
Pass data to pug using pug-html-loader (cannot read property of undefined)

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-31 03:19:12
问题 According to the readme of pug-html-loader, the loader accepts a data object which is being passed as part of the options to the template. While not available on the options within the pug API reference, a grunt plugin I've found (grunt-contrib-pug) uses the API the same way. I've specified the following options for the loader: loader: 'pug-html-loader', options: { pretty: true, exports: false, debug: !env.production, compileDebug: !env.production, cache: config.build.useCaching, doctype:

AngularJS Bootstraps Navbar

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-30 10:48:07
问题 I'm trying to have a bootstraps navbar display and remove html elements defendant on data from an angular controller. I have the following jade code: div.navbar.navbar-fixed-top div.navbar-inner div.container-fluid(data-ng-controller="NavCtrl") a.btn.btn-navbar(data-toggle='collapse', data-target='.nav-collapse') span.icon-bar span.icon-bar span.icon-bar div.nav-collapse.collapse ul.nav li a(href='/topics') Topics li(ng-show="curUser.admin") a(href='/users') Users li(ng-show="curUser.admin")

Would it benefit to pre-compile jade templates on production in express

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-30 08:42:01
问题 When using jade-lang on production, would I benefit from having some form of a middleware that pre-compiles all the .jade views and then uses them in res.render? Or does that automatically happen when you do NODE_ENV=production? I'm simply exploring options on how to speed-up jade rendering on production. 回答1: When Jade compiles the template, the template is cached. In production environment if you warm up the cache, then there is no need to pre-compile template. Even if you don't, the

Would it benefit to pre-compile jade templates on production in express

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-30 08:41:30
问题 When using jade-lang on production, would I benefit from having some form of a middleware that pre-compiles all the .jade views and then uses them in res.render? Or does that automatically happen when you do NODE_ENV=production? I'm simply exploring options on how to speed-up jade rendering on production. 回答1: When Jade compiles the template, the template is cached. In production environment if you warm up the cache, then there is no need to pre-compile template. Even if you don't, the

Would it benefit to pre-compile jade templates on production in express

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-30 08:41:09
问题 When using jade-lang on production, would I benefit from having some form of a middleware that pre-compiles all the .jade views and then uses them in res.render? Or does that automatically happen when you do NODE_ENV=production? I'm simply exploring options on how to speed-up jade rendering on production. 回答1: When Jade compiles the template, the template is cached. In production environment if you warm up the cache, then there is no need to pre-compile template. Even if you don't, the

Multiple Lines for Long Attribute Value in Jade / Pug

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-30 00:28:29
问题 How do we write a long attribute value over multiple lines in Jade / Pug? SVG paths tend to be really long. We want to write an attribute value over multiple lines to help with readability. For example, Mozilla's tutorial written in HTML is easy to read. Any way to change this: h3 Arcs svg(width="320px", height="320px") path(d="M10 315 L 110 215 A 30 50 0 0 1 162.55 162.45 L 172.55 152.45 A 30 50 -45 0 1 215.1 109.9 L 315 10", stroke="black", fill="green", stroke-width="2", fill-opacity="0.5"

change jade always require node.js restart then can verify the change

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-29 09:14:11
问题 I'm using Jade as template engine at node.js. I have to stop node.js and start whenever I made changes to Jade file so I can verified the change. Is there tool or a way that if I made change to Jade I don't need to restart node.js app? 回答1: Changes to Jade templates should be picked up automatically after you reload the page, at least in development mode. If not, then the most likely cause is that view caching is enabled in Express, which is the default if the NODE_ENV environment variable is

How rotate HTML table using Jade Template? (Node/Express/Jade)

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-25 16:27:09
问题 Here's mytable.js : var items = [ {code: 'A1', name: 'Soda1', description: 'desc1'}, {code: 'A2', name: 'Soda2', description: 'desc2'}, {code: 'A3', name: 'Soda3', description: 'desc3'}, {code: 'A4', name: 'Soda4', description: 'desc4'}, {code: 'A5', name: 'Soda5', description: 'desc5'}, {code: 'A6', name: 'Soda6', description: 'desc6'}, {code: 'A7', name: 'Soda7', description: 'desc7'}, {code: 'A8', name: 'Soda8', description: 'desc8'}, {code: 'A9', name: 'Soda9', description: 'desc9'},

jade static anchor link with dynamic link data from server side

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-25 14:06:30
问题 Does jade is able to do following, combine static html list with dynamic anchor list from server side. ul li a(href='/') Home if data.links each link, i in data.links li a(href='' + link.url)= link.title 回答1: Yes. You're just using the wrong indentation and format: ul li a(href="/") Home if data.links each link, i in data.links li a(href=link.url) #{link.title} 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33961655/jade-static-anchor-link-with-dynamic-link-data-from-server-side

Pug (Jade) extra space added between formatted tags on gulp build

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-25 11:56:02
问题 I use Gulp, webpack and pug(jade). The issue is with the dist-code that has an extra space because of formatting on build. pseudo-code: label each item in items span if kkk == 2 =item[1] else abbr(title='ttttttt') =elem and the resulting (dist) .html is something like this: <label for="ааааа">set to <abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG/</abbr> <abbr title="Joint Photographic Experts Group">JPEG</abbr> </label> and looks like: set to SVG/ JPEG How to remove the space after '/', or to