

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-03-06 18:08:16
本文首先针对 Java 集合接口进行了一些介绍,并对这些接口的实现类进行详细描述,包括 LinkedList、ArrayList、Vector、Stack、Hashtable、HashMap、WeakHashMap 等,然后对一些实现类的实现方式和使用经验进行讲解,同时重点介绍 WeakHashMap。希望通过本文介绍,可以让读者对集合的操作方式、注意事项等有一些了解。 在实际的项目开发中会有很多的对象,如何高效、方便地管理对象,成为影响程序性能与可维护性的重要环节。Java 提供了集合框架来解决此类问题,线性表、链表、哈希表等是常用的数据结构,在进行 Java 开发时,JDK 已经为我们提供了一系列相应的类来实现基本的数据结构,所有类都在 java.util 这个包里,清单 1 描述了集合类的关系。 清单 1.集合类之间关系 Collection ├List │├LinkedList │├ArrayList │└Vector │ └Stack └Set Map ├Hashtable ├HashMap └WeakHashMap 本文讲的就是集合框架的使用经验总结,注意,本文所有代码基于 JDK7。 集合接口 Collection 接口 Collection 是最基本的集合接口,一个 Collection 代表一组 Object,即 Collection 的元素(Elements)

How do I write a method that finds all the intersections in an array of ranges?

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-03-03 09:14:08
问题 I have array similar to this [ [0, 10]**, [1, 3]**, [5, 11]**, [14, 20]**, [10, 11]** ] ** Denotes an object containing the start and end indexes shown in the array Now, the intersections are [1, 3], [5,10], [10,11] What is the best way to write a method that returns the objects containing of the intersecting sets? (Could just store them in an array of conflicted stuff as we go along) The biggest issue I'm having is how do I do this such that each object is compared with eachother object?


安稳与你 提交于 2020-02-29 05:30:21
[设置变量] 格式:set 变量名=变量值 详细:被设定的变量以%变量名%引用 [取消变量] 格式:set 变量名= 详细:取消后的变量若被引用%变量名%将为空 [展示变量] 格式:set 变量名 详细:展示以变量名开头的所有变量的值 [列出所有可用的变量] 格式:set [计算器] 格式:set /a 表达式 示例:set /a 1+2*3 输出 7 !注意! set不能用在复合语句里面比如if 1==1 set a=2或者for %%i in (a) do set a=2 预定义的变量 下面是些已经被底层定义好可以直接使用的变量:不会出现在 SET 显示的变量列表中 %CD% - 扩展到当前目录字符串。 %DATE% - 用跟 DATE 命令同样的格式扩展到当前日期。 %TIME% - 用跟 TIME 命令同样的格式扩展到当前时间。 %RANDOM% - 扩展到 0 和 32767 之间的任意十进制数字。 %ERRORLEVEL% - 扩展到当前 ERRORLEVEL 数值。 %CMDEXTVERSION% - 扩展到当前命令处理器扩展名版本号。 %CMDCMDLINE% - 扩展到调用命令处理器的原始命令行。 %0 bat的完整路径名如"C:\Windows\system32\xxx.bat" %1 bat参数1依次类推%2参数2... %path% - 当前的环境变量


放肆的年华 提交于 2020-02-28 20:53:10
一、概述: 在Redis中,我们可以将Set类型看作为没有排序的字符集合,和List类型一样,我们也可以在该类型的数据值上执行添加、删除或判断某一元素是否存在等操作。需要说明的是,这些操作的时间复杂度为O(1),即常量时间内完成次操作。Set可包含的最大元素数量是4294967295。和List类型不同的是, Set 集合中不允许出现重复的元素 ,这一点和C++标准库中的set容器是完全相同的。换句话说,如果多次添加相同元素,Set 中将仅保留该元素的一份拷贝。和List类型相比,Set类型在功能上还存在着一个非常重要的特性,即在服务器端完成多个Sets之间的聚合计算操作,如 unions、intersections和differences。由于这些操作均在服务端完成,因此效率极高,而且也节省了大量的网络IO开销。 二、相关命令列表: 命令原型 时间复杂度 命令描述 返回值 SADD key member [member ...] O(N) 时间复杂度中的N表示操作的成员数量。如果在插入的过程用,参数中有的成员在 Set中已经存在,该成员将被忽略,而其它成员仍将会被正常插入。如果执行该命令之前,该Key并不存在,该命令将会创建一个新的Set,此后再将参数中 的成员陆续插入。如果该Key的Value不是Set类型,该命令将返回相关的错误信息。 本次操作实际插入的成员数量。 SCARD

Getting unique tuples from a list [duplicate]

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-02-24 00:39:40
问题 This question already has answers here : Getting unique tuples out of a python set (4 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I have a list of tuples whose elements are like this: aa = [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('b', 'a')] I want to treat ('a', 'b') and ('b', 'a') as the same group and want to extract only unique tuples. So the output should be like this: [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')] How can I achieve this efficiently as my list consists of millions of such tuples? 回答1: Convert to a frozenset , hash, and

Getting unique tuples from a list [duplicate]

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-02-24 00:35:45
问题 This question already has answers here : Getting unique tuples out of a python set (4 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I have a list of tuples whose elements are like this: aa = [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('b', 'a')] I want to treat ('a', 'b') and ('b', 'a') as the same group and want to extract only unique tuples. So the output should be like this: [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')] How can I achieve this efficiently as my list consists of millions of such tuples? 回答1: Convert to a frozenset , hash, and

How can I create a std::set of structures?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-02-13 11:55:33
问题 I need to create a stl::set of structures. Therefore, I wrote the following: stl::set <Point> mySet; // Point - name of the structure. Then I tried to add a structure instance to mySet as follows: Point myPoint; mySet.insert(myPoint); However, I get several compilation errors (error C2784, error C2676): 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xfunctional(125): error C2784: bool std::operator <(const std::vector<_Ty,_Ax> &,const std::vector<_Ty,_Ax> &): failed to bring

set of list of lists in python

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-02-12 11:50:32
问题 I am having a list of lists : mat = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[1,2,3],[7,8,9],[4,5,6]] and I want to convert into a set i.e. remove the repeating lists and creating a new list out of it which will only contain the unique lists. In above case the required answer will be [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] But when I do set(mat) , it gives me error TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' Can you please solve my problem. Thanks in advance! 回答1: Since the lists are mutable, they cannot be hashed. The best bet is to

What does Hash Values for Set Types in swift?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-02-08 10:52:26
问题 when i read swift documentation i can not understand what that mean?. A type must be hashable in order to be stored in a set—that is, the type must provide a way to compute a hash value for itself. A hash value is an Int value that is the same for all objects that compare equally, such that if a == b, it follows that a.hashValue == b.hashValue. 回答1: Set s are designed for performance. The contains(_:) method on Set is O(1) complexity meaning it takes a constant amount of time to perform no

How to Find a Substring in a Particular String in a Set

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-02-08 10:03:20
问题 How do you find the substring within a string in a set? For example, if I enter "Ville," then Louisville, Gainesville, and Muellerville are found? I have tried the following code for(string const& search : cities) { if(find(search.begin(), search.end(), str) != std::string::npos) { string y = search; employees.emplace_back(y); ,but I cannot figure out what is wrong with my syntax. This code is used in the following project (Project Code) 回答1: You are likely looking for if (search.find(str) !=