptemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(jdbcTemplate.getDataSource()); return apptemplate.queryForObject("select * from student where id="+id, Collections.emptyMap(), new BeanPropertyRowMapper< Student >(Student.class)); } Using JdbcTemplate

AOP: Able to Intercept JDBCTemplate calls but not NamedParameterJdbcTemplate calls

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-16 08:46:11
问题 I have made two test methods. One uses JdbcTemplate to make the query while other uses NamedParameterJDBCTemplate. Using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate: @Autowired JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public Student findById(long id) { NamedParameterJdbcTemplate apptemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(jdbcTemplate.getDataSource()); return apptemplate.queryForObject("select * from student where id="+id, Collections.emptyMap(), new BeanPropertyRowMapper< Student >(Student.class)); } Using JdbcTemplate

Conditional behavior of Spring-AOP Before Advice

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-15 10:13:16
问题 I'm a little new to AOP, and got confused about the problem I'm facing. I have the Annotation @AuthorizeUser which acts on methods, on Presentation Layer. I need to check if User is authorized to execute that method or not. Here is the code for AuthorizeUserAspect : @Aspect public class AuthorizeUserAspect { @AuthoWired private UserService service; @Before(value = "@annotation(com.company.annotation.AuthorizeUser)") public void isAuthorized(JoinPoint jp) { // Check if the user has permission

Conditional behavior of Spring-AOP Before Advice

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-15 10:13:03
问题 I'm a little new to AOP, and got confused about the problem I'm facing. I have the Annotation @AuthorizeUser which acts on methods, on Presentation Layer. I need to check if User is authorized to execute that method or not. Here is the code for AuthorizeUserAspect : @Aspect public class AuthorizeUserAspect { @AuthoWired private UserService service; @Before(value = "@annotation(com.company.annotation.AuthorizeUser)") public void isAuthorized(JoinPoint jp) { // Check if the user has permission