Vanilla Rails 6.0: “error Command ”webpack“ not found”
System: Ruby: 2.6.3p62 (rvm) Rails: 6.0 OS: macOS 10.14.6 Setup A fresh Rails 6.0 application: $ rails new testshop2 $ cd testshop2 $ rails g controller Page index $ rails s => Booting Puma => Rails 6.0.0 application starting in development => Run `rails server --help` for more startup options Puma starting in single mode... * Version 3.12.1 (ruby 2.6.3-p62), codename: Llamas in Pajamas * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5 * Environment: development * Listening on tcp://localhost:3000 Use Ctrl-C to stop When I browse to ` http://localhost:3000/page/index ' the system throughs this error: Started