
array_splice preserving keys

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-04-09 15:53:35
问题 I faced the situation that splicing arrays with preserved-keys, so I made the following function. I reached the solution that wrapping each items with array, but there seems to be some memory-inefficient statements. Have you any ideas? Thank you. array_splice_pk This preserves keys, differently from array_splice . Overview: &$input -> same as array_splice one. $key -> target key. $use_key_as_offset -> use $key parameter as a numeric offset . $length -> same as array_splice one. $replacement -

array_splice preserving keys

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-04-09 15:52:45
问题 I faced the situation that splicing arrays with preserved-keys, so I made the following function. I reached the solution that wrapping each items with array, but there seems to be some memory-inefficient statements. Have you any ideas? Thank you. array_splice_pk This preserves keys, differently from array_splice . Overview: &$input -> same as array_splice one. $key -> target key. $use_key_as_offset -> use $key parameter as a numeric offset . $length -> same as array_splice one. $replacement -

array_splice preserving keys

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-04-09 15:52:35
问题 I faced the situation that splicing arrays with preserved-keys, so I made the following function. I reached the solution that wrapping each items with array, but there seems to be some memory-inefficient statements. Have you any ideas? Thank you. array_splice_pk This preserves keys, differently from array_splice . Overview: &$input -> same as array_splice one. $key -> target key. $use_key_as_offset -> use $key parameter as a numeric offset . $length -> same as array_splice one. $replacement -

Use dplyr to summarize but preserve date of group row

北慕城南 提交于 2020-02-07 01:59:13
问题 I have a data frame like the following: Date Flare Painmed_Use 1 2015-12-01 0 0 2 2015-12-02 0 0 3 2015-12-03 0 0 4 2015-12-04 0 0 5 2015-12-05 0 0 6 2015-12-06 0 1 7 2015-12-07 1 4 8 2015-12-08 1 3 9 2015-12-09 1 1 10 2015-12-10 1 0 11 2015-12-11 0 0 12 2015-12-12 0 0 13 2015-12-13 1 2 14 2015-12-14 1 3 15 2015-12-15 1 1 16 2015-12-16 0 0 I'm trying to find the length of each flare as well as the total med use during each flare using dplyr. My current solution (inspired by Use rle to group

Can XmlStarlet preserve CDATA during copy?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-24 14:37:27
问题 How can I make XmlStarlet preserve CDATA when using copy? The <![CDATA[ ]]> must be maintained because the application that generated (and uses) the data insists on having the CDATA directive around certain data. Example.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <RSLogix5000Content SchemaRevision="1.0" SoftwareRevision="20.01" > <Controller Use="Target" Name="SOME_TARGET_NAME" ProcessorType="1789-L60"> <Tags> <Tag Name="gstrScrap" TagType="Base" DataType="STRING" Constant=

Redim Preserve gives 'subscript out of range'

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-23 23:17:10
问题 I want to Redim Preserve an array I keep getting the error 'subscript out of range'. I am aware of the fact that only the size of the last dimension can be changed. That is exactly what I am doing. What is going wrong over here? The type of the array is Variant . BmMatrix = Sheets("BENCH").Range("a60", ActiveSheet.Range("a60").End(xlDown).End(xlToRight)) 'totaal gewicht per subdeel in array wegschrijven Dim aBmMatrix() aBmMatrix = BmMatrix rij = UBound(BmMatrix, 1) kol = UBound(BmMatrix, 2) +

How to preserve matlab struct when accessing in python?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-20 19:37:22
问题 I have a mat-file that I accessed using from scipy import io mat = io.loadmat('example.mat') From matlab, example.mat contains the following struct >> load example.mat >> data1 data1 = LAT: [53x1 double] LON: [53x1 double] TIME: [53x1 double] units: {3x1 cell} >> data2 data2 = LAT: [100x1 double] LON: [100x1 double] TIME: [100x1 double] units: {3x1 cell} In matlab, I can access data as easy as data2.LON, etc.. It's not as trivial in python. It give me several option though like mat.clear mat

Why `git rebase -p` does not preserve conflict resolutions?

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-19 09:53:00
问题 Has the man page states about git rebase --preserve : Merge conflict resolutions or manual amendments to merge commits are not preserved. Is there any good reason for that? 回答1: It would be the same reason for the existence of the command git rerere ( Re use re corded re solution of conflicted merges) See "rerere your boat" and "Fix conflicts only once with git rerere". Git does not record merge conflict resolution for any merge (including the one done again during a rebase -p ) Basically, a

Loop through folders and only copy files that match certain criteria

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-13 06:49:26
问题 I am writing a program that copies certain files needed from one folder to another. However, I only want it to copy files that fit certain criteria, More specifically, it should only copy files that are not in the banned files, banned extensions, or banned folders list as stored in an array like this: Public BannedExtensions As String() = {".bak", ".bak2", ".cry", ".max", ".psd", "log", ".lib", "pdb", ".exp"} Public BannedFolders As String() = {"Tools", "Editor", "Code", "LogBackups",

Merge file from one barnch to another branch in Clearcase

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-12 10:10:48
问题 I want to merge a file from one branch to another branch in clearcase, for example from Offshore branch to DEV branch. I want to merge the file with its modification time as it is. If the modification date of a file ( example.asp ) is 12-02-2011 , after merging the file in DEV branch, the modification time for the file ( example.asp ) in DEV branch should hold the same modification time ( 12-02-2011 ). Which view should I take? how should I do merge? Note: I tried preserve modification time