
hwnd to ppm issue

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-08 13:09:50
问题 I have a function which save a hwnd into a ppm file. This function is inspired by a msdn example. Both the msdn sample and my function work but ... I have an issue ... But first, here is the function. int CaptureAnImage(HWND hWnd) { HDC hdcWindow; HDC hdcMemDC = NULL; HBITMAP hbmScreen = NULL; RECT rc; BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; DWORD dwBmpSize; HANDLE hDIB; char *lpbitmap; int w, h; FILE *f; // Retrieve the handle to a display device context for the client // area of the window. hdcWindow = GetDC

Why is my image from my ppm file a little off?

你。 提交于 2019-12-08 06:52:54
问题 The task is to create an image of the russian flag on an image with 800 columns and 600 rows. So, the flag is divided into three equal sections (white on top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom) Here's my code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("P6\n"); printf("%d %d\n", 800, 600); printf("255\n"); int width, heightWhite, heightBlue, heightRed, i, j; unsigned char Rcolor, Bcolor, Gcolor; width = 800; heightWhite = 200; heightBlue = 400; heightRed = 600; for (j = 0; j <=

Convert PPM to JPG or BMP in java

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-08 02:58:08
问题 I need to know how feasible is it to write a function in java to read a ppm file and convert it to jpg or bmp format. Anyone has experience with this? I am able to achieve the goal using tools such as ImageMagick but I want to do it in pure Java way. 回答1: I would search for ImageMagick Application Programmer Interfaces. They have interfaces for every significant language. I find the Java philosophy is to extensively research what already exists, find the best solution for your needs, then

PPM to JPEG/JPG conversion for Python 3.4.1

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-07 12:21:12
问题 Does anyone know of any way to convert a ppm file to a jpeg/jpg using python 3.4.1 specifically? I've looked around and can only find solutions for previous version of python. 回答1: You can use the Pillow module. The following should work: from PIL import Image im = Image.open("sweet_pic.ppm") im.save("sweet_pic.jpg") Read through the tutorial for more information. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26937143/ppm-to-jpeg-jpg-conversion-for-python-3-4-1

Convert PPM to JPG or BMP in java

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-06 10:48:25
I need to know how feasible is it to write a function in java to read a ppm file and convert it to jpg or bmp format. Anyone has experience with this? I am able to achieve the goal using tools such as ImageMagick but I want to do it in pure Java way. I would search for ImageMagick Application Programmer Interfaces. They have interfaces for every significant language. I find the Java philosophy is to extensively research what already exists, find the best solution for your needs, then write the minimal code needed to interface to it. This is a pure Java way. SubOptimal Beside the old Sun JAI

PPM to JPEG/JPG conversion for Python 3.4.1

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-05 21:43:28
Does anyone know of any way to convert a ppm file to a jpeg/jpg using python 3.4.1 specifically? I've looked around and can only find solutions for previous version of python. You can use the Pillow module. The following should work: from PIL import Image im = Image.open("sweet_pic.ppm") im.save("sweet_pic.jpg") Read through the tutorial for more information. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26937143/ppm-to-jpeg-jpg-conversion-for-python-3-4-1

频率偏差ppm ppb

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-04 23:31:56
晶振,全称晶体振荡器,它能够产生中央处理器(CPU)执行指令所必须要的时钟频率信号,CPU一切指令的执行都是建立在这个基础上的,时钟信号频率越高,通常CPU的运行速度也就越快。 晶振有几个重要参数: 1,晶体元件规格书中所指定的频率,也是工程师在电路设计和元件选购时首要关注的参数。晶振常用标称频率在1~200MHz之间,比如32768Hz、8MHz、12MHz、24MHz、125MHz等,更高的输出频率也常用PLL(锁相环)将低频进行倍频至1GHz以上。我们称之为标称频率。 2,输出信号的频率不可避免会有一定的偏差,我们用频率误差(Frequency Tolerance)或频率稳定度(Frequency Stability),用单位ppm来表示,即百万分之一(parts per million)(1/106),是相对标称频率的变化量,此值越小表示精度越高。比如,12MHz晶振偏差为±20ppm,表示它的频率偏差为12×20Hz=±240Hz,即频率范围是(11999760~12000240Hz) 3,还有一个温度频差(Frequency Stability vs Temp)表示在特定温度范围内,工作频率相对于基准温度时工作频率的允许偏离,它的单位也是ppm。 4,另外,负载电容CL(Load capacitance),它是电路中跨接晶体两端的总的有效电容(不是晶振外接的匹配电容)


烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-04 18:06:43
最近有个很火的文章,叫 有没有一段代码,让你觉得人类的智慧也可以璀璨无比? 自己试了一下里面的代码,可是图片格式让我犯难了。PPM格式的图片怎么打开呢?难不成还特意为它去装个专业的图形处理软件吗? 关键是笔记本不允许装盗版软件啊! 研究了一下,用python可以很容易就把PPM转换成jpg格式啊,代码如下: #coding=utf-8 import Image img = Image .open ( "./MathPic.ppm" ) img .save ( "./MathPic.jpg" ) img .show () 没错,就这么几行,就把问题解决了。 来源: CSDN 作者: 柔情峡谷 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/hitbeauty/article/details/48465017


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:38:01
最近需要安装bugzilla进行项目测试管理,安装环境: OS:windows10 bugzilla:5.0.4 perl:Perl64-5.16.3 mysql:5.6.10 https://www.bugzilla.org/download/ mysql -u root -p create database bugs; create user bugs@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘myPassword’; grant all on bugs.* to bugs@’localhost’; flush privileges; 在perl官网下载安装包,建议版本Perl-5.16,或 Perl-5.18,如果版本高于Perl-5.20,某些perl依赖包安装不上。 默认资源库访问缓慢,需要添加其他镜像: 打开目录:D:\dev\Perl64-5.16.3\bin 打开ppm.bat,添加镜像地址 http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm64 1、安装检查 D:\bugzilla-5.0.4>checksetup.pl 如下模块需要安装 COMMANDS TO INSTALL OPTIONAL MODULES: Chart: ppm install Chart Template-GD: ppm install Template-GD MIME

C++ 输出PPM格式图片文件

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-03 00:25:12
PPM简介 学习图形学时为了直观地观察结果,需要输出图片,而PPM是一种最简单的图片格式,非常适合新手使用。 PPM文件的内容大概是这样的: 第一行固定为 P3 ,代表写入的是PPM格式的RGB图像,除此之外还有PBM和PGM格式分别对应P1和P2,代表单色图和灰度图。 第二行两个整数代表图片的 宽度 和 高度 。 第三行代表 像素值范围 ,通常写为 255 ,代表每个颜色通道的值在0-255之间。 接下来每行三个整数代表一个像素各个颜色通道的值,总共有 宽度*高度 行。 顺序按照从左上角开始,每行从左往右,然后从上往下逐行填充。 用C++输出PPM图片的示例代码 int main() { ofstream OutImage; OutImage.open("Image.ppm"); int nx = 200; int ny = 100; OutImage << "P3\n" << nx << ' ' << ny << "\n255\n"; for(int i = ny-1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) { float r = (float)j / nx; float g = (float)i / ny; float b = 0.2; int ir = int(255.99 * r); int ig = int(255.99