

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-10-24 10:02:02
【纯干货!!!】花费了整整3天,整理出来的全网最实用Python面试大全,一共30道题目+答案的纯干货,希望大家多多支持,建议 点赞!!收藏!!长文警告,全文共12000+字,涵盖Python面试可能遇到的所有问题,希望对大家有帮助,不过大家最好不要硬背,实战大于理论。祝大家面试顺利! 对于机器学习算法工程师而言,Python是不可或缺的语言,它的优美与简洁令人无法自拔。 那么你了解过Python编程面试题吗?从Python基础到网页爬虫你是否能全方位Hold住? 本文主要从 Python 基础、高级语句、网页应用、数据库和测试等角度出发, 可只关注自己需要的领域。 1、谈谈对 Python 和其他语言的区别? 答:Python 是一门语法简洁优美,功能强大无比,应用领域非常广泛,具有强大完备的第三方库,他是一门强类型的可移植、可扩展,可嵌入的解释型编程语言,属于动态语言。和Java相比:Python比Java要简单.Python是函数为一等公民的语言,而Java是类为一等公民的语言.Python是弱类型语言,而Java是强类型语言。和C相比:对于使用:Python的类库齐全并且使用简洁,很少代码实现的功能用C可能要很复杂。对于速度:Python的运行速度相较于C,绝对是很慢了.Python和CPython解释器都是C语言编写。 2、谈谈Python 的特点和优点是什么? 答

Python pypy: Efficient sum of absolute array/vector difference

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-08-12 04:33:25
问题 I am trying to reduce the computation time of my script,which is run with pypy. It has to calculate for a large number of lists/vectors/arrays the pairwise sums of absolute differences. The length of the input vectors is quite small, between 10 and 500. I tested three different approaches so far: 1) Naive approach, input as lists: def std_sum(v1, v2): distance = 0.0 for (a,b) in izip(v1, v2): distance += math.fabs(a-b) return distance 2) With lambdas and reduce, input as lists: lzi = lambda

Python pypy: Efficient sum of absolute array/vector difference

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-08-12 04:32:09
问题 I am trying to reduce the computation time of my script,which is run with pypy. It has to calculate for a large number of lists/vectors/arrays the pairwise sums of absolute differences. The length of the input vectors is quite small, between 10 and 500. I tested three different approaches so far: 1) Naive approach, input as lists: def std_sum(v1, v2): distance = 0.0 for (a,b) in izip(v1, v2): distance += math.fabs(a-b) return distance 2) With lambdas and reduce, input as lists: lzi = lambda

Python pypy: Efficient sum of absolute array/vector difference

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-08-12 04:32:07
问题 I am trying to reduce the computation time of my script,which is run with pypy. It has to calculate for a large number of lists/vectors/arrays the pairwise sums of absolute differences. The length of the input vectors is quite small, between 10 and 500. I tested three different approaches so far: 1) Naive approach, input as lists: def std_sum(v1, v2): distance = 0.0 for (a,b) in izip(v1, v2): distance += math.fabs(a-b) return distance 2) With lambdas and reduce, input as lists: lzi = lambda