
How do I convert an RTF string to a Markdown string (and back) (C# .NET Core, or JS)

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-25 07:56:26
问题 Question: How do I convert an RTF string to a Markdown string (and back) either in C# or JS, ideally without wrapping an exe? I have a legacy product that uses .NET's RichTextBox control. Forms that use it save their output in Microsoft's proprietary RTF format. Here is a small example of the output it can generate: {\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc1\\htmautsp\\deff2{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\\f2\\fcharset0 GenericSansSerif;}}{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green255

Loading RTF file having Table in TRichEdit without Table borders

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-24 14:13:08
问题 I have a RTF file that I am loading into a TRichEdit control. Only problem that I am facing is, RTF file has Tables in it, loading the same shows table borders. But when I load the same RTF in MS Word it doesn't show any borders(Client want the same behavior). Is there any way for not displaying borders of table while loading into TRichEdit. I am using Delphi7. 回答1: TRichEdit control is less complete than MS Word, in its implementation of the RTF format. As far as I remember, TRichEdit won't

Loading RTF file having Table in TRichEdit without Table borders

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-24 14:12:07
问题 I have a RTF file that I am loading into a TRichEdit control. Only problem that I am facing is, RTF file has Tables in it, loading the same shows table borders. But when I load the same RTF in MS Word it doesn't show any borders(Client want the same behavior). Is there any way for not displaying borders of table while loading into TRichEdit. I am using Delphi7. 回答1: TRichEdit control is less complete than MS Word, in its implementation of the RTF format. As far as I remember, TRichEdit won't

Linux: Command Line Utility Convert RTF to PDF?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-01-22 14:13:46
问题 Any recommendations to convert an RTF to a PDF? I need to do this from my LAMP application, so a command line utility like GhostScript would be ideal. 回答1: sudo apt-get install ted /usr/share/ted/Ted/rtf2pdf.sh source-file dest-file or visit this link 回答2: Alternatively, you can use libreoffice for this task: libreoffice --headless --invisible --norestore --convert-to pdf source-file.rtf 回答3: In my Ubuntu 10.4 I have unrtf , which "converts RTF to HTML, LaTeX, Postscript". From Postscript it

How to selectively underline strings in RichTextBox?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-21 10:21:28
问题 In my program after clicking on the button - selected ListView entries should be copied to RichTextBox. ListView contains contact information, and the effect I want to accomplish is similar to the one in Oultook (when choosing contacts from contact book). Part of my code that serves this purpose looks like that: private void toButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contactsListView.SelectedItems.Count; i++) { if (contactsTextBox.TextLength != 0)

How to selectively underline strings in RichTextBox?

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-21 10:21:10
问题 In my program after clicking on the button - selected ListView entries should be copied to RichTextBox. ListView contains contact information, and the effect I want to accomplish is similar to the one in Oultook (when choosing contacts from contact book). Part of my code that serves this purpose looks like that: private void toButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contactsListView.SelectedItems.Count; i++) { if (contactsTextBox.TextLength != 0)

How to selectively underline strings in RichTextBox?

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-21 10:21:03
问题 In my program after clicking on the button - selected ListView entries should be copied to RichTextBox. ListView contains contact information, and the effect I want to accomplish is similar to the one in Oultook (when choosing contacts from contact book). Part of my code that serves this purpose looks like that: private void toButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contactsListView.SelectedItems.Count; i++) { if (contactsTextBox.TextLength != 0)

Spelling mistakes - Pyenchant

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-13 20:23:30
问题 I tried using python library for spell-check,correcting and replacing. For some complex spelling correction, I need to have a second opinion and to see replaced word underlined or strike through. Even if the file output is in rtf format, it is ok. How to solve it? Efforts so far. import enchant from enchant.checker import SpellChecker chkr = SpellChecker("en_UK","en_US") spacedfile = "This is a setence. It has speeelinng mistake." chkr.set_text(spacedfile) for err in chkr: sug = err.suggest()

Spelling mistakes - Pyenchant

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-01-13 20:22:28
问题 I tried using python library for spell-check,correcting and replacing. For some complex spelling correction, I need to have a second opinion and to see replaced word underlined or strike through. Even if the file output is in rtf format, it is ok. How to solve it? Efforts so far. import enchant from enchant.checker import SpellChecker chkr = SpellChecker("en_UK","en_US") spacedfile = "This is a setence. It has speeelinng mistake." chkr.set_text(spacedfile) for err in chkr: sug = err.suggest()

Doxygen: Empty Detail Description

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-13 03:48:07
问题 Context - Doxygen tool on C codes to generated RTF documents. In the documentation of Modules/Groups, we are getting the header "Detailed Description" even if no detail description is provided for some particular module/group. In generated RTF document this looks ugly. Is it possible to get rid of this empty Detail Description sections? I tried "ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO" but it is not working. I cannot do "HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = YES" as the group/module contains members (struct, functions ...)