
Create a Timer Publisher using Swift Combine

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-03 03:59:55
I've been watching the Data Flow Through SwiftUI WWDC talk . They have a slide with a sample code where they use a Timer publisher that gets connected to a SwiftUI View, and updates the UI with the time. I'm working on some code where I want to do the exact same thing, but can't figure out how this PodcastPlayer.currentTimePublisher is implemented, and then hooked to the UI struct. I have also watched all the videos about Combine. How can I achieve this? The sample code: struct PlayerView : View { let episode: Episode @State private var isPlaying: Bool = true @State private var currentTime:

WSO2 API Manager - Expose Publisher & Store URLs to public

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:29:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I'm using WSO2 API Manager for creating and managing a developer community. According to my knowledge API manager is driven on WSO2 Carbon Server which again runs on Apache Tomcat. Up to now I'm able to run WSO2 API manager without any issues. I could open up store and publisher using below urls. https://<MyHostName>:9443/publisher https://<MyHostName>:9443/store What I want to know is, how can I expose these two URLs to public? I would like something like below as URLs(without ports). https://<MyHostName>/publisher https://<MyHostName>

ZeroMQ&#039;s EPGM not working in weather PUB-SUB demo

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:26:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I have compiled libzmq with openpgm with no changes under windows. Code here is taken from ZeroMQ Guide ("weather publisher" server/client). But if i change "tcp" to "epgm" it doesn't work any more (data is not received, but connection is established). void test_serv() { // Prepare our context and publisher void *context = zmq_ctx_new(); void *publisher = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_PUB); int rc = zmq_bind(publisher, "epgm://"); assert(rc == 0); // Initialize random number generator srandom((unsigned)time(NULL)); while (!stop

AttributeError: &#039;str&#039; object has no attribute &#039;_meta&#039;

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:00:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I just begin to study Django, and today come to the comment part, I just practice from the Django Document. The command to add comment form works well when i do my practice on DetailView page but now I also want to add a comment form to ListView page then it got this error. below is the traceback: Environment: Request Method: GET Django Version: 1.4.3 Python Version: 2.7.3 Installed Applications: ('django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions

Ubuntu 16.04 Roboware Turtlesim 测试

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:57:01
博客参考: 利用Turtlesim,编写简单的消息发布器和订阅器 1. Twist消息,它的Topic是 /cmd_vel ,base controler订阅Twist消息来控制电机, 在终端中执行以下指令查看Twist消息的具体内容 rosmsg show geometry_msgs / Twist 2. 编写一个控制turtlesim的发布器 2.1 Roboware 创建turtlesim package, then add Src Folder including source file talker.cpp #include <ros/ros.h> #include <std_msgs/String.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> int main ( int argc , char ** argv ) { ros :: init ( argc , argv , "talker" ); ros :: NodeHandle n ; ros :: Publisher pub = n . advertise < geometry_msgs :: Twist >( "/turtle1/cmd_vel" , 1000 ); ros ::

How to be a verified publisher?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-02 22:14:40
I wrote an app and I want to sell it online, so I uploaded it to my website and tried to download and run it as a test, but a window appeared, it said : "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software ?", and it also said : "Publisher : Unknown Publisher". It's actually a self-signed Java jar file wrapped into an exe file, I self-signed it with Netbeans6.7. I wonder what should I do to be a "known" publisher ? Frank You'll need to sign the EXE with a code signing certificate from a trusted root certification authority. https:


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 21:53:52
前一篇对观察者模式做了介绍,重点在于观察者和被观察者的对应关系,以及将被观察者的改变及时通知到相对应的观察者。 这样的模式基本上可以解决少量数据源的情景,在观察者和被观察者可能是多对多关系的情况下,强耦合的结构会让代码不够清晰,难以维护。 在《JavaScript设计模式》一书中,提到了Observer和Publish/Subscribe的区别。 Observer模式要求希望接收到主题同志的观察者(或对象)必须订阅内容改变的事件。 Publish/Subscribe模式使用了一个主题/事件通道,这个通道介于希望接收到通知(订阅者)的对象和激活事件的对象(发布者)之间。该事件系统允许代码定义应用程序的特定事件,这些事件可以传递自定义参数,自定义参数包含订阅者所需的值。其目的是避免订阅者和发布者之间产生依赖关系。 这里的关键点在于,通过一个事件中心,将发布者和订阅者的耦合关系解开,发布者和订阅者通过事件中心来产生联系。 打个比方,发布者像是发布小广告的,事件中心是一个调度站,订阅者则告诉事件中心,我关注A、B类型的广告,如果有更新,请通知我。调度站记录A,B类型下的订阅者,等到A,B广告发布时,通知到订阅者。 这个例子里,发布者不关心订阅者是谁,也不维护订阅者列表,同订阅者解耦,只将自己发布的内容提交到事件中心。而订阅者和主题的关系,交给了事件中心来维护。

基本 Java Bean

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 21:42:56
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> <project xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = "" > <modelVersion> 4.0.0 </modelVersion> <groupId> </groupId> <artifactId> CK_Test </artifactId> <version> 1.0.0 </version> <properties> <java.version> 1.8 </java.version> <> UTF-8 </> <> 3.18.0 </> <maven-compiler-plugin.version> 3.6.0

Reactive-MongoDB 异步 Java Driver 解读

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-01 22:19:39
一、关于 异步驱动 从3.0 版本开始,MongoDB 开始提供异步方式的驱动(Java Async Driver),这为应用提供了一种更高性能的选择。 但实质上,使用同步驱动(Java Sync Driver)的项目也不在少数,或许是因为先入为主的原因(同步Driver的文档说明更加的完善),又或者是为了兼容旧的 MongoDB 版本。 无论如何,由于 Reactive 的发展,未来使用异步驱动应该是一个趋势。 在使用 Async Driver 之前,需要对 Reactive 的概念有一些熟悉。 二、理解 Reactive (响应式) 响应式(Reactive)是一种异步的、面向数据流的开发方式,最早是来自于.NET 平台上的 Reactive Extensions 库,随后被扩展为各种编程语言的实现。 在著名的 Reactive Manifesto(响应式宣言) 中,对 Reactive 定义了四个特征: 及时响应(Responsive):系统能及时的响应请求。 有韧性(Resilient):系统在出现异常时仍然可以响应,即支持容错。 有弹性(Elastic):在不同的负载下,系统可弹性伸缩来保证运行。 消息驱动(Message Driven):不同组件之间使用异步消息传递来进行交互,并确保松耦合及相互隔离。 在响应式宣言的所定义的这些系统特征中,无一不与响应式的流有若干的关系


为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-01 15:55:40
Django数据库层解决的问题 在本例的视图中,使用了pymysql 类库来连接 MySQL 数据库,取回一些记录,将它们提供给模板以显示一个网页: from django.shortcuts import render import pymysql def book_list(request): db = pymysql.connect(user='me', db='mydb', passwd='secret', host='localhost',charset='utf8') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM books ORDER BY name') names = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] db.close() return render('book_list.html', {'names': names}) 这个方法可用,但很快一些问题将出现在你面前: 我们将数据库连接参数硬行编码于代码之中。 理想情况下,这些参数应当保存在 Django 配置中。 我们不得不重复同样的代码: 创建数据库连接、创建数据库游标、执行某个语句、然后关闭数据库。 理想 情况下,我们所需要应该只是指定所需的结果。 它把我们栓死在 MySQL 之上。 如果过段时间,我们要从