
Use service account to verify Google InAppPurchase

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-27 14:53:39
问题 I've tried so many things in the last days but now I'm out of ideas :( I want to verify an inAppPurchase that has been made in my android app. 1) I created a new service account in the google API console. 1a) The service account is listed unter permissions and has "can view" permission 2) I'm using the most current version of 3) code snippet from my PHP script: $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName('myAppName' ); $client-

How to add publisher in Installshield 2018

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-27 02:17:20
After I built an installer by Installshield. When I double click to install that software, its publisher shown "Unknown". Does anyone know how to make this field to a signed certs? I do have a signed certs from VeriSign. Digital Signing I am outdated on certificates, but how well signing will work largely depends on the nature of your certificate - whether it points to a valid root certificate already present by default on your users' target computers (a self-signed certificate will not be present by default for example - obviously I guess) and what type of certificate it is (see below

How to add publisher in Installshield 2018

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-11-26 10:01:02
问题 After I built an installer by Installshield. When I double click to install that software, its publisher shown \"Unknown\". Does anyone know how to make this field to a signed certs? I do have a signed certs from VeriSign. 回答1: Digital Signing I am outdated on certificates, but how well signing will work largely depends on the nature of your certificate - whether it points to a valid root certificate already present by default on your users' target computers (a self-signed certificate will