
In Haskell, how do you trim whitespace from the beginning and end of a string?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-01 02:02:57
How do you trim whitespace from the start and end of a string? trim " abc " => "abc" Edit: Ok, let me be a little clearer. I did not understand that string literals were treated so differently from Strings. I would like to do this: import qualified Data.Text as T let s :: String = " abc " in T.strip s Is this possible in Haskell? I am using -XOverloadedStrings but that appears only to work for literals. If you have serious text processing needs then use the text package from hackage: > :set -XOverloadedStrings > import Data.Text > strip " abc " "abc" If you're too stubborn to use text and don

Elasticsearch “pattern_replace”, replacing whitespaces while analyzing

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-01 00:11:58
Basically I want to remove all whitespaces and tokenize the whole string as a single token. (I will use nGram on top of that later on.) This is my index settings: "settings": { "index": { "analysis": { "filter": { "whitespace_remove": { "type": "pattern_replace", "pattern": " ", "replacement": "" } }, "analyzer": { "meliuz_analyzer": { "filter": [ "lowercase", "whitespace_remove" ], "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "standard" } } } } Instead of "pattern": " " , I tried "pattern": "\\u0020" and \\s , too. But when I analyze the text "beleza na web", it still creates three separate tokens: "beleza

Elasticsearch “pattern_replace”, replacing whitespaces while analyzing

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-11-30 18:24:52
问题 Basically I want to remove all whitespaces and tokenize the whole string as a single token. (I will use nGram on top of that later on.) This is my index settings: "settings": { "index": { "analysis": { "filter": { "whitespace_remove": { "type": "pattern_replace", "pattern": " ", "replacement": "" } }, "analyzer": { "meliuz_analyzer": { "filter": [ "lowercase", "whitespace_remove" ], "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "standard" } } } } Instead of "pattern": " " , I tried "pattern": "\\u0020" and

How do I replace sequences of whitespaces by one space but don't trim in XSLT?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-30 14:53:14
The function normalize-space removes leading and trailing whitespace and replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space. How can I only replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space in XSLT 1.0? For instance "..x.y...\n\t..z." (spaces replaced by a dot for readability) should become ".x.y.z." . Without Becker's method, you could use some discouraged character as mark: translate(normalize-space(concat('',.,'')),'','') Note : Three function calls... Or with any character but repeating some expression: substring( normalize-space(concat('.',.,'.')),

Removing more than one white space in powershell

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-11-30 11:37:43
I was trying to find a way in powershell to remove more than one white space. But what i found is how to do it in php. " Removing more than one white-space " There will be similar regular expression may available . How to acheive the same in powershell? My string is like this Xcopy Source Desination Some lines may contain more than one white space between Source and destination. If you're looking to collapse multiple consecutive whitespace characters into a single space then you can do this using the -replace operator: '[ Hello, World! ]' -replace '\s+', ' ' ...returns... [ Hello, World! ] The

remove whitespace in std::string [duplicate]

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-11-30 08:07:05
This question already has an answer here: Remove spaces from std::string in C++ 13 answers In C++, what's an easy way to turn: This std::string \t\tHELLO WORLD\r\nHELLO\t\nWORLD \t Into: HELLOWORLDHELLOWORLD Simple combination of std::remove_if and std::string::erase . Not totally safe version s.erase( std::remove_if( s.begin(), s.end(), ::isspace ), s.end() ); For safer version replace ::isspace with std::bind( std::isspace<char>, _1, std::locale::classic() ) (Include all relevant headers) For a version that works with alternative character types replace <char> with <ElementType> or whatever

How can I trim whitespace by Velocity

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-11-30 07:59:30
问题 I have a method called render_something which can creates a lot of whitespace, for example: <a href="#">#render_something('xxx')</a> The result can be: <a href="#"> something that generate from redner_something </a> Which actually I want it to be like this: <a href="#">something that generate from redner_something</a> Does velocity has something like this? #trim(#render_something('xxx')) 回答1: I just read this article on Velocity Whitespace Gobbling which suggests a few work-arounds including

Atom text editor remove trailing whitespace on save

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-30 05:55:22
问题 I use Sublime text . Now I am trying Atom . When I save any file in sublime text it does not include any trailing blank line. But saving any file in Atom leaves a trailing blank line. How do I force Atom not to leave trailing white spaces? 回答1: Under your Atom Preferences go to Packages tab and search for whitespace . Click on the whitespace package and uncheck Ensure Single Trailing Newline option 回答2: On global level this can be changed using settings in Whitespace package, but if you want

Removing more than one white space in powershell

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-29 16:57:40
问题 I was trying to find a way in powershell to remove more than one white space. But what i found is how to do it in php. "Removing more than one white-space" There will be similar regular expression may available . How to acheive the same in powershell? My string is like this Xcopy Source Desination Some lines may contain more than one white space between Source and destination. 回答1: If you're looking to collapse multiple consecutive whitespace characters into a single space then you can do

Optional Whitespace Regex

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-29 04:42:28
问题 I'm having a problem trying to ignore whitespace in-between certain characters. I've been Googling around for a few days and can't seem to find the right solution. Here's my code: // Get Image data preg_match('#<a href="(.*?)" title="(.*?)"><img alt="(.*?)" src="(.*?)"[\s*]width="150"[\s*]height="(.*?)"></a>#', $data, $imagematch); $image = $imagematch[4]; Basically these are some of the scenarios I have: <a href="/wiki/File:Sky1.png" title="File:Sky1.png"><img alt="Sky1.png" src="http:/