
Mixed Erlang/Elixir projects - can I use mix or rebar?

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-18 06:03:02
问题 For Erlang code, I use rebar . For Elixir code, I use the built-in mix tool. Now I want to have a mixed Erlang/Elixir project. Can I use rebar to compile Elixir code? Or can I use mix to compile Erlang code? If so, how? 回答1: Mix can compile erlang files if you put them in src . There is a rebar_elixir_plugin to compile Elixir code from rebar but it is not as efficient at it as Mix. 来源:

Mixed Erlang/Elixir projects - can I use mix or rebar?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-18 06:02:46
问题 For Erlang code, I use rebar . For Elixir code, I use the built-in mix tool. Now I want to have a mixed Erlang/Elixir project. Can I use rebar to compile Elixir code? Or can I use mix to compile Erlang code? If so, how? 回答1: Mix can compile erlang files if you put them in src . There is a rebar_elixir_plugin to compile Elixir code from rebar but it is not as efficient at it as Mix. 来源:


旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-03 12:41:11
背景 最近在做物联网平台性能分析,最终选择EMQX作为对比对象。我小试牛刀地搭建了一下EMQX,并顺便安装了一下EMQX的Dashboard插件: emqx-dashboard 。 简介: EMQX: EMQ X (Erlang/Enterprise/Elastic MQTT Broker) 是基于 Erlang/OTP 平台开发的开源物联网 MQTT 消息服务器。 EMQX-Dashboard:EMQ X的Web控制台,项目地址: 安装 EMQX安装 1.安装所需要的依赖包 sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 2. 使用以下命令设置稳定存储库,以 CentOS7 为例 sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo 3. 安装最新版本的 EMQ X Broker sudo yum install emqx 4. 启动并检查状态 emqx start && emqx_ctl status EMQ-Dashboard安装 我的机器环境为Centos7

rebar3 的使用

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-08-17 16:41:34
安装 $ git clone $ cd rebar3 $ ./bootstrap $ ./rebar3 local install ===> Extracting rebar3 libs to ~/.cache/rebar3/lib... ===> Writing rebar3 run script ~/.cache/rebar3/bin/rebar3... ===> Add to $PATH for use: export PATH=$PATH:~/.cache/rebar3/bin 使用 创建 $ rebar3 new app (custom): Complete OTP Application structure. cmake (custom): Standalone Makefile for building C/C++ in c_src escript (custom): Complete escriptized application structure lib (custom): Complete OTP Library application (no processes) structure plugin (custom): Rebar3 plugin project structure

MFC界面开发进入BCGControlBar v30.5时代,Docking Pane全新升级

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-08-17 15:28:46
亲爱的BCGSoft用户,我们非常高兴地宣布 BCGControlBar Professional for MFC 和 BCGSuite for MFC v30.5正式发布!新版本包含针对基于功能区应用程序的上下文菜单自定义、themed rebar、改进高对比度模式支持、以及其他新功能和改进。该库和示例已使用最新版本的Visual Studio 2019和Windows SDK进行了全面测试。需要最新版的可以点击这里【 BCG下载 】 Docking Panes 1. 如果尚未创建窗口,则CBCGPBaseControlBar :: IsVisible现在返回FALSE。 2. CBCGPDockingControlBar:增加在Windows Navigator中隐藏窗格的功能(由Ctrl + Tab调用), 覆盖新的虚拟方法IsVisibleInWindowsNavigator,如果要隐藏窗格,则返回FALSE。 MDI Windows和Tabs 1. CBCGPMDIFrameWnd:一种新方法IsWindowsNavigatorActive告知Windows导航器(由Ctrl + Tab调用)是否处于激活状态。 2. CBCGPMDIFrameWnd:EnableWindowsDialog方法具有一个新的可选参数bStorePlacement。 如果此参数为TRUE,则“


不想你离开。 提交于 2020-07-29 06:15:37
****** 所在服务器 189 ****** 安装 ※ Erlang 安装 安装编译依赖: yum -y install gcc glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel xmlto perl wget 下载erlang: wget 解压安装: tar -xzvf otp_src_19.3.tar.gz cd otp_src_19.3 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/erlang make && make install 配置环境变量 vi /etc/profile 添加: ERL_PATH=/usr/local/erlang/bin PATH=$ERL_PATH:$PATH source /etc/profile 检查是否安装成功: erl ※ Rebar 安装 下载: git clone git:// 安装: cd rebar ./bootstrap 配置环境变量 vi /etc/profile 添加: export PATH=/emq/rebar/:$PATH (rebar安装目录) source /etc/profile 检查是否安装成功:

MFC界面开发进入BCGControlBar v30.5时代,Ribbon Bar全新升级

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-07-27 05:58:29
亲爱的BCGSoft用户,我们非常高兴地宣布 BCGControlBar Professional for MFC 和 BCGSuite for MFC v30.5正式发布!新版本包含针对基于功能区应用程序的上下文菜单自定义、themed rebar、改进高对比度模式支持、以及其他新功能和改进。该库和示例已使用最新版本的Visual Studio 2019和Windows SDK进行了全面测试。需要最新版的可以点击这里【 BCG下载 】 Ribbon Bar 1. CBCGPRibbonSlider:现在根据当前DPI缩放控件宽度。 2. CBCGPRibbonBar: GetItemIDsList具有一个新的可选参数“ bIncludePrintPreview”。 如果此参数为FALSE,则"Print Preview"类别中的控件不包括在项目列表中。 3. 新的虚拟方法CBCGPRibbonComboBox::OnCompareStrings允许自定义Ribbon组合框项目的排序。 4. 一个新的类CBCGPRibbonFontSizeComboBox允许选择特定字体的大小,此外Ribbon Designer中添加功能区字体大小组合框。 5. 为基于功能区的应用程序添加上下文菜单自定义

how to use rebar to create an erlang module with an eunit test?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-25 09:42:38
问题 My goal is quite simple; while I am learning Erlang, I would like to use rebar to create a basic module with an eunit test: I have tried the following: mkdir erlangscratch cd erlangscratch rebar create template=simplemod modid=erlangscratch Edit the 'test/erlangscratch_tests.erl' to look like this: -module(erlangscratch_tests). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). % This should fail basic_test_() -> ?assert(1 =:= 2). Execute the tests: snowch@tp:~/erlangscratch$ rebar co eu ==>

how to use rebar to create an erlang module with an eunit test?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-25 09:42:10
问题 My goal is quite simple; while I am learning Erlang, I would like to use rebar to create a basic module with an eunit test: I have tried the following: mkdir erlangscratch cd erlangscratch rebar create template=simplemod modid=erlangscratch Edit the 'test/erlangscratch_tests.erl' to look like this: -module(erlangscratch_tests). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). % This should fail basic_test_() -> ?assert(1 =:= 2). Execute the tests: snowch@tp:~/erlangscratch$ rebar co eu ==>

Cannot expand $ERTS_LIB_DIR in bootfile

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-25 08:17:11
问题 I created a release using rebar3 but I have issues running/booting the app on my remote server. When i run the following command: $> /home/app/releases/0.0.1# erl -boot start I get the following error: {"init terminating in do_boot",'cannot expand $ERTS_LIB_DIR in bootfile'} init terminating in do_boot (cannot expand $ERTS_LIB_DIR in bootfile) Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...done What am I doing wrong? 回答1: How are you creating a release? If you do something like rebar3 as