
Render Box Dynamically in Shiny

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-08 03:52:27
问题 how to render a box in shiny according to the data. data is uploaded by user and it can have more data than this, so i have to create a box dynamically. i am running the below code and i am getting four box created in console not in shiny webpage. please have a look, thankyou. CODE list_data <- list(c("AB","CD","EF","GH")) #data ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Text Mining"), dashboardSidebar( sidebarMenu( menuItem("NLP Tree", tabName = "NLP") ) ), dashboardBody( tabItems(

R Shiny - Optimize page loading time with updateSelectizeInput

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-07 23:22:30
问题 Our shiny page has multiple selectizeInput controls, and some of them have long lists in their drop-down boxes. Because of this, the initial loading time is very long as it needs to pre-fill drop-down boxes for all selectizeInput controls. Edit: Please see below example showing how loading long lists impacts page loading time. Please copy below codes and run directly to see loading process. library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),

Split big shinydashboard app into pieces

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-07 20:18:45
问题 I'm quite new to shiny and shinydashboard . My first application has grown to a size that I would like to refactor it into pieces as hinted here: dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), dashboardBody() ) It should be a fairly simple task. However, I could not find any examples on how to split my app into multiple files, and I am not sure what is the best way to do this. I could not get it to work so far: I tried calling

how to manually expand a submenu in a shiny dashboard side bar

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-07 16:45:50
问题 I'm trying to manually expand a submenu in a sidebar in shiny dashboard. The updateTabItems function only works with normal menus, but not with nested menus. Here is basic example (modified from the updateTabItems documentation) to show the problem. If I clicked on 'Switch tab', it switches the menus, but it doesn't expand the first menu that has a submenu. It seems that it only selected the submenu but doesn't expand the tree. library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage(

How to disable a tabPanel in shinydashboard?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 14:01:29
问题 Is there a way to disable a tabPanel until an actionButton is clicked? I tried to do this using shinyjs but that did not work. Currently my ui.R has the following code. I want to disable 'Filter' tabPanel until loadButton is clicked. ` body <- dashboardBody( useShinyjs(), tabsetPanel(id = "tabs", type = 'pills', tabPanel("Load", dataTableOutput("loadTab")), tabPanel("Filter", id='filterTab',dataTableOutput("filteredResults")) )) sidebar <- dashboardSidebar( sidebarMenu( selectInput(inputId =

Turn states on a map into clickable objects in Shiny

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-07 13:31:17
问题 I have the following Shiny Application: library(shiny) library(rhandsontable) library(shinydashboard) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( dashboardHeader( title = "Tweetminer", titleWidth = 350 ), dashboardSidebar( width = 350, sidebarMenu( menuItem("Menu Item") ) ), dashboardBody( fluidRow( tabBox( tabPanel("Set tweets2", plotOutput('plot', brush = brushOpts( id = "plot1_brush" )), h4("Selected States"), verbatimTextOutput("select_states"), h4("Selected States'

How to add style elements to dynamically rendered textInput in Shiny

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 12:24:41
问题 Hello Stack Overflow, in recent questions by me I've solved some major issues related to dynamically rendered UI elements and dynamically created observers for those with the help of some amazing people here. see i.e. here: Dynamically rendered UI: how to delete old reactive variables on second run Now I'm building a part of it that dynamically renders textInput fields. The rendering and monitoring shouldn't be a problem because I can apply the same way of coding as for the actionbuttons we

Making Shiny UI Adjustments Without Redrawing Leaflet Maps

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-07 08:10:49
问题 The Problem I am creating a shinydashboard to help a client explore some spatial data. The UI design I'd like to achieve allows the user to easily switch between two layouts: Map Only Map + Data Table I'm having trouble implementing this design because every time the user switches between layouts two problems occur: The map is redrawn The ActionButtons break, preventing the user from exploring the data My guess is that is may be a namespace issue, but I don't have any experience creating

R Shinydashboard Showing/Hiding UI Elements based on Tab selection

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-07 05:57:00
问题 I am struggling with a requirement if someone can help. I have to show/hide some elements on the Dashboardsidebar based on the tabpanel selection by the user. Here is part of the UI code to give you an idea of the structure of my app. I need to show fourthoutput, fifthout and download button only on tabpPanel 2. ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "My App"), dashboardSidebar( width = 350, fileInput( 'file1', 'Upload Items List', accept = c('text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values

Hide main header toggle in R Shiny App

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-06 23:00:30
I am looking for a way to hide main header toggle icon as we do for side bar in R Shiny App using ShinyJS Package. Attaching the Image for the reference. Code library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyjs) ui <- shinyUI(dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), dashboardBody( useShinyjs() ) )) server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") # Hide Side Bar }) shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) One way to hide the sidebar toggle when the app starts is using the JS() function from htmlwidgets : library(shiny)