PHP RecursiveDirectoryIterator
I want to do a RecursiveDirectoryIterator on a set of folders in a directory, say ./temp and then list the files in each folder according to the name of the folder. For example I have the folders A and B . In A, I have a list of files say, 1.txt , 2.php , 2.pdf , 3.doc , 3.pdf . In B, I have 1.pdf , 1.jpg , 2.png . I want my results to be like this: A => List of files in A B => List of files in B How can this be done? <?php $scan_it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("./temp"); foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($scan_it) as $file =>$key) { $filetypes = array("pdf"); $filetype = pathinfo(