
Caret returns different predictions with caret train object than it does with the extracted final model

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-02-19 05:25:47
问题 I prefer to use caret when fitting models because of its relative speed and preprocessing capabilities. However, I'm slightly confused on how it makes predictions. When comparing predictions made directly from the train object and predictions made from the extracted final model, I'm seeing very different numbers. The predictions from the train object appear to be more accurate. library(caret) library(ranger) x1 <- rnorm(100) x2 <- rbeta(100, 1, 1) y <- 2*x1 + x2 + 5*x1*x2 data <- data.frame

How to avoid overfitting on a simple feed forward network

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-17 14:53:46
问题 Using the pima indians diabetes dataset I'm trying to build an accurate model using Keras. I've written the following code: # Visualize training history from keras import callbacks from keras.layers import Dropout tb = callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='/.logs', histogram_freq=10, batch_size=32, write_graph=True, write_grads=True, write_images=False, embeddings_freq=0, embeddings_layer_names=None, embeddings_metadata=None) # Visualize training history from keras.models import Sequential from

predicitng new value through a model trained on one hot encoded data

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-17 04:44:05
问题 This might look like a trivial problem. But I am getting stuck in predicting results from a model. My problem is like this: I have a dataset of shape 1000 x 19 (except target feature) but after one hot encoding it becomes 1000 x 141. Since I trained the model on the data which is of shape 1000 x 141, so I need data of shape 1 x 141 (at least) for prediction. I also know in python, I can make future prediction using model.predict(data) But, since I am getting data from an end user through a

predicitng new value through a model trained on one hot encoded data

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-17 04:41:48
问题 This might look like a trivial problem. But I am getting stuck in predicting results from a model. My problem is like this: I have a dataset of shape 1000 x 19 (except target feature) but after one hot encoding it becomes 1000 x 141. Since I trained the model on the data which is of shape 1000 x 141, so I need data of shape 1 x 141 (at least) for prediction. I also know in python, I can make future prediction using model.predict(data) But, since I am getting data from an end user through a

predicitng new value through a model trained on one hot encoded data

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-17 04:41:38
问题 This might look like a trivial problem. But I am getting stuck in predicting results from a model. My problem is like this: I have a dataset of shape 1000 x 19 (except target feature) but after one hot encoding it becomes 1000 x 141. Since I trained the model on the data which is of shape 1000 x 141, so I need data of shape 1 x 141 (at least) for prediction. I also know in python, I can make future prediction using model.predict(data) But, since I am getting data from an end user through a

predicitng new value through a model trained on one hot encoded data

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2021-02-17 04:41:25
问题 This might look like a trivial problem. But I am getting stuck in predicting results from a model. My problem is like this: I have a dataset of shape 1000 x 19 (except target feature) but after one hot encoding it becomes 1000 x 141. Since I trained the model on the data which is of shape 1000 x 141, so I need data of shape 1 x 141 (at least) for prediction. I also know in python, I can make future prediction using model.predict(data) But, since I am getting data from an end user through a

ExponentialSmoothing - What prediction method to use for this date plot?

久未见 提交于 2021-02-10 05:55:20
问题 I currently have these data points of date vs cumulative sum. I want to predict the cumulative sum for future dates using python. What prediction method should I use? My dates series are in this format: ['2020-01-20', '2020-01-24', '2020-01-26', '2020-01-27', '2020-01-30', '2020-01-31'] dtype='datetime64[ns]' I tried spline but seems like spline can't handle date-time series I tried Exponential Smoothing for time series forecasting but the result is incorrect. I don't understand what predict

ExponentialSmoothing - What prediction method to use for this date plot?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-10 05:54:30
问题 I currently have these data points of date vs cumulative sum. I want to predict the cumulative sum for future dates using python. What prediction method should I use? My dates series are in this format: ['2020-01-20', '2020-01-24', '2020-01-26', '2020-01-27', '2020-01-30', '2020-01-31'] dtype='datetime64[ns]' I tried spline but seems like spline can't handle date-time series I tried Exponential Smoothing for time series forecasting but the result is incorrect. I don't understand what predict

R multivariate one step ahead forecasts and accuracy

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-07 07:56:49
问题 Using R I would like to compare the RMSE (root mean square error) from two prediction models. The first model uses estimates from 1966 to 2000 to predict 2001 and then uses estimates from 1966 to 2001 to predict 2002 and so on up to 2015. The second model uses estimates from 1991 to 2000 to predict 2001 and then uses estimates from 1992 to 2001 to predict 2002 and so on up to 2015. This problem has me really stumped and I truly appreciate any help. DF <- data.frame(YEAR=1966:2015, TEMP=rnorm

R multivariate one step ahead forecasts and accuracy

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-07 07:55:58
问题 Using R I would like to compare the RMSE (root mean square error) from two prediction models. The first model uses estimates from 1966 to 2000 to predict 2001 and then uses estimates from 1966 to 2001 to predict 2002 and so on up to 2015. The second model uses estimates from 1991 to 2000 to predict 2001 and then uses estimates from 1992 to 2001 to predict 2002 and so on up to 2015. This problem has me really stumped and I truly appreciate any help. DF <- data.frame(YEAR=1966:2015, TEMP=rnorm