
Difference between two tables as a table

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-01-28 10:50:12
问题 IN SHORT t1 = {1,3,5,7,9} t2 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} result wanted: t3 = {2,4,6,8} LONG EXPLANATION I have a list of objects in a scene, and I have a list of all objects not in the scene. I am trying to write a simple bit of code that will allow me to add objects to the scene but make sure that it does not load an object that has already been loaded. So I can say something like.... SafeAdd (2, currentOBJlist, notLoadedOBJList) and have the app load in 2 random objects from "notLoadedOBJList"

Difference between two tables as a table

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-01-28 10:48:59
问题 IN SHORT t1 = {1,3,5,7,9} t2 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} result wanted: t3 = {2,4,6,8} LONG EXPLANATION I have a list of objects in a scene, and I have a list of all objects not in the scene. I am trying to write a simple bit of code that will allow me to add objects to the scene but make sure that it does not load an object that has already been loaded. So I can say something like.... SafeAdd (2, currentOBJlist, notLoadedOBJList) and have the app load in 2 random objects from "notLoadedOBJList"

Difference of two lists C#

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-15 10:47:51
问题 I have two lists of strings both of which are ~300,000 lines. List 1 has a few lines more than List 2. What I'm trying to do is find the strings that in List 1 but not in List 2. Considering how many strings I have to compare, is Except() good enough or is there something better (faster)? 回答1: Internally the enumerable Except extension method uses Set<T> to perform the computation. It's going to be as least as fast as any other method. Go with list1.Except(list2) . It'll give you the best

Compare two vectors of numbers based on threshold of tolerance (±) of 0.5

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-05 04:22:07
问题 I have two vectors g and h . I want to compare the numbers in these two vectors and find out whether there are any common elements between them. But the common elements do not have to be exactly the same and can be within a range of (-0.5, +0.5) . Therefore, g±0.5 is being compared with h±0.5 . g <- c(0.5, 5956.3, 38, 22.666, 590.3, 21.992, 9.3) h <- c(0.7, 99.2, 39, 30, 21.68, 9.4, 22.333, 0.001, 0.000222, 9.999) As an example, in the two vectors above, 0.5 from g and 0.7 from h match

How to receive difference of maps in java?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-31 19:20:34
问题 I have two maps: Map<String, Object> map1; Map<String, Object> map2; I need to receive difference between these maps. Does exist may be apache utils how to receive this difference? For now seems need take entry set of each map and found diff1 = set1 - set2 and diff2 = set2- set1. After create summary map =diff1 + diff2 It looks very awkwardly. Does exist another way? Thanks. 回答1: How about google guava?: Maps.difference(map1,map2) 回答2: Here is a simple snippet you can use instead of massive

rm( ) everything except specific object

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-24 00:57:24
问题 Does someone have an idea about how can I remove everything in R except one object? Normally, to remove everything I code: rm(list=ls()) So I tried: rm(c(list=ls()-my_object)) but it didn’t work. 回答1: The setdiff() function shows the difference between sets, so we can use this to give the difference between all the objects ( ls() ), and the object you want to keep. For example ## create some objects df <- data.frame() v <- as.numeric() # show everything in environment objects() # [1] "df" "v"

Preserving the order in difference between two lists

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-24 00:06:11
问题 I have two lists l and l_match . l_match is an empty list. l = ['gtttaattgagttgtcatatgttaataacg', 'tttaattgagttgtcatatgttaataacgg', 'ttaattgagttgtcatatgttaataacggt', 'taattgagttgtcatatgttaataacggta', 'aattgagttgtcatatgttaataacggtat'] l_match = [] print list(set(l) - set(l_match)) gives the output ['aattgagttgtcatatgttaataacggtat', 'tttaattgagttgtcatatgttaataacgg', 'ttaattgagttgtcatatgttaataacggt', 'taattgagttgtcatatgttaataacggta', 'gtttaattgagttgtcatatgttaataacg'] I want the output the same

[af]?lex regular expression difference

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-12 06:39:41
问题 I don't know how to do this, and I've found no good resources online for how to perform this operation[.] I'm trying to take an annotated EBNF production rule which is a difference between two regular expressions and turn it into a(n a| f?)lex grammar specification rule[.] The problem is that I see no way to do this normally[.]{3} is there a way to do this using Kleene algebra, like the way you can use an empty match with alternation in a context-free grammar[?] 回答1: What does the EBNF

Set difference: find distinct members for two groups in Tableau Desktop

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-11 12:41:45
问题 How do I realize the following set difference/group distinction task in Tableau Desktop? I have products who have either been adjusted or not ( adjusted = 1 or adjusted= 0 ). Note that each product might be listed more than once (as the real dataset is a a matrix of stacked time series for each product). I would like to find out how many products had at least one adjustment and how many had none. This is how would do it in R: Example data: dat <- data.frame( product = c("4005808588763",

MongoDb Except equivalent

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-11 06:35:27
问题 I have a question about a problem I came across while trying to use $setDifference on a collection of documents. All I want to have are all documents that are contained in Root 1 and remove all documents that are also included in Root 2 based on the "". My collection represents two tree structures and basically looks like this: /* Tree Root 1 */ { "_id" : LUUID("9f3a73df-bca7-48b7-b111-285359e50a02"), "name" : "Root 1", "children" : [ LUUID("ca01f1ab-7c32-4e6b-a07a-e0ee9d8ec5ac"),