
How to support various iphone screen sizes as of 2014?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-18 06:08:14
问题 I'm almost done building my first iPhone app and am trying to add a background image, and am finding it a little confusing, because nowadays there's like 3 or 4 different size screens among the different iPhone versions, with different resolutions to boot. So while I'm aware of the whole image@2x.png thing, I still don't know what I really need. If I want my app to run on iPhone 4/4s, 5s/5c, 6/6+, how many different versions of a background image do I need, and at what sizes and resolutions?

How to get screen size on Windows Phone 7 Series?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-17 23:06:55
问题 How do I programatically get the screen resolution on WP7? Here are a bunch of links that get the same job done in desktop WPF and Silverlight, but none of them are in the Phone SDK. Any ideas? How can I get the active screen dimensions?

Multiple screen support for my app?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-13 19:54:43
问题 I am quite confused whether I have to deal with my device, which I'm currently testing my app on, as a medium or large density device. The device is Samsung Galaxy S3 mini with 480 x 800 pixels, 4.0 inches display according to the device specifications provided by Samsung. I am planning to optimize my drawables such that a wide range of screen sizes and densities are supported. Since S3 mini is my testing device, which launcher icon is actually the one used in it? is it the one under drawable

Android - Extra large images placed in res/drawable-xhdpi aren't showing on tablet emulator, why?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-13 16:17:19
问题 My app seems to be working on different sized screens well, apart from the tablet sized screens. The way I have worked, is using a relative layout, which has lots of images. The images then have different sizes put in the folders, which will be picked up depending on which images the phone use ( depending on size ) The folders I use are: drawable-hdpi drawable-mdpi drawable-ldpi ^ These were already added when I created the project in eclipse. I read, and added drawable-xhdpi with the

Galaxy Note 5: Density Reduced Automatically

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-13 14:19:01
问题 I created an app that relies on some screen metrics to function. It works great on all devices, except for the Galaxy Note 5. On the note 5 it reports the screen size of 1080x1920 while the screen is actually 1440x2560. I also see the following message in logcat: "ActivityThread﹕ Switching default density from 560 to 420" I'm finding the screen size by calling getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame in the following code: Rect usable_rect = new Rect(); Window window = activity.getWindow(); window

Screen Size in Java

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-13 06:49:55
问题 Hello I am making a game in Java and I get the screenSize using DefaultToolkit, but the problem with that is that is detects the size of the screen if it was FULLSCREEN. How can I get the screen size of the area the game screen (which is not fullscreen) takes up. To be more precise, my sprite is moving beyond the edge of the bottom screen because of the system tool bar which add extra "padding" to it. How can I get the size of the Area the Game Screen takes up? Thank you very much 回答1: I

everyplay causes my screen size change

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-13 04:45:13
问题 used cocos2d-x(version:"cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.1") under xcode I set CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(960, 640, kResolutionShowAll) to make my game fit different devices. With Everyplay effect on, my screen size will change auto, only happened when test on real machine, but no such bug when I use kResolutionExactFit. However, I need to use kResolutionShowAll. With iphone4 it works all well,but with ipad and iphone 5(I think all devices except screen size is 960*640) have

Older devices and AndroidManifest configChanges “screenSize”

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-13 02:08:23
问题 Quoting the documentation: Caution: Beginning with Android 3.2 (API level 13), the "screen size" also changes when the device switches between portrait and landscape orientation. Thus, if you want to prevent runtime restarts due to orientation change when developing for API level 13 or higher (as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes), you must include the "screenSize" value in addition to the "orientation" value. That is, you must decalare android:configChanges=

Android Screen-size and Screen-density Image Selection

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-12 15:54:11
问题 I am having problems when trying to use multiple horizontal images on different size devices. I have 7 separate Ratingbars, each using a different custom image. I have scaled all the images and placed them into their respective dpi drawable folders. The problem I'm having is that on the xlarge mdpi screen (top left of the image below), they fit perfectly, but when I'm viewing them on a smaller screens, the entire 7 ratingbars are too wide to fit within the bounds of the device, as shown below

Which screen size / density combinations should I support for bitmap background image?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-12 13:15:28
问题 I'm writing an application where I will need a number of full screen bitmap backgrounds. Based on my naive reading of Supporting Multiple Screens in the Android documentation, to cover all my bases I should probably have 16 versions of each bitmap: all pairs of [ small, normal, large, xlarge ] and [ ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi ] . This should reduce the work the CPU has to do for scaling the images, but will come at great storage cost. However, this seems wildly inefficient for two reasons: Not