
Android ROM开发之源码搭建与ROM生成

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-04 17:30:54
本文基于Android 4.2.2源码搭建环境。 硬件配置 4G以上内存、100G以上硬盘空间 :使用Intel i7内核,8G内存的PC编译Android 2.3首次需要半小时左右,小范围修改重新编译在5分钟左右;编译Android 4.2首次编译需要80分钟左右,二次编译速度也在10分钟左右。ccache缓存机制的引入保证了编译的高效,代价是占据大量硬盘空间。Android 4.2源文件在10G左右,编译文件在15G左右,如果使用多个Android版本,硬盘空间翻倍,所以建议保留100G以上的硬盘空间。 64位机器 : 为了编译Android 2.3.x以上版本,CPU要求是64位。 检查硬件环境 : 使用 df -h 检查个磁盘空间使用状况,保证/home空间充裕。 软件配置 操作系统 : 使用Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit Desktop(此版本为最新的长期维护稳定版本,新版的笔记本需要关闭EFTI模式) python : 要求2.6或者2.7 GNU make : 严格要求3.8.1 JDK 6 : 由于ubuntu默认安装openJDK,为保证稳定性,使用第三方ppa安装JDK或者源码安装 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install

Building Android source: error when executing mm?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-04 16:34:58
Update I got this working. How I am not sure. I did no config changes at all. What I did was: Modify Dialog in frameworks/base/core/java/android/app . Went to my root ( /path/to/source/ ). Then I did mmm frameworks/base/ . Everything worked. Then I tried exactly what I had already tried below: Modify ScrollView (I actually never said which file I was modifying) in frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget . I ch 'ed to frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget . Then I did mm . This time I had no errors like before when the files were removed. Now it just works. Maybe this was some caching or

How to push updates to preinstalled apps without allowing installation from unknown sources

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-03 21:01:45
I have a bunch of Android devices which are to be flashed with custom ROMs and given out to clients. As part of that ROM will be a 'support' app, which is tied to the device. It can't be published to Google Play. I need to be able to offer users the opportunity to download and install updated versions of the software. I have checking, download and install code already implemented however it relies on the devices being configured to enable installation of apps from unknown sources. I need the device to be able to download and install this particular apk, whilst still not allowing any other apps

Making an app in the Android Source compile into system/app instead of data/app?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-03 13:20:30
I'm compiling an Android ROM from source, and I have several apps that compile, but into data/app on the phone. They're uninstallable through the phone settings. I want them to be impossible to uninstall from the phone, and to compile into system/app instead of data/app. Any advice? edit:typo Add: LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := system/app LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE := true LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := platform Here is an example of mk file that you can use. In my case the application is then build into system/app : LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_SRC_FILES :


陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-03 11:12:00
ROM 和 RAM 区别: ROM : Read Only Memory RAM : Random Access Memory ROM在系统停止供电的时候仍然可以保持数据, RAM通常都是在掉电之后就丢失数据,典型的RAM就是计算机的内存。 RAM有两大类: 一种称为静态RAM(Static RAM/SRAM),SRAM速度非常快,是目前读写最快的存储设备了,但是它也非常昂贵,所以只在要求很苛刻的地方使用,譬如CPU的一级缓冲,二级缓冲。另一种称为动态。 RAM(Dynamic RAM/DRAM),DRAM保留数据的时间很短,速度也比SRAM慢,不过它还是比任何的ROM都要快,但从价格上来说DRAM相比SRAM要便宜很多,计算机内存就是DRAM的。 DRAM分为很多种,常见的主要有FPRAM/FastPage、EDORAM、SDRAM、DDR RAM、RDRAM、SGRAM以及WRAM等,这里介绍其中的一种DDR RAM。 DDR RAM(Date-Rate RAM)也称作DDR SDRAM,这种改进型的RAM和SDRAM是基本一样的,不同之处在于它可以在一个时钟读写两次数据,这样就使得数据传输速度加倍了。这是目前电脑中用得最多的内存,而且它有着成本优势,事实上击败了Intel的另外一种内存标准-Rambus DRAM。在很多高端的显卡上,也配备了高速DDR RAM来提高带宽


