
技术周刊 · 0202 年了,你还不学一下 WASM 么?

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-04-29 17:54:00
蒲公英 · JELLY技术周刊 Vol.04 「蒲公英」期刊全新升级——JELLY技术周刊!深度挖掘业界热点动态,来自团队大咖的专业点评,带你深入了解团队研究的技术方向。 登高远眺 天高地迥,觉宇宙之无穷 基础技术 WebAssembly 入门 WebAssembly 是一种类汇编语言,相比 Javascript 有着更快的解析和执行速度,能帮助我们突破 Web 应用中的性能瓶颈。文章介绍了 WASM 的开发背景、发展愿景、关键概念还有主要用途,能让我们清晰地了解 WASM 技术的整体脉络,为拓展性能优化新的思路。 从代码到像素,现代浏览器如何把页面呈现给你? 谷歌出品的系列文章,用精美的图表和简洁的文字,从非常基础的硬件知识,浏览器的的架构到渲染的进程,深入浅出地介绍了现代浏览器是如何进行工作的。了解浏览器的工作过程,有助于我们编写合理的代码,找出或者避免页面中的性能瓶颈,带来更好的用户体验。 跨端框架技术 一个易迁移、兼容性高的 Flutter 富文本方案 在Flutter的富文本中,不同的版本的实现方式是不一样的,因此我们需要找到一个兼容性高、易迁移的富文本方案,来方便我们把富文本的功能从低版本迁移到高版本的Flutter中,在本篇文章中,作者将通过分析高版本富文本的实现原理,并通过正则替换,以及对HTML Node Tree的分析来逐步实现迁移的目的。

Is it possible to compile potrace for iOS?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-30 05:30:11
问题 Looking at the cross-platform nature of potrace http://potrace.sourceforge.net/, is it possible to compile this for iOS? If so, how? 回答1: Yes, it is possible to compile potrace for iOS. As a matter of fact, most open source libraries using standard (GNU) configure tools that compile on MacOS X will easily compile on iOS, because they are likely free of platform-specific code (e.g. linuxisms ) and standard configure tools allow cross-compilation. You can compile these libraries in the shell by

Installing PyPotrace on Windows 10

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-08 20:38:26
问题 I would like to install Potrace on my Windows 10 Computer and I will be using it with python 2.7.5. I am following the installation instruction from this site.( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypotrace) for Windows. What I did so far I installed MinGW – following these YouTube instructions [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHekr3EtDOA] I also download Agg-2.5 and potrace-1.15.win64 and put these 2 folders inside C:/src (see Picture 1) Issue However, I am stuck at this specific point of the

Is it possible to compile potrace for iOS?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-30 16:58:32
Looking at the cross-platform nature of potrace http://potrace.sourceforge.net/ , is it possible to compile this for iOS? If so, how? Paul Guyot Yes, it is possible to compile potrace for iOS. As a matter of fact, most open source libraries using standard (GNU) configure tools that compile on MacOS X will easily compile on iOS, because they are likely free of platform-specific code (e.g. linuxisms ) and standard configure tools allow cross-compilation. You can compile these libraries in the shell by pointing configure to the proper toolchain and SDKs. Paths changed with Mavericks and Xcode 5,