
Reversing default scale gradient ggplot2

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-02-07 05:13:10
问题 I am newbie, I am trying to desing a heat map. This is my code: ggplot(gd, aes(Qcountry, Q6_1_Q6d), order = TRUE) + geom_tile(aes(fill = prob), colour = "white") + theme_minimal() + labs( y = "Main reason for mobility", x = "Country") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.3)) + scale_fill_gradient(name = "(%)") Which produces a perfect chart, my problem is low levels are dark blue, and higher values are light blue, which is not intuitive. Most common way to do is

The reverse/inverse of the normal distribution function in R

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-06 11:00:45
问题 To plot a normal distribution curve in R we can use: (x = seq(-4,4, length=100)) y = dnorm(x) plot(x, y) If dnorm calculates y as a function of x, does R have a function that calculates x as a function of y? If not what is the best way to approach this? 回答1: I'm not sure if the inverse of the density function is built in -- it's not used nearly as often as the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. I can't think offhand of too many situation where the inverse density function is

【SICP练习】87 练习2.59

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-02-06 07:46:14
练习2.59 我们可以采用迭代来完成这个过程,至于怎么迭代的,接下来就是代码了。 ( define ( union-set set1 set2) ( define ( union-set-iter set1 set2) ( if ( null? input) ( reverse result) ( let ( ( current-element ( car input) ) ( remain-element ( cdr input) ) ( if ( element-of-set? current-element result) ( union-set-iter remain-element result) ( union-set-iter remain-element ( cons current-element result) ) ) ) ) ) ( union-set-iter ( append set1 set2) ‘ () ) ) 感谢访问,希望对您有所帮助。 欢迎关注或收藏、评论或点赞。 为使本文得到斧正和提问,转载请注明出处: 版权声明:本文为 NoMasp柯于旺 原创文章,未经许可严禁转载!欢迎访问我的博客: 来源: oschina 链接: https:/

plot first and last columns (variable number) gnuplot

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-05 07:11:26
问题 It might be very simple, but I cannot find the specific answer to this: how can I plot the first vs the last and the second to last columns in several files whose column number is variable? is there something like plot "mydata.txt" using 1:-1? I've already tried to use tail, but I don´t know hot to specifically use it, and couldn´t make this answer Count columns in csv in gnuplot work neither :( Thanks! 回答1: An answer to Automatic series in gnuplot shows one possibility. But that doesn't work

plot first and last columns (variable number) gnuplot

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-05 07:11:05
问题 It might be very simple, but I cannot find the specific answer to this: how can I plot the first vs the last and the second to last columns in several files whose column number is variable? is there something like plot "mydata.txt" using 1:-1? I've already tried to use tail, but I don´t know hot to specifically use it, and couldn´t make this answer Count columns in csv in gnuplot work neither :( Thanks! 回答1: An answer to Automatic series in gnuplot shows one possibility. But that doesn't work

Javascript - Reverse words in a sentence

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-05 05:55:06
问题 Please refer - var a = "who all are coming to the party and merry around in somewhere"; res = ""; resarr = []; for(i=0 ;i<a.length; i++) { if(a[i] == " ") { res+= resarr.reverse().join("")+" "; resarr = []; } else { resarr.push(a[i]); } } console.log(res); The last word does not reverse and is not outputted in the final result. Not sure what is missing. 回答1: It problem is your if(a[i] == " ") condition is not satisfied for the last word var a = "who all are

Spyder keeps displaying old code when Run

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-01-29 14:52:04
问题 I updated my code, saved it and then when I try to run it I keep getting old code that isn't there anymore. I restarted the session and deleted the old file and created a new one...still happening. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. 回答1: Try selecting : Execute in a dedicated console under Run --> Configure will start a new IPython Console every time the program is executed. Main use of this mode over Execute in current console is that we can be certain that there are no global objects

Giving a specific position to cursor in terminal (up-line) after previous line breaks

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-01-29 05:42:01
问题 I am working on a script to show in the terminal an empty matrix with dot representing all the elements to be filled. Then, I want to ask to the user which element he wants to select for each position. I had some issues that I couldn't solve with the code given by the professor: Printing string elements on terminal at certain position. I have found another way by writting the following code: for y in range(0, nbLines): for x in range(0, nbColumns): print("{0}\t".replace('\t', ' ' * 5).format(

Printing lines in reverse java

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-28 05:02:32
问题 I'm trying to wrap my head around a problem I have in a programming set. We're supposed to write code that reads from a file and prints it out. I get that, I can do it. What he wants us to do is have it print out in reverse. the file reads: abc 123 987 He wants: 987 123 abc The code, as it is, is as follows: { FileReader n=new FileReader("F:\\Java\\Set 8\\output1.txt"); Scanner in=new Scanner(n); int l; while (in.hasNext()) { l=in.nextInt(); System.out.println(l); } in.close(); } } Yes, I am

C: Printing from char array produces erroneous characters

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-27 19:15:51
问题 Solutions for K. N. King's C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition , Chapter 8, Programming Project 14, produces different outputs both correct and incorrect. Examples shown below: Reversal of sentence: you can't swallow a cage can you? Reversal of sentence: you can't swallow a cage can you�(�? Reversal of sentence: you can't swallow a cage can you��x�? Reversal of sentence: you can't swallow a cage can you�Ց�? As shown by the example input, correct output should be: Enter a sentence: