
Scala tail recursive method has an divide and remainder error

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-19 07:47:28
问题 I'm currently computing the binomial coefficient of two natural numbers by write a tail recursion in Scala. But my code has something wrong with the dividing numbers, integer division by k like I did as that will give you a non-zero remainder and hence introduce rounding errors. So could anyone help me figure it out, how to fix it ? def binom(n: Int, k: Int): Int = { require(0 <= k && k <= n) def binomtail(n: Int, k: Int, ac: Int): Int = { if (n == k || k == 0) ac else binomtail(n - 1, k - 1,

Will setTimeout use Heroku free dyno hours?

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-08 04:50:04
问题 I have a bot with a command that allows the user to input a message separated with a dash and then a specified time, this is then passed to the bot and the bot reminds the user with the message after the specified amount of time has passed. function reminder(msg) { const message = msg.content.replace(" ",""); const params = message.split("-"); setTimeout(() => {[0]); }, (parseInt(params[1])*1000)); } I intend to run this bot on Heroku, but

Will setTimeout use Heroku free dyno hours?

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-08 04:48:08
问题 I have a bot with a command that allows the user to input a message separated with a dash and then a specified time, this is then passed to the bot and the bot reminds the user with the message after the specified amount of time has passed. function reminder(msg) { const message = msg.content.replace(" ",""); const params = message.split("-"); setTimeout(() => {[0]); }, (parseInt(params[1])*1000)); } I intend to run this bot on Heroku, but

Will setTimeout use Heroku free dyno hours?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-08 04:47:38
问题 I have a bot with a command that allows the user to input a message separated with a dash and then a specified time, this is then passed to the bot and the bot reminds the user with the message after the specified amount of time has passed. function reminder(msg) { const message = msg.content.replace(" ",""); const params = message.split("-"); setTimeout(() => {[0]); }, (parseInt(params[1])*1000)); } I intend to run this bot on Heroku, but


拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-04-06 03:42:11
一.部署安装 (一)常用安装方式 1. curl | bash 2. dockerfile安装方式正在测试中 (二)安装参考文档 1. 2. https : // 3. https :// 二.使用规范 (一)服务地址 1. 账户:syncd 密码:111111 (二)使用操作 1.项目配置 项目空间 项目空间是项目的基本组织单元,是进行项目和多用户隔离和访问控制的主要边界。 项目 -> 空间管理 -> 新增项目空间 项目管理 项目 -> 项目管理 -> [切换项目空间] -> 新增项目 成员管理 只有将用户添加到该项目空间,成为空间成员后才具有相应的权限。 项目 -> 成员管理 -> [切换项目空间] -> 添加新成员 在 添加新成员 输入侧框中输入侧待加入成员的关键词,选中用户后点击添加。 2. 集群配置 添加集群 在创建项目前,需要先添加好项目所需的服务器集群,新建集群步骤如下: 服务器 -> 集群管理 -> 新增集群 按实际情况输入集群名称,如图: 添加服务器 在新建的集群中添加服务器信息,步骤如下:

It is not under singleton mode, U can't use it

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-02-04 02:41:58
问题 In my Reminder app, If I select time which just passed away, then app not working, getting following error: Log D/ANRAppManager: !!! It is not under singleton mode, U can't use it. !!! 05-13 10:55:19.934 22594-22600/com.mri I/dalvikvm: threadid=3: reacting to signal 3 05-13 10:55:20.190 22594-22600/com.mri D/dalvikvm: JIT unchain all for threadid=1 05-13 10:55:20.940 22594-22600/com.mri W/dalvikvm: threadid=3: spin on suspend #1 threadid=1 (pcf=0) 05-13 10:55:20.940 22594-22600/com.mri E

How to use Google Now to set alarms and reminders through 3rd party app

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-25 05:51:52
问题 I've developed an Android alarm clock/reminder app and I'd like to know if there is a way possible to make Google Now at least prompt the user whether they want to set the alarm/reminder either through the default app or mine. 回答1: What you describe sounds achievable with Google System Voice Actions. It is a bit different than Google Now, the anticipatory cards UI, but as Google Now is shown with the speech recognition part that may explain the confusion when searching. See: Google System

Android : Set reminder functionality

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-24 04:19:52
问题 I am developing an application with reminder functionality. The code i used is as follows to set the reminder and event: private void addReminder(int statrYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int startHour, int startMinut, String title){ // Convert start of begin time of reminder in milliseconds. Calendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance(); beginTime.set(statrYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinut); long startMillis = beginTime.getTimeInMillis(); // String to access default google

EKEvents/EKReminders set but are not displaying on calendar

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-23 21:05:46
问题 I am setting events to calendar. The code works throughly but wen I check if the event r set on my device's calendar. It doesnt show anything. I am doing this in ios6, when I do it for ios5, it works fine. 回答1: This worked for me, you can try the same. I had to navigate from one page to another, so posting the link to the two pages. First -> Then, from there to -> I had to go into

Service Fabric Reminders

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-23 19:28:31
问题 Documentation says: Reminders are a mechanism to trigger persistent callbacks on an actor at specified times. Their functionality is similar to timers. But unlike timers, reminders are triggered under all circumstances until the actor explicitly unregisters them or the actor is explicitly deleted. Specifically, reminders are triggered across actor deactivations and failovers because the Actors runtime persists information about the actor's reminders. Let's say we have a reminder set to run