

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-28 04:23:07
Postgres-XL 是一个完全满足ACID的、开源的、可方便进行水平扩展的、多租户安全的。支持share-nothing;支持海量数据并行处理-MPP(Massively Parallel Processing)。是不是跟 greenplum很相似。 主机分配 3台主机,安装centos6.2。当然可以准备多台服务器;这个视场景而定 合理安排(gtm为一台独立的主机;例外每台机器最好同时配置一个Coordinator和一个Datanode,这样既不用担心二者的负载均衡,而且可以降低网络流量); (gtm) (coordinator,datanode) (coordinator,datanode) Postgres-XL下载安装 下载地址 -- 下载包 :--postgres-xl-v9.2-src.tar.gz 在每一个节点上安装依赖包 ; yum install -y flex bison readline-devel zlib-devel openjade docbook-style-dsssl gcc 安装Postgres-XL 在每个节点执行 # tar -zxvf postgres-xl-v9.2-src.tar

bind postgres-xl coordinator to listen only on specific interface

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-20 06:43:18
问题 I'm trying to bind coordinator to only listen on specific interface. It seems the listen_addressses option is being ignored when specified within postgresql.conf on coordinator. There is another file within coordinator data directory called postmaster.opts which seems to be reset each time pgxc_ctl connects to coordinator in order to start/stop it. If I could include -h option within that file then coordinator would be bound to IP of my choice. Interestingly GTM will bind to IP if specified

How can I drop a Postgres-XL database that has its name starting with a digit?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-12 03:51:11
问题 I am really new to Postgres-XL, and I have just created a testing cluster, running postgres-xl-9.5r1.3. It's set-up on three nodes, one node GTM, and two with both a Coordinator and a Datanode on each. I am planning on load balancing between these two nodes, but at the moment I am just connecting and running SQL queries on the first coordinator. While testing some basic commands, I created a a few testing databases, one of which has a fully numeric name, "213", and one with a name that starts

postgres-xl self join cost 10 seconds when combine data

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-08 08:54:10
问题 My postgres-xl version was 9.5r1.5 stable. When query like below SELECT * FROM tests t1 LEFT JOIN tests t2 ON t1.id1 = t2.id2 WHERE t1.id1=10000; This query is simple, and just return one row. When I ran it in the data node, only cost 10ms. But cost 10020 ms in the coord node. I had tried some other query, and make sure that, when join the same table coord node cost 10 seconds. But if the query return nothing, it only cost 20ms in the coord node. So i think, it something wrong when coord node

postgres-xl self join cost 10 seconds when combine data

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-08 04:56:28
My postgres-xl version was 9.5r1.5 stable. When query like below SELECT * FROM tests t1 LEFT JOIN tests t2 ON t1.id1 = t2.id2 WHERE t1.id1=10000; This query is simple, and just return one row. When I ran it in the data node, only cost 10ms. But cost 10020 ms in the coord node. I had tried some other query, and make sure that, when join the same table coord node cost 10 seconds. But if the query return nothing, it only cost 20ms in the coord node. So i think, it something wrong when coord node combine the data. can anyone tell me how to avoid this. thanks very much. Also try something like "SET

在linux (CentOs7)上安装Postgres-xc

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-05 02:10:40
Postgres-xc 的工作方式就不再说了,百度上有很多详细的说明,或者阅读文章末尾的参考资料。Postgres-xc 与Postgres-xl 其实很类似,安装时也可以参考 Postgres-xl 的资料。 这里我们用的是5台机子,安装规划见下表 Postgre-xc规划表 注:表参自 唐成老师《PostgreSQL 修炼之道》一书 1、 安装 首先,我们需要用到yum 安装 ,可以先yum update, 然后还要一些安装与编译的环境,每台机子上都需要安装一遍。 之后的安装可参考 另一文章,里面写的比较详细 Postgres-XL测试 需要注意的是,我们只需要在coordination节点上注册节点信息,datanode节点上不用。 然后在每个coord 节点下的pg_hba.conf 的IPv4下添加访问的控制 $ vi /var/pgxc/coord1/pg_hba.conf host all all trust 2、 常见问题与解决 (1)、 WARNING,08000,"can not connect to GTM:Connection refused",,,,,,,,"InitGTM, gtm.c:94","" 出现这种情况是因为 coordination 配置出问题,检查一下 coord 节点下的 postgresql.conf 下的 gtm_proxy

bind postgres-xl coordinator to listen only on specific interface

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-02 09:58:07
I'm trying to bind coordinator to only listen on specific interface. It seems the listen_addressses option is being ignored when specified within postgresql.conf on coordinator. There is another file within coordinator data directory called postmaster.opts which seems to be reset each time pgxc_ctl connects to coordinator in order to start/stop it. If I could include -h option within that file then coordinator would be bound to IP of my choice. Interestingly GTM will bind to IP if specified within listen_addresses. Coordinator nor data node won't. I looked through postgres-xl documentation,