
R Shiny server not rendering correct ggplot font family

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-05 07:55:25
I'm trying to apply a nice font to a ggplot rendered in a Shiny app. Setting the desired font in RStudio (on the same server) using family="[fontname]" works correctly. Here a "serif" font family has been requested: Image of correct ggplot font family rendering in rstudio However, when ggplot is then embedded in the Shiny renderPlot({}) function, the font family doesn't change from the default. Here the same "serif" font family has been requested: Image of incorrect ggplot font family rendering in Shiny app Changes to the font size and font face (bold, italic) work as expected. I've checked

How to Add edit delete of table in shiny app

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-04 21:07:50
I want to CRUD(Create, read,update and delete) in a table in shiny app. it update and delete perfectly but when I want to add new record it does not show the input from slider when the textinput is filled. Sometimes it only shows the default of sliderInput which is 2 when the value of name is NULL. ui <- fluidPage( #use shiny js to disable the ID field shinyjs::useShinyjs(), #DT::dataTableOutput("responses"), shinyjs::disabled(textInput("id", "Id", "0")), textInput("name", "Name", ""), checkboxInput("used_shiny", "I've built a Shiny app in R before", FALSE), sliderInput("r_num_years", "Number

Is there a way to deploy R shiny apps as web page using windows server?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-04 20:02:10
Let me know if there is a way to deploy shiny dashboards as a webpage using windows server. I know it is possible using Linux but it need it for windows. If you put below code as last lines: app <- shinyApp(ui,server) runApp(app,host="",port=5050) Then to run you Shiny App in any other machine just give the IP of the machine where the code is deployed and the port number which is 5050 in this case. So, for example if you code is deployed on a machine with IP: then for any other machine just write on any web browser. The only caveat is the machine where

Using many markers with leaflet in combination with shiny server

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-04 15:02:58
I developed a Shiny-app where I make use of the leaflet package to plot a large nr of point (~25.000) on a geographical background. When I start the app from R-studio it all works very well. On the same server I have a shiny-server running. I deployd several apps on this server without any problems. I deployd the app on the shiny-server to make it available for end-users. The issue On shiny-server it looks like the app has a problems handling the number of markers (~25.000). The app 'hangs', I can't do anything, but restart the app. With a smaller number of points (<10.000) there is no problem

Use multiple R Markdown files in Shiny tabs

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-04 12:54:24
I am building a Shiny App and I'd like to have multiple tabsets. The code I've got so far gives me that: shinyUI(navbarPage("OEI Grant", tabPanel("Part 1 - Organization", tabsetPanel("1.x", tabPanel("1.1"), tabPanel("1.2"), tabPanel("1.3") )))) The part I cannot figure out is how to get a separate interactive document (R markdown .Rmd file) for each tab (1.1, 1.2, etc.). I am looking for the equivalent of the includeMarkdown() function but for R Markdown files that themselves contain Shiny Apps. For example in 1.1 I may want to display the output from the following simple .Rmd file: ---

Create a data frame using text input in Shiny

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-04 12:14:08
问题 Trying to create a data frame like below; X Y 20 30 Using textInput to create data frame. But values entered in text area are not assigning properly to data frame. Could you please help me? ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(pageWithSidebar( headerPanel( "", ""), sidebarPanel( wellPanel( textInput('datavalues', "variable values",""), actionButton("submit","Apply") ) ), mainPanel( verbatimTextOutput('datatable') ) )) server.R library(shiny) shinyServer(function(input,output,session){ data1= reactive(

How to cache data in shiny server?

久未见 提交于 2019-12-04 09:40:49
I am using R to deploy an app over the web but the url from which my app takes data is where my app takes time so is there a way where i can cache that data? Because i tried to install the packages memoise,R.cache and a few more that were all unsupported by the server I recommend trying the DataCache package by Jason Bryer. The package is available through GitHub and I was successful in using it today for a Shiny app that I am developing. The main function from that package is data.cache . You will need to a define a function that generates a list of objects that you want to cache, and then

How to display data in MainPanel based on user selection in Shiny R?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-04 06:40:54
问题 My dataframe looks like below, and I would like to build ShinyApp such that when user selects System from SidebarPanel only info. related to selected system gets displayed in mainpanel . Currently, below app displays entire datatable in mainpanel. I am new to shiny and I not sure how to hide datatable in mainpanel . Is there any functionality available in Shiny ? Provide explanation with code DataFrame > df <- data.frame("Users" =c('A',"B","A",'C','B'), "Date" = c('17 Mar 2019','15 Mar 2019',

Exclude row names from R Shiny renderTable

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-04 00:53:32
I am using the renderTable function from the R Shiny package and it is returning a table with row names. Ideally I want a table to be displayed with only two columns, one for 'Month' and one for 'Value'. The output I currently get includes the row names. I have tried a few things to exclude row names but was unsuccessful. Any thoughts? output$valueTable <- renderTable({ if(input$table_view == TRUE){ data.frame(Month = Month(), Value = valueData()[,"Value"]) } }) Hazem HASAN this instruction is working for me output$summaryTable <- renderTable({ df()$donnees }, include.rownames=FALSE) Into your

R shiny login hack

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-03 14:46:48
Having tried the evaluation of the RStudio Shiny Pro Server I am not super enthused by the login/authentication mechanism as their is no simple mechanism to manage user accounts for clients to access a shiny app. As such I am attempting to create my own login mechanism within Shiny which for all intents and purposes is working ok, apart from the display of things within the shinydashboard framework. Things seem to cut off before all the content is displayed. My login code is a slight ammend to , so thanks a bunch there. My code: require(shiny) require