
PowerMock does not mock correctly

不羁的心 提交于 2020-06-16 04:39:07
问题 I have written a simple method which should take a url and retrieve the data from this url via a get request. The method looks like this: public String getResponse(String connectionUrl) throws HttpException { HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { URL url = new URL(connectionUrl); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) { throw new HttpException("Response code was "

Junit5 mock a static method

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-06-13 18:14:48
问题 I want to mock a static method in junit5. But unfortunately, Junit5 does'nt support Powermockito. Is there any other methods to achieve the same other than reverting back to Junit4 回答1: Short answer no, as PowerMockito team is done with their work and waiting for JUnit team for extension and discussing here a lot. With some overhead you can: As JUnit5 provides support running legacy JUnit4, and there you can use PowerMockito. So you can create tests in Junit4 for these cases: Sample project

Junit5 mock a static method

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-06-13 18:13:06
问题 I want to mock a static method in junit5. But unfortunately, Junit5 does'nt support Powermockito. Is there any other methods to achieve the same other than reverting back to Junit4 回答1: Short answer no, as PowerMockito team is done with their work and waiting for JUnit team for extension and discussing here a lot. With some overhead you can: As JUnit5 provides support running legacy JUnit4, and there you can use PowerMockito. So you can create tests in Junit4 for these cases: Sample project

Junit5 mock a static method

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-06-13 18:13:06
问题 I want to mock a static method in junit5. But unfortunately, Junit5 does'nt support Powermockito. Is there any other methods to achieve the same other than reverting back to Junit4 回答1: Short answer no, as PowerMockito team is done with their work and waiting for JUnit team for extension and discussing here a lot. With some overhead you can: As JUnit5 provides support running legacy JUnit4, and there you can use PowerMockito. So you can create tests in Junit4 for these cases: Sample project

Why can't I use @InjectMocks field matching when running with PowerMockRunner?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-05-29 00:45:49
问题 I've run into an issue in which the field injection matching for Mockito's @Mock annotation for @InjectMocks is not working in the case where there are 2 @Mock s of the same type. I've used the @Mock (name = "name_of_var") syntax as well, but it still failed... Here is the class under test: import java.util.Date; public class Parent{ private Date dateA; private Date dateB; public void setDateA(Date _dateA){ dateA = _dateA; } public void setDateB(Date _dateB){ dateB = _dateB; } public Date

intellij JUnit mockito

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-05-01 06:10:38
在intellij越来越普及的情况下,利用JUnit在intellij中进行测试就显得很基础了,但网上的资料总有误导的地方,这里记录一下。 总体而言,要开始单元测试,可以分为三步,添加相关的插件,添加相关的依赖,编写测试方法,下面依序说下。 一、添加相关的插件 在intellij中利用JUnit进行测试,需要三个插件,Junit,用来执行测试用例,JUnitGenerator V2.0,用来生成测试用例, Coverage, 用来生成测试报告。 安装插件完毕,还需要对JUnit进行适当的设置: Junit Generator设置 Setting --》 Other Setting--》 Junit Generator 更改输出路径, Output Path: ${SOURCEPATH}/../../test/java/${PACKAGE}/${FILENAME} 更改默认单元测试框架, Default Template: Junit 4 更改JUnit4的默认模板, Junit 4 test. $entry.packageName  $entry.packageName <pre>$date</pre>  <pre>$today</pre> 二,添加相关的依赖 在maven项目中,添加如下的依赖: <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId>


风格不统一 提交于 2020-04-30 03:21:15
一、Junit 使用和说明: 参考:单元测试第三弹——使用JUnit进行单元测试-HollisChuang's Blog http://www.hollischuang.com/archives/1760 1.1 主要内容 如何使用IDEA上手JUnit,以及如何简单测试。 JUnit中的Assert的方法,一共6个:assertEquals,assertFalse,assertNotNull,assertNull,assertTrue,fail JUnit中的注解,一共6个:@BeforeClass –> @Before –> @Test –> @After –> @AfterClass 总的来说,对于Junit的理解,这一篇文章就能掌握基本使用了。 1.2 实践说明以及注意事项: 一般对于IDEA来说,创建的项目中已经自动导入了 Junit 的Jar,如果没有,自行在pom文件中导入即可; IDEA如果想运行单元测试,好像必须把单元测试所在的根目录标记为 Test Resource Root才可以。标记之后,在方法前加上 @Test 注解之后,方法体里右键,就会有运行该方法的选项。 如果想要运行整个单元测试类中的所有方法,请不要把鼠标放在 @Test 注解的方法内部右击鼠标。 这里说明一下:一般的maven项目中,会在src/main下面有两个目录,java和test

why i am getting org.powermock.api.mockito.expectation.WithOrWithoutExpectedArguments?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-04-13 06:49:13
问题 Currently, i am using the following dependency for my project But i am getting org.powermock.api.mockito.expectation.WithOrWithoutExpectedArguments not found please look on the dependency, <properties> <java.version>1.8</java.version> <powermock.version>1.7.0RC2</powermock.version> </properties> <dependency> <groupId>org.powermock</groupId> <artifactId>powermock-core</artifactId> <version>${powermock.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <!-- https://mvnrepository.com


倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-04-11 15:38:42
JVM基础结构与字节码执行引擎 JVM基础结构 JVM内部结构如下:栈、堆。 栈 JVM中的栈主要是指线程里面的栈,里面有方法栈、native方法栈、PC寄存器等等;每个方法栈是由栈帧组成的;每个栈帧是由局部变量表、操作数栈等组成。 每个栈帧其实就代表一个方法 堆 java中所有对象都在堆中分配;堆中对象又分为年轻代、老年代等等,不同代的对象使用不同垃圾回收算法。 -XMs:启动虚拟机预留的内存 -Xmx:最大的堆内存 一、堆的分代假设 根据研究表明,堆中对象大部分都是创建后,立马就可以被销毁的。如: 为了优化堆中的内存,将堆中对象分为不同代。在年轻代中,GC发生比较频繁;在老年代中,GC发生比较少。 二、堆的分代 年轻代:Young Generation 老年代:Old Generation/Tenured 永久代:Permanent Generation 永久代在Java虚拟机规范中是没有的,但是Host Spot虚拟机中有。 三、方法区 方法区被所有线程共享;方法区是用来存储编译后的代码,即存储每个类的运行时常量池、字段和方法。 方法区在虚拟机启动时创建;虽然方法区在逻辑上是堆的一部分,但在一些简单的实现中,方法区可以选择不进行垃圾回收和紧凑化。 方法区在java8的变化 java7之前:方法区的实现:永久代,是作为堆的一部分; java8之后:方法区的实现

NoClassDefFoundError or NoSuchMethodError when trying to mock static (incompatible dependencies)

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-04-11 12:41:13
问题 When a class with static method is mocked, an exception been thrown. The version 2.0.0 of PowerMock displays NoClassDefFoundError 1 . The versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 displays NoSuchMethodError 2 . In project that I work is used Mockito on version 2.25.0 , but I've tried using new versions of Mockito following the compatible versions table (https://github.com/powermock/powermock/wiki/Mockito#supported-versions). In addition, I tested the downgrade to versions 2.8.9 of Mockito with 1.7.x of