
MultiPageEditorPart with editors side by side

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-24 07:35:32
问题 I have a rcp project with a custom MultiPageEditorPart which contains two editor pages. I would want to be able to show them side by side, is there a way to do this? I couldn't find a solution over the Internet. I tried Window -> New Window or Window -> Editor -> Clone and I get a file opened with my MultiPageEditorPart twice side by side but the problem is if I switch in one place to a page editor it automatically switches to the same page editor in the other. What I want is to have both

p2.inf Filtering in Tycho when building an RCP application

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-24 03:17:27
问题 I´m building an RCP application using tycho. The RCP application uses p2 and its self updateable capabilities configuring the respository in an p2.inf file. Works like a charm. Now I want to introduce a placeholder ${updatesiteurl} in the p2.inf file and replace it with the URL according to the environment for which it is built. But unforunately it get´s replaced with an empty string instead of the environment variable which I guess happens because tycho, or the p2 director, replaces some

Eclipse RCP: build.properties for multiple platforms

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-24 00:59:20
问题 I'm developing an Eclipse RCP application. The application should run on Windows and Linux. There are several plugins in this application that contain native artifacts. To contain these artifacts in a binary build (jar), one should specify them in build.properties file. Currently I include both Linux and Windows native artifacts in build.properties and then in runtime I choose which one to load. However, I don't like this approach as it causes unnecessary files to present in both Linux and

How to hide default menus in RCP?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-23 21:20:00
问题 I am new in Eclipse RCP plug in development. I had written one plug-in with my own perspective and added perspective specific menus within it. My question is how to hide the default menus provided within Eclipse, like Edit, Navigated, Search, Project ? I tried with using '< extension point="org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions" >' and putting my view specific condition, withing menu contribution's. Any help is appreciated. Best regards, Mandar Phatak. 回答1: You need activities. Example

How to set the color of an Eclipse/RCP decorator?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-23 12:10:11
问题 I added a decorator in a Eclipse/RCP application to my tree viewer items by plugin.xml : <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.decorators"> <decorator adaptable="true" class="sernet.verinice.samt.rcp.TopicDecorator" id="sernet.verinice.samt.rcp.TopicDecorator" label="ISA Topic decorator" lightweight="true" location="BOTTOM_LEFT" state="true"> <enablement> <objectClass name="sernet.verinice.model.samt.SamtTopic"/> </enablement> </decorator> In the decorator class i set the decoration suffix which

RCP application run from Eclipse runs fine, exporting it throws InjectionExceptions

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-23 09:27:08
问题 I'm trying to execute my RCP application I recently moved from eclipse Indigo to Photon. After changing/updating the required libraries, I have managed to run the application without problems launching the product as an Eclipse application (from the Eclipse IDE). However, when I export the product to a native executable and launch it, I get several InjectionException !SESSION 2018-09-06 16:48:55.406 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.8.0_171

Images are not appearing in RCP application after exporting as a product

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-23 05:40:17
问题 I have a RCP application, in which I have added some images as icons. The below method is the method for adding icons on the buttons: public static void setIconForButton(Button button, Display d, Bundle bundle, String path) { InputStream is = null; try { is = FileLocator.openStream(bundle, new Path(path), false); Image image = new Image(d, is); button.setImage(image); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1

eclipse rcp e4: how to highlight the selected tab in part stack?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-23 03:04:15
问题 What I have now (notice there is no highlight): What I want (highlight the currently active part): Thanks a lot! 回答1: These colors are controlled by your CSS. Assuming you are using the usual e4 tab renderer the selected tab color can be set with: .MPartStack.active { swt-selected-tabs-background: #E5EDFC #99BAF3 100%; } By the 'usual tab renderer' I mean: .MPartStack { swt-tab-renderer: url('bundleclass://org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt

Printing with an Eclipse RCP program

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-23 01:05:37
问题 I am looking for a good, standard way to generate "output" in my RCP programm and print it. This should work as it works on Windows, Mac OS and Linux with the standard print dialog. I am aware of the Birt project, but I could not find any hints about how to implement it within a RCP programm and how to invoke the standard print dialog and how to pass the Birt generated report to the printer. Happy for all hints. 回答1: I believe the Birt project used to use IText. (now ITextPDF) The other

How can I disable Quick Access TextField in Eclipse RCP Application

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-22 17:20:13
问题 today I changed my Eclipse IDE from 3.7 to 4.2 and my plugin-project has a new feature in the Statusbar of the UI called QuickAccess. But I dont need it, so how can I disable this feature, because the position of my button bar has changed... 回答1: Go to Help --> Install New Software https://raw.github.com/atlanto/eclipse-4.x-filler/master/pdt_tools.eclipse-4.x-filler.update/ Install that Plugin and Restart the Eclipse. Quick Access automatically hide. or else you have an option to hide Window