
Need to configure the job level timeout option for rundeck Job

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-12 01:43:29
问题 I am using rundeck 1.6 version and need to configure timeout option for the rundeck jobs so that when the job exceeds the timeout value, it automatically stops without going to the next step. Thanks 回答1: As 2.7 Rundeck support Job Timeout Timeout You can set a maximum runtime for a job. If the runtime exceeds this value, the job will be halted (as if a user had killed it.) (Note: Timeout only affects the job if is invoked directly, not if it is used as a Job Reference.) 回答2: On server from

How to Run a Rundeck Job via One-liner Curl Command with an Option Value?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-11 15:01:23
问题 I'm planning on running a one liner curl command like this:${job_id_here}/run?authtoken=${token_here}&Message=hello wherein the Message is an option or if a variable inside a Rundeck job. 回答1: You can use: curl --data-urlencode "argString=-optionname value" http://yourhost:4440/api/29/job/${your-job-id}/run?authtoken=${your-auth-token} 来源:

Impossible to take a wget with winrm protocol

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-11 04:24:11
问题 I am using Rundeck. I'm tring to use a wget with the WinRM protocol, It works with a little item but when I try to download a big item (3Go) I have this error : com.xebialabs.overthere.cifs.winrm.WinRmRuntimeIOException : Unexpected HTTP response .. HTTP error 500. The problem is about a Winrm config ? Timeout configuration ? Log trace : [overthere-winrm:...] failed: WinRM Error: Unexpected HTTP response on http: http://...:5985/wsman: (500) 来源:

Accessing environmental variables on rundeck node

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-10 23:34:57
问题 This is a two-part question. I am running a script using rundeck that depends on access to environmental variables system-wide on the node I'm executing the script on that I have set in /etc/environment. First, how do I get rundeck to ingest the system environment? I can't find any option in rundeck to do this. Second, why doesn't this happen by default? I'm under the impression that rundeck works through ssh; shouldn't the system environment be loaded every time it logs in to the node? 回答1:

Rundeck Gmail SMTP not Working - Unknown Host

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-10 11:38:53
问题 I want to configure Rundeck to allow e-mail notifications. My is: = "" grails.mail.username = "" grails.mail.port = 465 grails.mail.password = "******" grails.mail.props = ["mail.smtp.starttls.enable":"true","mail.smtp.auth":"true","mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465","mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false"] When I run the Job, the error I get is: 2016-05-05 14:49:30,557 ERROR NotificationService - Error sending

Rundeck Gmail SMTP not Working - Unknown Host

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-06 22:48:25
I want to configure Rundeck to allow e-mail notifications. My is: = "" grails.mail.username = "" grails.mail.port = 465 grails.mail.password = "******" grails.mail.props = ["mail.smtp.starttls.enable":"true","mail.smtp.auth":"true","mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465","mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false"] When I run the Job, the error I get is: 2016-05-05 14:49:30,557 ERROR NotificationService - Error sending notification email to for Execution 11: Mail ser ver connection failed; nested exception is com

Does rundeck support jobs dependencies?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-06 18:52:11
问题 I've been searching for days on how to layout a rundeck workflow with job dependencies. what I need to do is to have 3 jobs : job-1 and job-2 are scheduled to run in parallel while job-3 will only be triggered after the completion of both job-1 , and job-2 . assuming that job-1 and job-2 have different execution times. I tried using job state conditionals to do that but it seems that the condition if not met will halt or fail only. My idea is to halt the execution until all the parent jobs


纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-04 14:25:25
下载 sudo mkdir -p /data/rundeck cd /data/rundeck sudo wget 先进行初始化操作 java -jar rundeck-3.0.23-20190619.war 然后可以看到如图所示 用户账号密码配置文件 修改 framework.server.url = 修改grails.serverURL= 来源:

Add a remote node in rundeck

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-03 15:20:01
问题 I want to be able to execute shell commands on remote nodes using Rundeck and I found this video that explains how to do that but I don't understand the private-key part and how to configure it. I keep getting the following error: Authentication failure connecting to node: "test-001". Make sure your resource definitions and credentials are up to date. Failed: AuthenticationFailure: Authentication failure connecting to node: "test-001". Make sure your resource definitions and credentials are

Rundeck not setting up environment variable for remote execution with different ssh port

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 08:38:31
问题 Rundeck setsup all the options passed to a job as environment variable like $RD_OPTION_* but it is not setting up those variables when a job is executed in remote node with different ssh port. The script logs into remote node successfully but environment variables are not there. Please help me with a solution. Sample Job definition: <joblist> <job> <context> <options preserveOrder='true'> <option name='option1' required='true' /> </options> </context> <description>job description</description