2 Knitr/R Markdown/Rstudio issues: Highcharts and Morris.js
I'm presently trying to replicate a few different types of rCharts using my own data. The first is a HighCharts graph with the following code: ````{r} setwd("C:/Users/ypetscher/Dropbox/R fun") blah<-read.csv("g8a.csv")` require(slidify) require(rCharts) require(rHighcharts) ``` ```{r} x<-data.frame(blah,stringsAsFactors=TRUE) colnames(x)<-substr(colnames(x),2,5) a<-rHighcharts:::Chart$new() a$chart(type="column") a$title(text="Percent of Students on Grade Level on G8 FCAT for Reading (1), Math (2), Writing (3), and Science (4)") a$xAxis(categories=rownames(x)) a$yAxis(title=list(text="Percent