
stop handleBlur from doing anything

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-11 05:01:49
问题 In my Formik form, when I click on the search button, a list of items is rendered (UsersFoundList). This list is outside the form and each item in the list has a button of its own. When I click on any of those buttons from the list for the first time, they don't work. Instead, the handleBlur of my form is triggered and since the input field is empty, an error messages starts showing under the input field. So, the button doesn't do what it's supposed to do in the first attempt. I tested the

How to pass “this.state” of a Component to a Screen in React Navigation 5

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-11 04:40:34
问题 I am new to React Native and I just started learning ReactNavigation. The app that I'm working at is meant to keep track of players and points while you're playing a board game. Here's the code of App.js : import * as React from 'react'; import {Component} from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, Alert } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { create StackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { Player } from '.

How to pass “this.state” of a Component to a Screen in React Navigation 5

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-11 04:35:51
问题 I am new to React Native and I just started learning ReactNavigation. The app that I'm working at is meant to keep track of players and points while you're playing a board game. Here's the code of App.js : import * as React from 'react'; import {Component} from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, Alert } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { create StackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { Player } from '.

How to pass “this.state” of a Component to a Screen in React Navigation 5

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-11 04:34:52
问题 I am new to React Native and I just started learning ReactNavigation. The app that I'm working at is meant to keep track of players and points while you're playing a board game. Here's the code of App.js : import * as React from 'react'; import {Component} from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, Alert } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { create StackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { Player } from '.

How to pass “this.state” of a Component to a Screen in React Navigation 5

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-11 04:34:34
问题 I am new to React Native and I just started learning ReactNavigation. The app that I'm working at is meant to keep track of players and points while you're playing a board game. Here's the code of App.js : import * as React from 'react'; import {Component} from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, Alert } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { create StackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { Player } from '.

import Y label in barChart at react native chart kit

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-10 20:51:26
问题 I want to put in Ylabels these variables [80,90,100] but the graph starts from the min variable i put in the array I found a way to do it in line chart but it does not work on BarChart const data = { labels: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"], datasets: [ { data: [89,85,96,97,94,91,88] } ] }; const graphScreen=()=>{ const screenWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width; return( <View > <BarChart style={{ marginVertical: 8, borderRadius: 16 }} chartConfig={{ backgroundColor: "#e26a00",

Ignore SSL certificates error in axios/fetch call in react-native expo android

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-10 20:47:11
问题 I just started using react-native and am trying to build an android app with it.. I used create-react-native-app and used the expo template. But I'm not able to fetch data from my server kepp getting "Network Error". My server doesn't have a valid certificate currently. Is there any way to ignore ssl certificate errors in my fetch calls? 回答1: Yes, only use the http instead https , and set the following line in your manifest <application ... android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" ...> 来源: https:/

import Y label in barChart at react native chart kit

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-10 20:46:38
问题 I want to put in Ylabels these variables [80,90,100] but the graph starts from the min variable i put in the array I found a way to do it in line chart but it does not work on BarChart const data = { labels: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"], datasets: [ { data: [89,85,96,97,94,91,88] } ] }; const graphScreen=()=>{ const screenWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width; return( <View > <BarChart style={{ marginVertical: 8, borderRadius: 16 }} chartConfig={{ backgroundColor: "#e26a00",

Ignore SSL certificates error in axios/fetch call in react-native expo android

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-10 20:45:55
问题 I just started using react-native and am trying to build an android app with it.. I used create-react-native-app and used the expo template. But I'm not able to fetch data from my server kepp getting "Network Error". My server doesn't have a valid certificate currently. Is there any way to ignore ssl certificate errors in my fetch calls? 回答1: Yes, only use the http instead https , and set the following line in your manifest <application ... android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" ...> 来源: https:/

Javascript Library with typings is Not a Module (React Native)

你。 提交于 2021-02-10 20:14:10
问题 I'm trying to integrate a Javascript Library (Microsoft Playfab) into my React Native app as per recommended here. The library comes with typings and has the structure as shown here. I have a file playfabWrapper.ts with the following. /// <reference path="../../node_modules/playfab-web-sdk/src/Typings/PlayFab/PlayfabClientApi.d.ts" /> import Playfab from 'playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js'; function test(titleId: string, customId: string/*, success: (data: PlayFabClientModels