
ReactJs : What is the proper way of accessing the state data in the root component where the link between React and Redux has been implemented?

孤人 提交于 2020-03-04 18:55:10
问题 DISCLAIMER: This error has been mentioned on stackoverflow before but my case is different. I have had a problem with the user login which I have explained in this stackOverFlow question. I invite you to go and quickly take a look. So as I mentioned in that question in my root file I have this: App.js class App extends Component { render() { const authLinks = ( <Switch> <Route exact path="/" name="Login Page" render={props => <Login {...props} />} /> <Route exact path="/404" name="Page 404"

React Router Dom v4 handle browser back button

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-03-01 07:45:57
问题 How do I disable a browser back button click from user using react-router-dom v4? I am showing a modal on a page and when the user presses browser back button then the user is taken to the previous screen, instead I want to simply close the modal. I tried doing this onBackButtonEvent(event) { event.preventDefault(); // the user shouldn't be able to move backward or forward } componentDidMount() { window.onpopstate = this.onBackButtonEvent; } But this doesn't prevent the user from going


帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-02-22 20:34:07
react全家桶从0到1(最新) 本文从零开始,逐步讲解如何用react全家桶搭建一个完整的react项目。文中针对react、webpack、babel、react-route、redux、redux-saga的核心配置会加以讲解,通过这个项目,可以系统的了解react技术栈的主要知识,避免搭建一次后面就忘记的情况。 从webpack开始 思考一下webpack到底做了什么事情?其实简单来说,就是从入口文件开始,不断寻找依赖,同时为了解析各种不同的文件加载相应的loader,最后生成我们希望的类型的目标文件。 这个过程就像是在一个迷宫里寻宝,我们从入口进入,同时我们也会不断的接收到下一处宝藏的提示信息,我们对信息进行解码,而解码的时候可能需要一些工具,比如说钥匙,而loader就像是这样的钥匙,然后得到我们可以识别的内容。 回到我们的项目,首先进行项目的初始化,分别执行如下命令 mkdir react-demo // 新建项目文件夹 cd react-demo // cd到项目目录下 npm init // npm初始化 引入webpack npm i webpack --save touch webpack.config.js 对webpack进行简单配置,更新webpack.config.js const path = require('path'); module

react-router-dom 5.X

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-02-07 01:18:42
安装 npm install --save react-router-dom 使用 导入 import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom"; 上述import是es6语法,其中as是取别名用的 简单实例 import React from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import Home from './components/Home' import News from './components/News' import Music from './components/Music' function App() { return ( <Router> <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />{/* exact准确匹配 */} <Route path="/news" component={News} /> <Route path="/music" component={Music} /> </Router> ); } export default App; 注意,每个路由必须被外层的Router包裹

How to scroll to a specific targeted component when clicking on Navbar Link

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-02-05 04:39:05
问题 i have multiple components one of them is navbar component in this navbar i have multiple Link that should scroll to each section or component, in plain HTML we use href and anchor tag. but here i found a react library called react-scroll but the issue is i dont know how to link each component in defferent folders from the Link in Navbar component. any help would really be appreciated. import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Link, animateScroll as scroll } from "react-scroll";

How to add <Link> react-router per each Material-UI TableRow?

点点圈 提交于 2020-02-03 06:01:47
问题 How to add link per TableRow in .map? *my error is validateDOMNesting(...): cannot appear as a child of "< a >" im using react router react-router-dom how to add link in every loop of .map in Table TableRow? import React, { Fragment } from 'react' import { Paper } from 'material-ui' import Table from 'material-ui/Table'; import TableBody from 'material-ui/Table/TableBody'; import TableCell from 'material-ui/Table/TableCell'; import TableHead from 'material-ui/Table/TableHead'; import TableRow

How to add <Link> react-router per each Material-UI TableRow?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-02-03 06:00:29
问题 How to add link per TableRow in .map? *my error is validateDOMNesting(...): cannot appear as a child of "< a >" im using react router react-router-dom how to add link in every loop of .map in Table TableRow? import React, { Fragment } from 'react' import { Paper } from 'material-ui' import Table from 'material-ui/Table'; import TableBody from 'material-ui/Table/TableBody'; import TableCell from 'material-ui/Table/TableCell'; import TableHead from 'material-ui/Table/TableHead'; import TableRow

How to add <Link> react-router per each Material-UI TableRow?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-02-03 05:59:45
问题 How to add link per TableRow in .map? *my error is validateDOMNesting(...): cannot appear as a child of "< a >" im using react router react-router-dom how to add link in every loop of .map in Table TableRow? import React, { Fragment } from 'react' import { Paper } from 'material-ui' import Table from 'material-ui/Table'; import TableBody from 'material-ui/Table/TableBody'; import TableCell from 'material-ui/Table/TableCell'; import TableHead from 'material-ui/Table/TableHead'; import TableRow

Redirecting from a search form to a results page in reactjs

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-30 19:24:15
问题 I am currently developing my first reactjs app and am having difficulties navigating from a Search component to a Results component using react-router-dom. The search component accepts entries from the user, performs a get request with axios and updates its results state. import axios from 'axios'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap'; import Results from './Results'; class Search extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {

Redirecting from a search form to a results page in reactjs

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-30 19:24:11
问题 I am currently developing my first reactjs app and am having difficulties navigating from a Search component to a Results component using react-router-dom. The search component accepts entries from the user, performs a get request with axios and updates its results state. import axios from 'axios'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap'; import Results from './Results'; class Search extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {