
Using the Rome Java API to access metadata fields

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-07 04:08:52
问题 I've been using the Rome API to parse data from an XML feed pretty successfully so for, but have run in to a bit of a snag. Given the following snippet of XML: <entry> <id>uniqueId</id> <updated>2008-11-05T01:32:35Z</updated> <mm:status xmlns:mm="" available="true"/> <title>Title</title> ... ... </entry> Using the SyndEntryImpl class I'm able to use its standard methods (getTitle, getPublishedDate, etc) to pull the title, id, updated date, etc, but havent figured out

Using the Rome Java API to access metadata fields

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-07 04:08:01
问题 I've been using the Rome API to parse data from an XML feed pretty successfully so for, but have run in to a bit of a snag. Given the following snippet of XML: <entry> <id>uniqueId</id> <updated>2008-11-05T01:32:35Z</updated> <mm:status xmlns:mm="" available="true"/> <title>Title</title> ... ... </entry> Using the SyndEntryImpl class I'm able to use its standard methods (getTitle, getPublishedDate, etc) to pull the title, id, updated date, etc, but havent figured out

Using the Rome Java API to access metadata fields

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-07 04:06:25
问题 I've been using the Rome API to parse data from an XML feed pretty successfully so for, but have run in to a bit of a snag. Given the following snippet of XML: <entry> <id>uniqueId</id> <updated>2008-11-05T01:32:35Z</updated> <mm:status xmlns:mm="" available="true"/> <title>Title</title> ... ... </entry> Using the SyndEntryImpl class I'm able to use its standard methods (getTitle, getPublishedDate, etc) to pull the title, id, updated date, etc, but havent figured out


回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-12-12 13:52:27
关注老石谈芯,一起探究芯片本质 微信的推送规则进行了调整 如果文章对你有用,请在文末点击“ 在看 ”,“ 分享 ”和“ 赞 ” 这样就不会错过老石的每一篇推送了 11月11日,苹果今年的发布会三部曲终于落下了帷幕。这场压轴大戏上,发布了苹果自研芯片Apple Silicon的第一代产品:M1芯片。首批搭载M1芯片的Mac机器共有三款:MacBook Air、13寸MacBook Pro和MacMini。不管是发布会上公布的性能提升,还是这几天关于这几款机器的实际评测纷纷出炉,M1芯片的性能和功耗完全超出人们预期,用“颠覆”来形容也不为过。 今天的文章就来聊聊苹果的M1芯片。我想从芯片设计的角度,和大家一起看看M1芯片为何如此牛逼的三个主要原因。 芯片设计的PPA优化 在设计芯片的时候,一个最重要的原则就是对PPA的优化,也就是尽可能的优化芯片的功耗(Power)、性能(Performance)和面积(Area)。通常情况下,这三点不能兼得。 比如,为了提升芯片的性能,我们可以加入多级流水线、增加总线宽度、或者增加各种硬核处理单元,但此时就很有可能会付出更高的功耗、以及更大的芯片面积作为代价。反之,如果我们想要设计低功耗的芯片,那也很有可能需要牺牲一部分芯片的性能。所以在实际工程实践中,功耗、性能和面积往往都是相互折中、互相平衡的关系。 对于一个芯片来说,没有完美的设计


百般思念 提交于 2020-11-14 11:19:33
腾讯云 AMD云服务器是 腾讯云 首推的非Intel CPU服务器。一直以来感觉不冷不热的。不过毕竟是便宜一些。而一直以来有很多朋友对AMD服务器也有一些怀疑态度。今天就分析下这款服务器,与常见的 标准型S2等做个对比看看怎么样,哪个好。 腾讯云 AMD 云服务器和标准型Intel 服务器: AMD机型 标准型机型 2.0GHz AMD EPYC™ 7551 处理器,Turbo频率 2.55GHz 2.4 GHz英特尔®至强处理器 最新一代八通道 DDR4 内存,内存带宽达 2666 MT/s 最新一代六通道 DDR4 内存,内存带宽达 2666 MT/s 实例网络性能与规格对应,规格越高网络转发性能强,内网带宽上限越高。 搭配网络增强,包转发能力最高可达30w,最高内网带宽可支持 10Gbps AMD云服务器使用便宜的AMD CPU,CPU性能100%无限制,采用 AMD EPYC™霄龙处理器,提供平衡的计算、内存和网络资源,建站方面有成本考虑首选 腾讯云 AMD云服务器。 AMD云服务器包括SA1 和新一代SA2实例。从官方规格参数看,SA2使用了AMD ROME CPU,在CPU性能、服务器综合性能、网络性能比SA1都有所提升。 标准型SA2的CPU性能高出上一代三成以上,计算性能增强不少,实际使用中则有更好的用户体验。 标准型SA2的内存带宽大,那么数据流通速度也快

Mobility Express初始化和升级

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-08-17 13:06:57
第一部分:设备初始化 设备开机上电: Enter Administrative User Name ( 24 characters max): lcj Enter Administrative Password ( 3 to 24 characters): **************** Re -enter Administrative Password : **************** System Name [Cisco_6c:af:c0] ( 31 characters max): ME- WLC Enter Country Code list (enter ' help ' for a list of countries) [US]: Configure a NTP server now ? [YES][no]: no Configure the system time now ? [YES][no]: yes Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format: 03 / 24 / 20 Enter the time in HH:MM:SS format: 15 : 52 : 30 Enter timezone location index (enter ' help ' for a list of timezones): help 1 . (GMT

PAT 甲级 1087 All Roads Lead to Rome

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-03-09 02:13:23
Indeed there are many different tourist routes from our city to Rome. You are supposed to find your clients the route with the least cost while gaining the most happiness. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains 2 positive integers N (2≤N≤200), the number of cities, and K, the total number of routes between pairs of cities; followed by the name of the starting city. The next N−1 lines each gives the name of a city and an integer that represents the happiness one can gain from that city, except the starting city. Then K lines follow,

usage of rome media rss plugin

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-22 01:29:54
问题 can anyone explain how to use the rome media-rss plugin found here? I tried the sample usage and everything else i could find in google (which isn't much) but could not get it to work. Specifically, getModule(MediaModule.URI) which is supposed to return a MediaModule returns null on a media-rss feed. getModules() (note the plural) on that feed returns only one module which is a DCModule (what the hell is a DCModule?) Perhaps there is something i need to do to configure rome or something to

Atom:link in RSS using Rome

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-19 09:46:58
问题 It is recommended to add to RSS 2.0. I am wondering if there is any Rome module available to add this tag? Like what they developed for content, media, etc. 回答1: The blog post Adding Atom links to an RSS feed generated by ROME answers exactly that question: there is no build-in immediate support for Atom elements inside an RSS feed ... I’ve implemented an AtomContent class that holds a list of com.sun.syndication.feed.atom.Link but is easy extensible. The code is published as https://github

Get all RSS feed entries with Rome Library

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-11 00:09:18
问题 i am using Rome library for Java to parse some RSS. By default it takes 25 entries. Tell me please, how to get next 25 entries? My test code is: public static SyndFeed getSyndFeedForUrl(String url) throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = null; InputStream is = null; try { URLConnection openConnection = new URL(url).openConnection(); is = new URL(url).openConnection().getInputStream(); if("gzip".equals(openConnection.getContentEncoding())){ is = new GZIPInputStream(is); } InputSource source = new