
Include design documents factoryng

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-25 09:04:30
问题 The default settings in factoryng filter out design documents. How can I include these design documents? 回答1: You can define this via the properties() method, e.g.: var tasks = new Pouchyng('tasks', 'http://localhost:5984', yngutils.ASC); var config = { opts: { filter: function (doc) { return true; } } }; tasks.properties({ changes: config, to: config, from: config }); 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26436821/include-design-documents-factoryng

Include design documents factoryng

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-01-25 09:04:12
问题 The default settings in factoryng filter out design documents. How can I include these design documents? 回答1: You can define this via the properties() method, e.g.: var tasks = new Pouchyng('tasks', 'http://localhost:5984', yngutils.ASC); var config = { opts: { filter: function (doc) { return true; } } }; tasks.properties({ changes: config, to: config, from: config }); 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26436821/include-design-documents-factoryng

How to query PouchDB with SQL-like operators

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-16 03:20:07
问题 Being relatively new to PouchDB/CouchDB, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to use the map/reduce correctly in different cases. Supposed that I have document structure like this: { _id: 'record/1', labels: { // many-to-many relationship 'label/1': true, // let's assume that this is 'Label A' 'label/3': true, // 'Label C' 'label/4': true // 'Label D' } }, { _id: 'record/2', labels: { 'label/1': true, // 'Label A' 'label/2': true // 'Label B' } } What are the correct ways to define

PouchDB - Manually managing conflicts

寵の児 提交于 2020-01-13 06:04:34
问题 Is it possible to manage the sync conflicts from the client? What I mean is, when pouchDB does a sync and detects a conflict, is it possible to get the local doc PouchDB is trying to sync and the last revision of CouchDB doc? If I can get both docs, I can display them to the user and he can choose which version to keep... 回答1: You're in luck, because this is exactly the problem CouchDB and PouchDB were designed to solve. Basically you can read up on the CouchDB docs on conflict resolution.

PouchDB - Manually managing conflicts

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-13 06:04:11
问题 Is it possible to manage the sync conflicts from the client? What I mean is, when pouchDB does a sync and detects a conflict, is it possible to get the local doc PouchDB is trying to sync and the last revision of CouchDB doc? If I can get both docs, I can display them to the user and he can choose which version to keep... 回答1: You're in luck, because this is exactly the problem CouchDB and PouchDB were designed to solve. Basically you can read up on the CouchDB docs on conflict resolution.

PouchDB/CouchDB Sequence Counter on Replicate

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-11 03:09:03
问题 I am live syncing a freshly minted pouchdb (3.3.1) to an established (iris) couchdb. The initial replication happens successfully ( pause event fired). If I do info() on the Local, I get an update_seq of 362 . If I do info() on the remote, it shows an update_seq of 4201 . I think this makes sense to me: the local db has no revisions - only the leaves (i.e. there are 362 leaves in the db) whereas the remote db sequence counter reflects all the historical changes that have been made since it

Using PouchDB as an offline raster map cache

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-10 09:21:38
问题 I have been exploring using PouchDB as an offline cache for raster map tiles. Specifically, for Leaflet. I have just finished some preliminary tests which I thought I would share. 回答1: I have created a "JsFiddle" (actually I prefer CodePen these days), as a playground for showing how to use PouchDB to cache off-line raster map tiles. http://codepen.io/DrYSG/pen/hpqoD The Algorithm it uses is as follows: Test for presence of XHR2, IndexedDB, and Chrome (which does not have binary blobs, but

Slow app with LocalStorage and AngularJS

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-06 23:44:51
问题 I created an app that stores, compares, filters and takes statistics out of a collection of records. I've done it so it works offline, as in some user cases the user might not have constant (or at all) access to internet. My problem is that after I've included ~60 records, the app starts to behave really slow. For instance, I list a collection of simple objects from LocalStorage into a ng-model (Select list), and after those ~60 records are in, to open the Select box will be seriously slowed

How to use a same DB with 2 different React applications

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-06 06:32:53
问题 I have to make an offline application that sync with another online app when it can. I developed the offline app using PouchDB. I create this app thanks to the github repo create-react-app. This app is running at localhost:3000. In this app, I create and manage a little DB named "patientDB". I manage the db with the classical put method like we can see in the documentation: var db = new PouchDB('patientDB') db.put({ _id: 'dave@gmail.com', name: 'David', age: 69 }); With the development tool

What is the correct way to load prebuilt SQlite databases with or without PouchDB in a React App

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-06 06:18:45
问题 Currently I'm writing a React App and struggling with a simple reading from a SQlite database. Edit because of unclear question : ***The goal is to read from the database without any backend, because it needs to read from the database even when it is offline. ***I'm aiming for a ONE TIME file conversion, then just pouchdb queries offline. But I don't want to do it manually because there are around 6k+ registries. ***Or SQL queries from the browser without any APIs, but I need to support