
Load higher quality smooth streaming bitrate on start

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-14 02:35:57
问题 Is it possible to adjust the way in which smooth streaming xap bitrate is first started? As it is right now, the player shows a low quality stream until is has buffered the higher quality. Can I change this to allow for the higher quality on start? If so, how? (I've already seen this question, but I am not using the media platform player.) IIS Smooth streaming low quality on start 回答1: The answer on you link answers your question. All that you need is to replace the plugin by properties and

HLS over IIS with Smooth Streaming Format SDK

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-13 14:37:34
问题 I'm trying to run HLS over IIS and Smooth Streaming via Silverlight works fine but not HLS. What I have: New Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Point with HLS support enabled; Connected Publishing Point via Smooth Streaming Format SDK and sending H264 samples to IIS in live mode. IIS creates *.ismv, *.ism, and empty *.m3u8 Smooth Streaming over Silverlight goes fine. Problem is that there is no *.ts files created and m3u8 file is empty as well, that's why HLS doesnt work. No errors or warnings

Azure Media Services Shared Access Policy limitations

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-12 16:18:51
问题 I'm trying to create time-limited URL's for smooth streaming of media stored in Azure Media Services. I am working against the code supplied here. Windows Azure Smooth Streaming example I upload a video file to a new Asset. I encode that video file using Azure Media Service encoding with the preset "H264 Adaptive Bitrate MP4 Set 720p". With the resulting encoded asset, I then attempt to create a streaming URL by creating an Access Policy and then a Locator, which I use to generate the URL

Chromecast sender as a PlayReady license provider

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-11 07:37:31
问题 Let's assume we have an encrypted stream (SmoothStreaming + Playready) and a custom receiver build on googlecast/cast-custom-receiver. I can see that device tries to get the license from the LA_URL (license acquisition URL) - extracted from stream PlayReady ProtectionHeader . I wonder is there a way to override this behaviour? I want receiver to delegate license acquisition to sender - iOS app in my case. 回答1: When you are setting up a Host, you can pass a licenseUrl (see here), I think if

How to play videos using Smooth Streaming media element

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-08 04:13:30
问题 I want to stream a video file in my windows phone application.. After i have researched, the smooth streaming media element would do this, I believe. but when im assigning the SmoothStreamingSource to "http://www.streaming/video.mp4" the player does not show any video. But when i change the source to an .ism file it buffered and the video was playing. but I will only the video UTL from my web service. Pls help me in how to do this im WP apps. Here is my code: Using .ism file which works good:

Is it actually possible to play SmoothStreaming videos on Chromecast without using (format=mpd-time-csf)?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-07 17:14:01
问题 I'm trying to get a video playing on Chromecast - it's available as an MS Smooth Streaming manifest (example), but I can't specify format=mpd-time-csf (example), as it's not available in that format. Directly passing the manifest URL to the Chromecast doesn't work yet, but will be available for the final SDK release, as stated by Les Vogel here: Playing Smoothstreaming URL by providing Manifest file of smoothstreaming to Chromecast device As I understand it can play dash/smooth videos by

Is it actually possible to play SmoothStreaming videos on Chromecast without using (format=mpd-time-csf)?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-06 03:35:30
I'm trying to get a video playing on Chromecast - it's available as an MS Smooth Streaming manifest ( example ), but I can't specify format=mpd-time-csf ( example ), as it's not available in that format. Directly passing the manifest URL to the Chromecast doesn't work yet, but will be available for the final SDK release, as stated by Les Vogel here: Playing Smoothstreaming URL by providing Manifest file of smoothstreaming to Chromecast device As I understand it can play dash/smooth videos by embedding the dash.js player into the receiver app. However, dash.js only plays smooth streaming videos

How to play smooth streaming video in Chromecast?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-03 13:42:58
问题 According the Chromecast Developers page, Chromecast supports the SmoothStreaming container, which I believe uses video chunks with the .ismv extension. I am having problems getting those video files to play. If I am not mistaken, Chrome/Chromecasts's implementation of the video tag only supports .mp4 and .webm files, so using cast.MediaLoadRequest (in a Chrome Sender App) would not work if you pass it a url for a manifest file or .ismv container. It does seem possible to write code that

How to play smooth streaming video in Chromecast?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-03 04:47:18
According the Chromecast Developers page, Chromecast supports the SmoothStreaming container, which I believe uses video chunks with the .ismv extension. I am having problems getting those video files to play. If I am not mistaken, Chrome/Chromecasts's implementation of the video tag only supports .mp4 and .webm files, so using cast.MediaLoadRequest (in a Chrome Sender App) would not work if you pass it a url for a manifest file or .ismv container. It does seem possible to write code that stitches together MPEG-DASH chunks using the MediaSource API from a MPEG-DASH manifest file. However, it