
2 Knitr/R Markdown/Rstudio issues: Highcharts and Morris.js

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-28 09:31:29
I'm presently trying to replicate a few different types of rCharts using my own data. The first is a HighCharts graph with the following code: ````{r} setwd("C:/Users/ypetscher/Dropbox/R fun") blah<-read.csv("g8a.csv")` require(slidify) require(rCharts) require(rHighcharts) ``` ```{r} x<-data.frame(blah,stringsAsFactors=TRUE) colnames(x)<-substr(colnames(x),2,5) a<-rHighcharts:::Chart$new() a$chart(type="column") a$title(text="Percent of Students on Grade Level on G8 FCAT for Reading (1), Math (2), Writing (3), and Science (4)") a$xAxis(categories=rownames(x)) a$yAxis(title=list(text="Percent

Highlight all connected paths from start to end in Sankey graph using R

假如想象 提交于 2019-11-27 21:28:53
I want to highlight the whole path when i click on the node to know the whole story of specific node and here's an example- http://bl.ocks.org/git-ashish/8959771 . Please check this link and you will find the function that highlight the path in javscript, but take care please , this function doesn't do what i want, it highlight links related to the clicked node and the links related to the target nodes. what i want is to highlight all links related to the clicked node. d3 Sankey - Highlight all connected paths from start to end Here's an example of what i need, This is the whole graph,what i

R: interactive plots (tooltips): rCharts dimple plot: formatting axis

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-27 18:24:21
问题 I have some charts created with ggplot2 which I would like to embed in a web application: I'd like to enhance the plots with tooltips. I've looked into several options. I'm currently experimenting with the rCharts library and, among others, dimple plots. Here is the original ggplot: Here is a first attempt to transpose this to a dimple plot: I have several issues: after formatting the y-axis with percentages, the data is altered. after formatting the x-axis to correctly render dates, too many

rCharts with Highcharts as shiny application

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-27 14:57:35
问题 I have a shiny application consisting of three files. server.R, ui.R and the file to launch the application with require(shiny) require(rCharts) runApp("shinyApp") The application starts, but the plot is not visible. It works with a normal r-plot and with polycharts, but after trying a lot, I still have no success with rCharts (which includes rHighcharts). This is the files of the last try: server.R: library(rCharts) shinyServer(function(input, output) { output$myChart <- renderChart({ h1 <-

Shiny rcharts multiple chart output

梦想与她 提交于 2019-11-27 03:33:37
问题 How can I overwrite the output display options with running multiple charts with shiny and rchart so the output result is a 2x2 matrix type grid layout. require(rCharts) require(shiny) require(data.table) runApp(list( ui = mainPanel( span="span6", showOutput("chart2", "Highcharts"), showOutput("chart3", "Highcharts"), showOutput("chart4", "Highcharts") ), server = function(input, output){ output$chart3 <- renderChart({ a <- hPlot(Pulse ~ Height, data = MASS::survey, type = "bubble", title =

2 Knitr/R Markdown/Rstudio issues: Highcharts and Morris.js

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-27 02:58:07
问题 I'm presently trying to replicate a few different types of rCharts using my own data. The first is a HighCharts graph with the following code: ````{r} setwd("C:/Users/ypetscher/Dropbox/R fun") blah<-read.csv("g8a.csv")` require(slidify) require(rCharts) require(rHighcharts) ``` ```{r} x<-data.frame(blah,stringsAsFactors=TRUE) colnames(x)<-substr(colnames(x),2,5) a<-rHighcharts:::Chart$new() a$chart(type="column") a$title(text="Percent of Students on Grade Level on G8 FCAT for Reading (1),

Adding Color to Sankey Diagram in rCharts

不羁的心 提交于 2019-11-27 02:03:43
问题 I've created a sankey diagram in rCharts but have one question. How do I add color? I'd like to represent each node with a different color so it's easier to vizualize the paths, instead of just seeing the same grey lines connecting everything. Code and output below: require(rCharts) require(rjson) x = read.csv('/Users/<username>/sankey.csv', header=FALSE) colnames(x) <- c("source", "target", "value") sankeyPlot <- rCharts$new() sankeyPlot$set( data = x, nodeWidth = 15, nodePadding = 10,