
How to serialize a POJO into query params with Jersey

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-07 06:07:27
问题 I have been playing around and creating multiple small Java RESTful client libraries for different services at my company. Most of the time, I am unable to change anything on the server side and I need to write the Jersey pieces of code to interact with existing RESTful APIs. Context Up to know, I have been using Jersey with Jackson to use JSON: when I query a POJO I deserialize it from JSON, and when I need to send a POJO, I serialize it into a JSON body. This two kinds of snippets have been

Java to XSD or XSD to Java

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-07 01:06:01
问题 I know that, using JAXB, you can generate Java files from an XSD and that you can also generate the XSD from annotated POJOs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Is one overall better than the other? We basically want to serialize events to a log in XML format. 回答1: Ultimately it depends on where you want to focus: If the XML Schema is the Most Important Thing Then it is best to start from the XML schema and generate a JAXB model. There are details of an XML schema that a JAXB

Java IDL for gRPC / protobuf (Protocl Buffers)

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-06 17:09:22
问题 Is it possible to define Protocol Buffers using Java? That is instead of service Greeter { rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {} } I would like to have public interface Greeter { @Grpc HelloReply sayHello (HelloRequest req); } @GrpcMessage() public class HelloReply{ @GrpcField(1) string name; } That is annotation like Hibernate/JPA over my POJO, instead of heaps of generated code. I only could find Protocol Buffers Dynamic Schema https://github.com/os72/protobuf-dynamic 回答1:

Unable to create POJO with Retrofit and Java in android

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-06 16:11:52
I am getting following json response from one of the vendor. { "status": "success", "data": { "values": [ [ "2015-12-28T09:15:00+0530", 1386.4, 1388, 1381.05, 1385.1, 788 ], [ "2015-12-28T09:15:00+0530", 1386.4, 1388, 1381.05, 1385.1, 788 ] ] } } I would like to convert this to POJO. I am using retrofit 2.0, rx java. I have tried following public class HistoricalDataContainer implements Parcelable{ public String status; public CandleList data; protected HistoricalDataContainer(Parcel in) { status = in.readString(); data = in.readParcelable(CandleList.class.getClassLoader()); } @Override public

How to iterate through a list of objects and assign children?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-06 15:58:42
I have a Location POJO that stores Location objects parsed in from a JSON file, which I want to map to a graph. Each node's location in the graph corresponds to it's id field, where id="1" is the start node and id="10" is the goal node. To solve this I adapted a Node class to include methods such as setWeight() , addChildLocation() etc , But I'm not sure how to create the graph from my list of locations. I know how to create the graph by hard coding the location's and calling addChildren, by doing the following, but not sure how to create it from a list of already available Location objects:

Difference between JavaBean, POJO and normal class? [duplicate]

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-06 11:26:16
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 9 years ago . Possible Duplicates: What is the difference between a JavaBean and a POJO? Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? Could you please explain the difference between JavaBean, POJO class and normal class in Java technology? 回答1: Not much. A JavaBean has to follow certain naming conventions laid down in the JavaBean spec, but otherwise they are all the same. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3149932/difference-between

How to create JAXWS web service server skeletons from wsdl ( not in IDE)

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-06 09:26:48
i can't find any where how to create web service from server skeletons ( java pojo's )from wsdl using JAXWS. The only tutorials I see are using automated wizard in NetBeans and and axis2 in eclipse. Can someone please give me hints on how to generate server side classes from given wsdl? Thanks UPADATE: I just need to do : wsimport.bat -Xendorsed SOAP.WSDL and it creates the artifacts. But now how do I implement it in the server ? In addition to client side classes, wsimport also generates a SEI (Service Endpoint Interface). All you need to do is creating an implementation for that. Then it

Deserialise a POJO in Kafka Streams

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-06 09:02:22
问题 My Kafka topic has messages of this format user1,subject1,80|user1,subject2,90 user2,subject1,70|user2,subject2,100 and so on. I have created User POJO as below. class User implements Serializable{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -253687203767610477L; private String userId; private String subject; private String marks; public User(String userId, String subject, String marks) { super(); this.userId = userId; this.subject = subject; this.marks = marks; } public String

How to convert Java Pojo to Nashorn Json?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-06 08:53:18
I have a Java object that I want to turn into a json object and pass to the Nashorn javascript engine. It is surprisingly difficult to google an answer for this! Can someone tell me how to do it? I tried this: ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String inputModelAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(inputModel); And then passing the string json to the function: result = invocable.invokeFunction(PROGRAM_FUNCTION, moduleName, inputModelAsString); But it was passed as a string, not as a json. You can convert json from engine by ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName(

Apache Flink - how to send and consume POJOs using AWS Kinesis

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-06 07:34:30
I want to consume POJOs arriving from Kinesis with Flink. Is there any standard for how to correctly send and deserialize the messages? Thanks I resolved it with: DataStream<SamplePojo> kinesis = see.addSource(new FlinkKinesisConsumer<>( "my-stream", new POJODeserializationSchema(), kinesisConsumerConfig)); and public class POJODeserializationSchema extends AbstractDeserializationSchema<SamplePojo> { private ObjectMapper mapper; @Override public SamplePojo deserialize(byte[] message) throws IOException { if (mapper == null) { mapper = new ObjectMapper(); } SamplePojo retVal = mapper.readValue