
The Long Tail 长尾巴译文转摘

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-03-06 05:21:22
说明:译文摘自 http://www.yeeyan.com/articles/view/dding/41 ,英文原文地址是: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.10/tail.html 。 1988年,英国登山家Joe Simpson写了一本名叫《触摸巅峰》(译者:这是Touching the Void通用的中文翻译的书。该书讲述了在秘鲁安第斯山脉发生的一次与死神擦肩而过的登山事故。这本书颇受好评,但不太畅销,并很快就被人们淡忘了。可十年后,有趣的事发生了。Jon Krakauer写的另一部描写登山悲剧的书《进入稀薄空气》成为了畅销书。突然间读者又开始对《触摸巅峰》 产生了兴趣。 为满足读者要求,Random House出版社立刻再版该书。图书销售商把《触摸巅峰》放在《进入稀薄空气》旁边来促销。《触摸巅峰》越卖越火。来年一月,该书的简装版再版,并连续高居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜14周之久。同月,IFC制片公司出品了以该书为背景的纪实片,倍受好评。到今天《触摸巅峰》的销售量超过《进入稀薄空气》一倍还多。 到底发生了什么呢?简单地说,是Amazon (亚马逊)的推荐造成了这个现象。 网上书商Amazon的软件注意到不少喜欢《进入稀薄空气》的读者也喜欢《触摸巅峰》,就向购买《进入稀薄空气》的所有读者推荐《触摸巅峰》。读者接受了推荐

Configuring multiple git mergetool and difftool so that appropriate tool will be chosen based on extension

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-25 03:50:10
问题 When I do git difftool, recursively it runs default difftool for all files. I wrote a script to choose appropriate difftool based on extension and I call like git difftool -t mytool in the script. difftool redirects all arguments to new call, which is good. However, it somehow redirects all file names as well. So basically, my script becomes useless since custom difftool is passed with all files that is changed. What I want to do is, limit difftool to one file, or at least call my diftool

Newer version of Docker gives permission errors during build

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-06 07:53:28
问题 I've created a Dockerfile to install IBM Rational Rhapsody on a 32bit Ubuntu image, which builds correctly with Docker 18.03.0-ce on Windows 7 but fails with Docker 18.09.2 on a Linux Mint 19 VM (Ubuntu Bionic repos). IBM's Java-based installer throws a permissions issue, and the Docker changelogs didn't show any obvious reasons for this. The Dockerfile up to the failing command is as follows: FROM i386/ubuntu:xenial-20181005 AS installation ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get

Understanding on Termination Connector of State Diagram in IBM Rhapsody

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-24 02:13:05
问题 In IBM Rhapsody if i have created instance of a class using new, then Do we have to take care for deallocating memory by calling delete or Termination Connector will handle its destruction with memory deallocation in its State Diagram?? 回答1: If you are using C++ and the OXF (Object Execution Framework), then rather than calling delete , you should call destroy() on the object you want to delete. Example: C *c = new C(); // cleanup c->destroy(); Note: Deleting an OMReactive object while the

Unable to run Rational Rhapsody due to “Unable to compile” error

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-23 03:06:25
问题 I have problems with running the code in rhapsody and my error message is: " Building ------------ MainDefaultComponent.class ------------ Executing: "C:\Users\olle\IBM\Rational\Rhapsody\7.5.3\Share\etc\jdkmake.bat" DefaultComponent.bat build Unable to compile Build Done " Do anybody know how to make my program to successfully compile? 回答1: The error is because Rhapsody can't find a java compiler. If you want to generate Java code using Rhapsody you need a JDK installed before you install

Way to have git only recognize a file as changed if more than a specific set of lines change?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-22 10:35:28
问题 In my current project, I am attempting to use git to version control text files that are utilized by software that generates code from them. This in itself isn't a problem, the problem is that every time I generate code, it automatically updates this file with properties such as the date the code was generated, as well as my name. You can imagine it looking something like this: SomeHeader{ -SomeProperty : x -NameOfUserThatGenerateCode: myName -DateTimeCodeGenerated: 2013-07-23 06:28

QVT transformation applied to UML (XMI) models exported from Rhapsody

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-08 12:45:44
问题 I guess this is quite a strange question about models transformation. I am starting from a UML 2.2 model defined with Rhapsody (IBM/Telelogic) and exported in XMI by means of the Rhapsody XMI toolkit. I have succesfully opened it with Topcased (The Eclipse based UML/Sysml modeling environment). I have therefore applied a QVT transformation to it, aimed at creating a new UML model with a specific subset of entities. Unfortunately i have not found the right way to retrieve entities description

Unable to run Rational Rhapsody due to “Unable to compile” error

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-07 14:05:22
I have problems with running the code in rhapsody and my error message is: " Building ------------ MainDefaultComponent.class ------------ Executing: "C:\Users\olle\IBM\Rational\Rhapsody\7.5.3\Share\etc\jdkmake.bat" DefaultComponent.bat build Unable to compile Build Done " Do anybody know how to make my program to successfully compile? The error is because Rhapsody can't find a java compiler. If you want to generate Java code using Rhapsody you need a JDK installed before you install Rhapsody, not just the JRE. What JDK did you have installed before you installed Rhapsody, and where did you

Way to have git only recognize a file as changed if more than a specific set of lines change?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 03:33:19
In my current project, I am attempting to use git to version control text files that are utilized by software that generates code from them. This in itself isn't a problem, the problem is that every time I generate code, it automatically updates this file with properties such as the date the code was generated, as well as my name. You can imagine it looking something like this: SomeHeader{ -SomeProperty : x -NameOfUserThatGenerateCode: myName -DateTimeCodeGenerated: 2013-07-23 06:28 -SomeOtherProperty: y } What I want, is a way to tell git to say that "it is okay" if both the Name and