
Change sparkline tooltip condition

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-24 08:07:25
问题 I want to change the tooltip format from the desired code. In this code the tooltip of the sparkline points to the states but I want it to point to the months. I have tried putting array also but showing up array. I want to display different months in every states in the sparkline toolbar. Example: Instead of printing Alaska, Q1 , It should print Jan Q1 Feb Q2 Mar Q3 Apr Q4. I am attaching the code for the sparkline highcharts. Highcharts.SparkLine = function (a, b, c) { var hasRenderToArg =

Emailing SPARKLINE charts sends blank cells instead of data

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-22 12:36:08
问题 I have a Google Sheet with cells of both data and =sparkline() in-cell charts, and want to send this data view in an email. I currently use Apps Script to make an HTML email, but the sparkline charts display as blank cells in the email's table. The data as viewed on Google Sheets: The data as viewed in the email: This is my Apps Script code: function drawTable() { var ss_data = getData(); var data = ss_data[0]; var background = ss_data[1]; var fontColor = ss_data[2]; var fontStyles = ss_data

Add label to sparkline plot in datatable

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-14 04:19:31
问题 Is it possible to add a custom label to a sparkline plot? For example, in the code below, I would like to label each bar with the corresponding letter in the label column. Building from a previous [answer] require(sparkline) require(DT) require(shiny) require(tibble) # create data spark_data1<-tribble( ~id, ~label,~spark, "a", c("C,D,E"),c("1,2,3"), "b", c("C,D,E"),c("3,2,1") ) ui <- fluidPage( sparklineOutput("test_spark"), DT::dataTableOutput("tbl") ) server <- function(input, output) {

Include sparkline htmlwidget in datatable cells in a Shiny app, without resorting to (much) JavaScript

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-14 03:42:34
问题 I am using the sparkline package to produce bar charts to place into cells of a datatable in a Shiny app. I've managed to produce the desired output in a standalone datatable , but when I place it into the Shiny app it doesn't work. It may have something to do with how spk_add_deps() identifies the htmlwidgets. I've tried moving the spk_add_deps() function around quite a bit and passing it various identifiers, and nothing worked. I did find essentially the same question here Render datatable

Excel Sparklines not exported to PDF when using COM Automation

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-13 02:13:08
问题 I am having a problem programmatically exporting Excel sheets that contain sparklines to PDF format. When I manually export the Excel sheet to PDF format using Excel 2010's native PDF Exporting facility then everything works fine, but the moment I do it using simple COM automation then everything is exported to PDF with the exception of cells containing sparklines. The weird thing is that when I add a few data bars to the excel sheet then the sparklines near the data bars are suddenly

Angular.js with jQuery Sparklines

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-13 00:46:27
问题 Noob question: I'm trying out the new Angular.js framework but can't seem to get my sparklines to display on my partials. The arrays I want graphed do display in text. It seems to be a problem with when the string loads on the page and when Sparklines are called. I'm calling the jQuery sparklines in the <head> . How do I get these to display in an ng-repeat? 回答1: Check out the JQuery wrapper from the AngularUI project:

Google Sheets Sparklines - colour each bar in a barchart

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-11 17:49:45
问题 I have a collection of sparklines that looks like this: And I want it to look like this: Now, everyday of the week is assigned a colour. Does anyone know if this is possible? Feel free to edit my spreadsheet here: Thanks in advance EDIT (2018/08/22 18:06 GMT): Or is this perhaps possible to do in Microsoft Excel 2017? 回答1: google-spreadsheet According to the reference, the 2 color positions

What is an easy way to display graphs in Ruby?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-11 16:28:15
问题 I am looking at some graphing options, and would like one that has the cleanliness of Sparklines gem but that doesn't require Rmagick. I'd like one with some clear tutorials, too. 回答1: Check out as a possible solution. 回答2: What's the problem with Rmagick? I'm just thinking a little more info might help, but because of that restriction I guess my answer probably won't suit you either--I'd say switch to JRuby and use any of the packages available on

jQuery Sparkline in a cell in ng-grid using CellTemplate and Directive

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-10 10:57:27
问题 I am trying to bring jQuery Sparkline at each row in one cell in ng-grid. The column contains numeric array data. Plunkr --> I am using directive with cell template to achieve this. Cell Template: Directive: app.directive('ngAge', function() { return{ restrict: 'C', replace: true, translude: true, scope: {ngAgeData: '@'}, template: '<div>' + '<div class="sparklines"></div>' + '</div>', link: function(scope,element,attrs){ // var arrvalue=

Properly rendering sparklines in a datatable

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-10 04:24:51
问题 In my example posted below I am attempting to render a sparkline from the jquery.sparkline library as a column of data in a jquery.dataTables table. Loading the example below works just fine but only for the first page. If I click on 'next' instead of having the data render as a sparkline it simply renders the numbers. If I click 'previous' the sparklines show up for the initial set. If I sort I get a combination of the two. I'm new to both of these libraries and I have tried to look on this