
How to replace just one whitespace with regex in python?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-23 16:58:30
问题 for example: T h e t e x t i s w h a t I w a n t t o r e p l a c e I want the result like this: The text is what I want to replace I tried that with shell, sed, echo 'T h e t e x t i s W h a t I w a n t r e p l a c e'|sed -r "s/(([a-zA-Z])\s){1}/\2/g"|sed 's/\ / /g' it's successfully. but I don't know how to replace this in python . could anybody help me? 回答1: If you just want to convert a string that has whitespace between each chars: >>> import re >>> re.sub(r'(.) ', r'\1', 'T h e t e x t i

Wordpress – HTML document does not start at line one

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-23 06:08:15
问题 I've been struggling with this problem for a long time now, but I cannot really find the solution. The problem is that < !DOCTYPE html etc... does not start at the first line, but leaves four blank lines before it starts. All my files ( header.php , index.php etc) have no line breaks before they start. Anyone with any similar problems/experiences out there? It would have been of huge help! See here for reference: view-source: Thank you 回答1: This is most often not caused by

Wordpress – HTML document does not start at line one

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-23 06:08:02
问题 I've been struggling with this problem for a long time now, but I cannot really find the solution. The problem is that < !DOCTYPE html etc... does not start at the first line, but leaves four blank lines before it starts. All my files ( header.php , index.php etc) have no line breaks before they start. Anyone with any similar problems/experiences out there? It would have been of huge help! See here for reference: view-source: Thank you 回答1: This is most often not caused by

Why do I get error C3851 (a universal-character-name cannot designate a character in the basic character set)?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-23 05:05:55
问题 I've been trying to translate an example whitespace remover from here on SO to run in a C++-cli project. The following looks fine as far as intellisense is concerned: static String^ TrimAllWithInplaceCharArray(String^ str) { unsigned int len = str->Length; array<wchar_t, 1>^ src = str->ToCharArray(); int dstIdx = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { wchar_t ch = src[i]; switch (ch) { case L'\u0020': case L'\u00A0': case L'\u1680': case L'\u2000': case L'\u2001': case L'\u2002': case L'

Removing more than one white-space

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-22 03:49:15
问题 So, If I have a string like "hello what is my name" How can I take all of the spaces and replace each with only one space? 回答1: This should do it: $replaced = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $text); Output: hello what is my name 回答2: Found the solution: <?php $str = ' This is a test '; $count = 1; while($count) $str = str_replace(' ', ' ', $str, $count); ?> 回答3: Try this:- $desc = "hello what is my name"; echo trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $desc)); 回答4: You can use trim() , So in your case

Ignoring whitespace (in certain parts) in Antlr4

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-21 06:04:03
问题 I am not so familiar with antlr. I am using version 4 and I have a grammar where whitespace is not important in some parts (but it might be in others, or rather its luck). So say we have the following grammar grammar Foo; program : A* ; A : ID '@' ID '(' IDList ')' ';' ; ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; IDList : ID (',' IDList)* ; WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; and a test input foo@bar(X,Y); foo@baz ( z,Z) ; The first line is parsed correctly whereas the second one is not. I don't want to polute my rules with the

Website is displaying a white space on right side of screen in iPhone

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-21 05:23:08
问题 I am having a problem on -- an approximately 25px wide white space/border is showing on the right side of the screen on iPhone. I researched the problem on stackoverflow and these posts are relevant but when I tried the various solutions offered I have not been able to fix the problem: Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait Website body background rendering a right white margin in iPhone Safari White space on right side of

Remove white space below footer [closed]

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-20 08:19:12
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . There's always a large empty white space below my footer. How do I ensure that the page ends at the end of the footer? 回答1: There are three solutions to this problem In all of the following examples I've just a extremely basic HTML-template by only using three divs: header, content and footer. All the options

Can't remove whitespaces from textarea

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-20 05:50:31
问题 I have two files. First file is a form and the second file displays result. First file: <form action="show.php" method=post> <textarea name="test" cols=40 rows=6> </textarea> <input type=submit value="submit"> </form> Second file: <?php $text = trim($_POST['test']); $textAr = explode("\n", $text); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($textAr); $i++) { $link = str_replace(" ", "", $textAr[$i]); echo $link."---<br>"; } ?> When I enter in the form for example one two three the result is: one --- two --- three--

Regex: How to remove extra spaces between strings in Perl

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-19 18:25:35
问题 I am working on a program that take user input for two file names. Unfortunately, the program can easily break if the user does not follow the specified format of the input. I want to write code that improves its resiliency against these types of errors. You'll understand when you see my code: # Ask the user for the filename of the qseq file and barcode.txt file print "Please enter the name of the qseq file and the barcode file separated by a comma:"; # user should enter filenames like this: