
Navigating and scraping with R (rvest)

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-20 19:09:10
问题 I am trying to log in in stackoverflow and navigating on the search bar, searching by tidyverse package. The main problem is when I set the url, which is not giving me the form to fill with my email and my password: So url<-"https://stackoverflow.com" doesnt work. I tried the url: url<-"https://stackoverflow.com/users/login?ssrc=head&returnurl=https%3a%2f%2fstackoverflow.com%2f" which is the url that I have when I click on the the Log in bottom, but I also can't find the form to fill with my

How to get HTML element that is before a certain class?

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-20 04:30:28
问题 I'm scraping and having trouble getting the element of the “th” tag that comes before the other “th” element that contains the “type2” class. I prefer to take it by identifying that it is the element "th" before the "th" with class "type2" because my HTML has a lot of "th" and that was the only difference I found between the tables. Using rvest or xml2 (or other R package), can I get this parent? The content which I want is "text_that_I_want". Thank you! <tr> <th class="array">text_that_I

How to get HTML element that is before a certain class?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-20 04:29:20
问题 I'm scraping and having trouble getting the element of the “th” tag that comes before the other “th” element that contains the “type2” class. I prefer to take it by identifying that it is the element "th" before the "th" with class "type2" because my HTML has a lot of "th" and that was the only difference I found between the tables. Using rvest or xml2 (or other R package), can I get this parent? The content which I want is "text_that_I_want". Thank you! <tr> <th class="array">text_that_I

RSelenium: Scraping a dynamically loaded page that loads slowly

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-18 18:39:50
问题 I'm not sure if it is because my internet is slow, but I'm trying to scrape a website that loads information as you scroll down the page. I'm executing a script that goes to the end of the page, and waits for the Selenium/Chrome server to load the additional content. The server does update and load the new content, because I am able to scrape information that wasn't on the page originally and the new content shows up on the chrome viewer, but it only updates once. I set a Sys.sleep() function

How to scrape JavaScript rendered Website by R?

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-18 17:48:07
问题 Just wanna ask if there is any good approach to scrape the website below? https://list.jd.com/list.html?cat=737,794,798&page=1&sort=sort_rank_asc&trans=1&JL=6_0_0#J_main Basically I want to get the name and price of all products However, the price info is stored in some JQuery scripts Is Selenium the only solution? Thought of using V8 / Jsonlite, but it seems that they are not applicable. It'd be great if you can offer some alternatives in R. (Access to exe files is blocked in my computer, I

How to view all xml_nodeset class object (output of rvest::html_nodes) in R?

北城以北 提交于 2021-02-17 06:25:06
问题 If we create an object of class xml_nodes using rvest 's html_nodes() , how can we view all of the output in the R console Example library(rvest) library(dplyr) # Generate some sample html a <- rep("<p></p>", 200) %>% paste0(collapse="") a <- a %>% read_html %>% html_nodes("p") a %>% length # 200 # But only see first 20 (want to see all) 回答1: You can type in print.AsIs(a) to print the entire list. (Truncated for brevity.) library(rvest) #> Loading required package: xml2 library(dplyr) #> #>

scrape a table with rvest in R that has mismatch table heading

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-11 18:24:35
问题 I'm trying to scrape this table which seems like it would be super simple. Here's the url of the table: https://fantasy.nfl.com/research/scoringleaders?position=1&sort=pts&statCategory=stats&statSeason=2019&statType=weekStats&statWeek=1 Here's what I coded: url <- "https://fantasy.nfl.com/research/scoringleaders?position=1&sort=pts&statCategory=stats&statSeason=2019&statType=weekStats&statWeek=1" x = data.frame(read_html(url) %>% html_nodes("table") %>% html_table()) This works ok but gives

scraping with R using rvest and purrr, multiple pages

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-11 12:44:53
问题 I am trying to scrape a database containing information about previously sold houses in an area of Denmark. I want to retrieve information from not only page 1, but also 2, 3, 4 etc. I am new to R but from an tutorial i ended up with this. library(purrr) library(rvest) urlbase <- "https://www.boliga.dk/solgt/alle_boliger-4000ipostnr=4000&so=1&p=%d" map_df(1:5,function(i){ cat(".") page <- read_html(sprintf(urlbase,i)) data.frame(Address = html_text(html_nodes(page,".d-md-table-cell a")))

R scraping with a dropdown menu

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-10 18:25:05
问题 I am attempting to scrape the NBA daily ROS projections from the site:https://hashtagbasketball.com/fantasy-basketball-projections. Problem is the default number of players selected is 200, I would want 400 (or ALL would work too). This code retrieves the first 200 no problem: > url <- 'https://hashtagbasketball.com/fantasy-basketball-projections' > > page <- read_html(url) > > projs <- html_table(page)[[3]] %>% ### anything after this just cleans the df + rename_all(~gsub('3pm','threes',gsub

How do you scrape items together so you don't lose the index?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-10 06:20:11
问题 I am doing some basic webscraping with RVest and am getting results to return, however the data isnt lining up with each other. Meaning, I am getting the items but they are out of order from the site so the 2 data elements I am scraping cant be joined in a data.frame. library(rvest) library(tidyverse) base_url<- "https://www.uchealth.com/providers" loc <- read_html(base_url) %>% html_nodes('[class=locations]') %>% html_text() dept <- read_html(base_url) %>% html_nodes('[class=department last]