
Why is QtSPIM telling me “Label is defined for the second time”?

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-19 01:06:12
问题 I am brand new to learning MIPS assembly code, and we got our first coding assignment. I am getting an error when I run my program (which is supposed to be a tester for another function we have to write) saying "spim: (parser) Label is defined for the second time on line 13 of file /home/jlr247/215_A2_work/jlr247-a2-A.s main: ^" The code I have is: .data .align 4 _arrA: .space 400 _arrB: .space 400 .text main: la $t0, _arrA #load base address of array A la $t1, _arrB #load base address of

Why is QtSPIM telling me “Label is defined for the second time”?

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-19 01:05:33
问题 I am brand new to learning MIPS assembly code, and we got our first coding assignment. I am getting an error when I run my program (which is supposed to be a tester for another function we have to write) saying "spim: (parser) Label is defined for the second time on line 13 of file /home/jlr247/215_A2_work/jlr247-a2-A.s main: ^" The code I have is: .data .align 4 _arrA: .space 400 _arrB: .space 400 .text main: la $t0, _arrA #load base address of array A la $t1, _arrB #load base address of

Handling non-digit user input to a MARS read-integer system call?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-05 12:00:36
问题 I'm doing a simple program of car park that takes the input from the user, and branch to a label in accordance of the input. The problem is, the program always ends abruptly if the user enter an input with different data type than integer (like "a" or any alphabets) Below is my code (that relevant to the input part) : li $v0,5 #system call to get input from user syscall li $t1,2 beq $v0,1,park # go to "park" section of codes if input is 1 beq $v0,2,exit # go to "exit" section of codes if

整理一些除了Google Adsense以外比较适合英文站的国外广告联盟

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-11-26 16:49:40
"整理一些除了Google Adsense以外比较适合英文站的国外广告联盟": 关键词 : 整理 一些 除了 google adsense 以外 比较 适合 英文 站 国外 广告 联盟 最近一直在研究除了google adsense 以外的其他适合英文站的国外广告联盟,以替代被google adsense k站中的广告,不然不错的流量就太可惜了,在网上搜索,整理出如下几个口碑不错的广告联盟。 如果你有其他更好的广告联盟,欢迎大家留言补充啊! infolinks- 一个内文广告联盟,效果很好,除adsense外必做的广告,因为它并不影响adsense的 广告位 ,相当于多一份收入。支持paypal付款。 adbrite – 跟adsense类似的关键字广告,不过广告形式比google多,如整页弹窗和内文广告等,如果你的adsense不幸挂了, 这是第一选择,最初开始放的时候单价会低,半个月至一个月以后单价会慢慢变高,而且整页弹窗的效果也非常不错。一般英文站的效果要好,中文站基本没有效果。 kontera – 内文广告联盟,和infolinks一样,效果一般,收入有时不稳定,但是如果能争取到他们的cpm计划(有流量和质量要求),效果会很不错。支持paypal付款,申请加入有最低流量要求,有一定流量的网站一般还是能通过得。 chitika – 已经由原来的cps转向cpc

Reading and printing an integer in mips

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-07-14 22:36:22
问题 My program is suppose to read an integer and print it back to the user but every time it just prints 268501230 no matter what is entered. Any help would be appreciated. .data prompt2: .asciiz "Please enter value: " array1: .space 40 array2: .space 40 buffer: .space 4 .text main: #Prints the prompt2 string li $v0, 4 la $a0, prompt2 syscall #reads one integer from user and saves in t0 li $v0, 5 la $t0, buffer syscall li $v0, 1 li $t0, 5 # $integer to print syscall exitProgram: li $v0, 10 #

Reading and printing an integer in mips

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-07-14 22:29:09
问题 My program is suppose to read an integer and print it back to the user but every time it just prints 268501230 no matter what is entered. Any help would be appreciated. .data prompt2: .asciiz "Please enter value: " array1: .space 40 array2: .space 40 buffer: .space 4 .text main: #Prints the prompt2 string li $v0, 4 la $a0, prompt2 syscall #reads one integer from user and saves in t0 li $v0, 5 la $t0, buffer syscall li $v0, 1 li $t0, 5 # $integer to print syscall exitProgram: li $v0, 10 #

Developing for nRF52810(转载)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-04-25 22:37:12
Table of Contents Introduction Hardware emulation of nRF52810 Limitations Software emulation of nRF52810 Creating your own emulated project Transferring the project to nRF52810 hardware Transferring emulated project Introduction Starting from version 14.1.0, this SDK supports developing for the nRF52810 SoC on the PCA10040 board, which uses nRF52832. The nRF52810 IC is a subset of the nRF52832 with smaller RAM and flash, and with less peripheral resources. Therefore, you can use nRF52832 to emulate the functionality of nRF52810. For detailed information on the SoC, see nRF52810 Product

QtSPIM: Explanation for code shown without loading program

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-03-05 04:07:09
问题 The QtSPIM MIPS assembler already shows some lines of code even though there is no program loaded, like can be seen on https://ecs-network.serv.pacific.edu/ecpe-170/tutorials/qtspim-tutorial. I assume this is required for loading programs, but I would be very interested in an exact explanation to understand all details. 回答1: A QtSPIM program consists of two parts: an exception handler, and a user program. The default exception handler includes both a short user-mode startup code sequence