好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-03 06:05:09
四、官方和第三方ROM的提取与分解 官方ROM和第三方ROM的提取与分解。这里我们以G12/Desire S为例,其他HTC android机型与此相同,电脑系统环境以XP为例,win7(或Vista)略有不同。 一.我们先介绍一下官方ROM的提取与分解.官方ROM都是以RUU开头的EXE格式的可执行文件,如下图: 1.请打开C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp文件夹,其中Administrator文件夹是你登陆计算机的用户名,可能有所不同。删除该文件夹下所有以 { 开头的文件夹; 2.执行官方RUU文件,待首个进度条完成出现下一步时不要对RUU界面有任何操作; 3.将RUU界面拖到旁边,不影响操作即可,然后进入C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp文件夹,我们会看到有2个以 { 开头的文件夹,进去后看里面包含rom.zip的文件夹,即是我们想要的;(Win7或Vista系统此处有不同,后文有补述) 4.将ROM.zip拷贝出来备用,此时,可以关闭RUU程序; 5.将拷贝出来的ROM.zip复制到C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\original_update文件夹下

Run a Custom ROM on an AVD

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-03 04:18:01
问题 Does anyone know if this it is possible to run a Custom ROM on a AVD? ANd how can I do this? Thanks 回答1: If you build a custom rom by yourself, after you've built a custom rom you can launch it with the command emulator . But to do this you need at first to build your rom for emulator (usually, full-generic lunch option). If not you can just copy necessary images and also run them using emulator command. For instance, I usually copy .sh script in the folder with Android sources and run this


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:42:01
参考文件: Sitara AM335x Bootload的流程分析 am335x上电后从Rom code开始运行,Rom code 地址0x4000_0000。 Rom code 是固化在芯片的一个引导程序,具体参见《AM335x and AMIC110 Sitara. Processors Technical Reference Manual》第26章。 Rom code运行后,根据sysboot引进配置,去遍历启动列表,寻找启动Image。启动列表主要分为存储器件和外设。从存储器件启动,启动Image需要有Image标头,标头含有入口地址和Image大小。 sysboot配置,SYSBOOT[4:0] = 10011,那么启动顺序为 NAND->NANDI2C->MMMC0->UART0。 上电后,串口输出8个“C”,即是Rom code程序跳转到UART启动了。 AM335X中内部RAM的大小为128KB,其中最后18KB由ROM代码使用。此外,启动时1 KB(0x402f0000 - 0x402f0400)无法访问,所以限制了U-Boot的大小为109KB以内。无法再109KB完成U-Boot的所有功能,那就将u-boot分成2部分。 MLO文件――初始化所需的引导设备(NAND,MMC,I2C等)。 U-Boot.img――初始化所有其他设备。U-boot.img在u

Run a Custom ROM on an AVD

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-02 17:35:22
Does anyone know if this it is possible to run a Custom ROM on a AVD? ANd how can I do this? Thanks If you build a custom rom by yourself, after you've built a custom rom you can launch it with the command emulator . But to do this you need at first to build your rom for emulator (usually, full-generic lunch option). If not you can just copy necessary images and also run them using emulator command. For instance, I usually copy .sh script in the folder with Android sources and run this script: out/host/linux-x86/bin/emulator -sysdir out/target/product/generic/ -system out/target/product

Android ROM DIY之MTK平台手机通用移植 (续)

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-01 21:49:08
上次我们在 《Android ROM DIY之MTK平台手机通用移植》 中讨论了MTK芯片手机同平台移植的方法,那么今天我们就谈谈跨CPU平台的移植,以MT6582移植MT6572为例。实际上大致步骤都差不多,只是还需要注意更多的细节。 一、准备ROM 参看同平台篇 Android ROM DIY之MTK平台手机通用移植(同平台篇) 二、build.prop修改 打开移植包的build.prop,找到ro.mediatek.platform=MT65xx,修改这个MT65xx;再找到ril.telephony.mode=# 这里#为一个数字,把这个数字改为官方包里的;至于机型、版本请酌情处理。 三、刷机脚本的修改 1.修改分区,(参看同平台篇) 2.在"set_perm"这一大段找到set_perm(0, 0, 0644, "/system/vendor/lib/hw/");修改这里的mt65xx。 3.移植内核(这里可以用BeyondCompare直接对比修改) 用boot解包工具把官方boot和要移植的boot解包。这里以6572移植6589为例。 第一步:打开要移植的boot解包后的boot.img-ramdisk