
Does PIP/Python support multiple versions of the same package?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-07 08:48:12
问题 Let's say I have a package foo , and foo packages up binary shared objects that I use in multiple Python scripts. Foo v1 (shared objects) Bar v1 (requires Foo v1) Baz v1 (requires Foo v1) Now I want to push out a new breaking update to Foo. Foo v2 (shared objects) Bar v2 (requires Foo v2) Foo v1 (shared objects) Bar v1 (requires Foo v1) Baz v1 (requires Foo v1) Can old-dependencies with different major versions in semvar be distributed over PyPI? If so, how? 回答1: Pypi can and will track

Does PIP/Python support multiple versions of the same package?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-07 08:46:16
问题 Let's say I have a package foo , and foo packages up binary shared objects that I use in multiple Python scripts. Foo v1 (shared objects) Bar v1 (requires Foo v1) Baz v1 (requires Foo v1) Now I want to push out a new breaking update to Foo. Foo v2 (shared objects) Bar v2 (requires Foo v2) Foo v1 (shared objects) Bar v1 (requires Foo v1) Baz v1 (requires Foo v1) Can old-dependencies with different major versions in semvar be distributed over PyPI? If so, how? 回答1: Pypi can and will track

What is the meaning of -rc in semantic versioning?

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-07 04:55:17
问题 I get the logic of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and kinda intuitively get what -alpha and -beta mean at the end of a semver number but -rc doesn't ring any bell for me. Couldn't find a satisfying answer there -> 回答1: The meanings of prerelease and build meta tags in SemVer strings is entirely up to the publisher. Always consult the publisher's documentation before acting on tag content. As @lemieuxster points out however, "rc" is likely an acronym for Release Candidate. In the

How can I get the exact latest npm version from a relative version?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-08-09 08:15:23
问题 I want to be able to get the latest released version of npm that matches a relative semantic version. For example, I would like to run something like: npm -v 6.12.x then return the exact latest version that matches: => 6.12.1 I have explored some of the docs and the commands available or think this is possible with npm, but I haven't seen anything that works without installing another global dependency. 回答1: Short answer: npm does not provide a built-in feature to meet your requirement

How can I get the exact latest npm version from a relative version?

早过忘川 提交于 2020-08-09 08:15:19
问题 I want to be able to get the latest released version of npm that matches a relative semantic version. For example, I would like to run something like: npm -v 6.12.x then return the exact latest version that matches: => 6.12.1 I have explored some of the docs and the commands available or think this is possible with npm, but I haven't seen anything that works without installing another global dependency. 回答1: Short answer: npm does not provide a built-in feature to meet your requirement

How To Handle Shared Library Version Bump In a Multi Repo?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-07-23 06:35:15
问题 Little context - today I have a monolith application that I am planning to split into micro-services due to it's growth and the need to partial re-deployments. I'm designing a development process where I have a number micro-services in a multi repo environment (All written in python). There is a one "Foundation" repository that stores ~30 different packages of shared code. Each micro-service is stored in a different repo. The plan to share the code is using a package manager ("private" PyPi)

How To Handle Shared Library Version Bump In a Multi Repo?

随声附和 提交于 2020-07-23 06:33:32
问题 Little context - today I have a monolith application that I am planning to split into micro-services due to it's growth and the need to partial re-deployments. I'm designing a development process where I have a number micro-services in a multi repo environment (All written in python). There is a one "Foundation" repository that stores ~30 different packages of shared code. Each micro-service is stored in a different repo. The plan to share the code is using a package manager ("private" PyPi)

Should a package major version change mean a sub-package major version change?

北城以北 提交于 2020-06-28 03:28:10
问题 Let's say I have a core CMS which has been upgraded from v4.8.7 to v5.0.0 I also have an events module package with it's own version number 1.2.4 which imports this core CMS package in it's composer.json file: "company-name/cms": "^4.3", I upgrade the composer.json file on this package to become: "company-name/cms": "^5.0", But how do I mark this change with semantic versioning? Should it be marked as a breaking change and thus mean the submodule version number would become 2.0.0 or should it