
SignalStrength - getSignalStrength() - getLevel()

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-07 20:29:35
问题 I can easily get the sigalStrength in Android via callback onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength signalStrength) and retrieve the signalStrength trough the passed object int signal_strength = signalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength(); and according to the documentation the value varies between 0 and 39.99 Now I want to display this in my app in an indicator that updates as the signalStrenght varies - exactly what you can see in the statusbar on your phone. So my question - how can I use the

Kalman filter for RSSI in iOS

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-06 13:59:39
问题 I've made an iOS App to range the beacons. I've noticed that the RSSI value from beacons is fluctuating randomly with time. In order to get smooth RSSI value, I am trying to use Kalman filter. In Kalman filter equations as described here, the measurement noise (R) can be calculated by measuring variance from series of RSSI values and the process noise (Q) can be assumed as negligible. However, I couldn't figure out exact idea about the estimate of error variance (P) in the equation. Since my

Kalman filter for RSSI in iOS

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-06 13:58:18
问题 I've made an iOS App to range the beacons. I've noticed that the RSSI value from beacons is fluctuating randomly with time. In order to get smooth RSSI value, I am trying to use Kalman filter. In Kalman filter equations as described here, the measurement noise (R) can be calculated by measuring variance from series of RSSI values and the process noise (Q) can be assumed as negligible. However, I couldn't figure out exact idea about the estimate of error variance (P) in the equation. Since my

RSSI information with Scapy

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-29 14:16:30
问题 When I try to get Rssi information from my around wireless network with Scapy , I'm getting some error. Also , I am using ALFA-036NH , my monitor mode is open and OS is Kali Linux. I used below codes : from scapy.all import * from datetime import datetime import os import signal import sys def PacketHandler(pkt) : if pkt.haslayer(Dot11) : if pkt.type == 0 and pkt.subtype == 8 : if pkt.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) or pkt.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp): try: extra = pkt.notdecoded rssi = -(256 - ord(extra[

Bluetooth HC-05 sending error 1F for INQ command only

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-06-12 09:15:54
问题 I have a problem with my new bluetooth HC-05 module. In AT-mode it works perfectly with all commands that I need... exept INQ. I have tried to send whole bunch of other commands beforehand: AT+INIT OK AT+ORGL OK AT+ROLE=1 OK AT+CLASS=0 OK They all are working just fine. I tried to change IAC and INQM settings as well... but the answer from module is always the same: AT+INQ ERROR:(1F) I read related topic here and tried to push the button at HC-05, as it recommended there, but -- no result

Not understanding why I am not receiving any rssi data from my raspberry pi 3 to my server

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-05-16 06:32:25
问题 I am having problems trying to display the RSSI values from my raspberry pi 3 to show on my server. Connection Success as you can see by the picture I have been able to successfully connect my client and server but no rssi data are showing. The following code is what I executed from the pi: var noble = require('noble'); //replace localhost with your server's IP; var socket = require('')('http://localhost:3000/scanner'); //replace with your hardware address var addressToTrack =

Home Assistant 搭建日志(五)——让蓝牙音箱唱歌

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-02-09 18:48:48
首先要感谢大佬,连接蓝牙音箱大部分是按照 树莓派连接天猫精灵蓝牙音箱-篇1 这个教程做的,但是在做的过程中发现照搬的话,有些参数会执行不下去,例如 HCI=hci0 这个东东,其次是我貌似不需要写开机定时脚本,能够自动连接蓝牙音箱的。 教程列表 Home Assistant 搭建日志(一)——安装树莓派系统 Home Assistant 搭建日志(二)——配置树莓派系统 Home Assistant 搭建日志(三)——安装与启动Home Assistant Home Assistant 搭建日志(四)——外网访问Home Assistant Home Assistant 搭建日志(五)——让蓝牙音箱唱歌 1. 安装bluealsa 我使用蓝牙音箱播放音乐是基于 bluealsa 做的,感觉使用这种方式比较简单,没啥坑。 这个版本也貌似自带 bluealsa ,所以安装如果提示 bluealsa is already the newest version (0.13). 的话,就可以直接去到第2步了。 sudo apt-get install bluealsa 2. 连接蓝牙音箱 打开蓝牙工具 sudo bluetoothctl 打开蓝牙扫描 scan on 会扫到一堆蓝牙设备,找到自己的蓝牙音箱,例如标红的那个就是我的音箱: [CHG] Device 4D:B8:6A:17:1A


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-24 09:45:52 根据中国移动测试要求|: 极好点: RSRP >-85dBm; SINR >25 好点: RSRP =-85~-95dBm; SINR :16-25 中点: RSRP =-95~-105dBm; SINR :11-15 差点: RSRP=-105~-115dBm;SINR:3-10 极差点: RSRP<-115dB;SINR<3 这些值当然越大越好 PS:LTE常用名词解释 SINR:信号与干扰加噪声比 (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio)是 指接收到的有用信号的强度与接收到的干扰信号(噪声和干扰)的强度的比值; 可以简单的理解为“信噪比”。 RSRP:(Reference Signal Receiving Power,参考信号接收功率) 是LTE网络中可 以代表无线信号强度的关键参数以及物理层测量需求之一,是在某个符号内承载参 考信号的所有RE(资源粒子)上接收到的信号功率的平均值。 RSRQ:(ReferenceSignalReceivingQuality)表示LTE参考信号接收质量,这种度量 主要是根据信号质量来对不同LTE候选小区进行排序。这种测量用作切换和小区重选 决定的输入。 RSRQ被定义为N*RSRP/

Read Bluetooth RSSI on Windows 7/Vista/XP

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-14 05:28:29
问题 I need to read the RSSI of the Bluetooth link on a Windows desktop - ideally Windows 7 and XP, but would be enough Windows 7 too. From what I studied in Windows CE and Mobile, there is a method in the Microsoft Bluetooth stack API called BthReadRSSI, but for desktop I couldn't found anything yet. Does anybody have an workarround solution? 回答1: The response is that in Windows if you are using MS Bluetooth driver stack you cannot get the RSSI. This apply for Windows dekstop versions: XP, Vista


余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-11 02:37:57
15年综述 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, VOL. 18, NO. 1, FIRST QUARTER 2016 Index Terms—Indoor localization, Wi-Fi fingerprinting, localization techniques, system deployment, recent progresses and comparisons. Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning: Recent Advances and Comparisons 基于wifi的室内指纹定位 随着人们对室内定位服务(ILBS)的兴趣日益浓厚,许多室内定位技术也随之发展起来。由于全球定位系统(GPS)信号的缺乏,许多其他信号被提出用于室内。其中,Wi-Fi(802.11)由于无线局域网(WLANs)的广泛应用而成为一种很有前途的无线局域网。特别是Wi-Fi指纹技术由于不需要对接入点进行视距测量,在复杂的室内环境中具有很高的适用性,近年来受到了广泛的关注。本调查综述了Wi-Fi指纹定位的两个主要领域的最新进展:先进的定位技术和高效的系统部署。关于定位用户的高级技术,我们介绍了如何利用时间或空间信号模式、用户协作和运动传感器。在高效的系统部署方面