
C# VLC playlist autoplay it working stop when next video

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-28 11:32:52
问题 when first video ended switch to second video program stop working: private void axVLCPlugin21_MediaPlayerEndReached(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBox1.SelectedIndex < (listBox1.Items.Count - 1)) {; listBox1.SelectedIndex += 1; listBox1.Update(); } else { axVLCPlugin21.playlist.playItem(0); listBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; listBox1.Update(); } } 回答1: private void axVLCPlugin21_MediaPlayerEndReached(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBox1.SelectedIndex <

Random playlist algorithm

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-27 14:33:50
问题 I need to create a list of numbers from a range (for example from x to y) in a random order so that every order has an equal chance. I need this for a music player I write in C#, to create play lists in a random order. Any ideas? Thanks. EDIT: I'm not interested in changing the original list, just pick up random indexes from a range in a random order so that every order has an equal chance. Here's what I've wrriten so far: public static IEnumerable<int> RandomIndexes(int count) { if (count >

Random playlist algorithm

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-27 14:30:08
问题 I need to create a list of numbers from a range (for example from x to y) in a random order so that every order has an equal chance. I need this for a music player I write in C#, to create play lists in a random order. Any ideas? Thanks. EDIT: I'm not interested in changing the original list, just pick up random indexes from a range in a random order so that every order has an equal chance. Here's what I've wrriten so far: public static IEnumerable<int> RandomIndexes(int count) { if (count >

Random playlist algorithm

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-27 14:30:04
问题 I need to create a list of numbers from a range (for example from x to y) in a random order so that every order has an equal chance. I need this for a music player I write in C#, to create play lists in a random order. Any ideas? Thanks. EDIT: I'm not interested in changing the original list, just pick up random indexes from a range in a random order so that every order has an equal chance. Here's what I've wrriten so far: public static IEnumerable<int> RandomIndexes(int count) { if (count >

Playing two files in a row in JavaScript

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-01-23 08:39:25
问题 I can't get this right. So, I'm making a simple script that tells the current time. audiocontainer is an audio element, and the mp3play() function has been defned earlier. The idea is to do that: [play hourXX.mp3] -> when it ends -> [play minutesXX.mp3] -> delete listener, therefore stop. The problem is: Without the removeEventListener() function, the minuteXX.mp3 loops indefinitely ("It's 12 and 54 minutes... 54 minutes... 54 minutes...) because it keeps triggering the listener at the end.

Playing two files in a row in JavaScript

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-23 08:39:08
问题 I can't get this right. So, I'm making a simple script that tells the current time. audiocontainer is an audio element, and the mp3play() function has been defned earlier. The idea is to do that: [play hourXX.mp3] -> when it ends -> [play minutesXX.mp3] -> delete listener, therefore stop. The problem is: Without the removeEventListener() function, the minuteXX.mp3 loops indefinitely ("It's 12 and 54 minutes... 54 minutes... 54 minutes...) because it keeps triggering the listener at the end.

YouTube Direct Lite “Playlist” parameter is missing

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-06 08:43:34
问题 I have set up YouTube Direct Lite on my site. Got the Auth working, able to log in via YouTube using your Google account. Now the problem arises when I load the page. I get an error that states "The "Playlist" URL parameter is missing". I have been trying to solve this problem all day. I assume its something with the global variable that gets the playlist id. I can't tell how the variable is being called or stored, so I don't know if it's a problem with that. if (panel.needsPlaylist &&

MPEG-TS Segments HTTP Live Streaming

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-30 05:29:05
问题 I'm trying to interleave MPEG-TS segments but failing. One set of segments was actually captured using the built in camera in the laptop, then encoded using FFMPEG with the following command: ffmpeg -er 4 -y -f video4linux2 -s 640x480 -r 30 -i %s -isync -f mpegts -acodec libmp3lame -ar 48000 -ab 64k -s 640x480 -vcodec libx264 -fflags +genpts -b 386k -coder 0 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -i_qfactor 0.71 -bt 386k -maxrate 386k -bufsize 386k -qcomp 0.6 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -aspect 640:480

youtube embed single video loop with playlist shows twice the same video

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-25 03:37:19
问题 I am trying to embed a YouTube video with loop mode on, and to do so I have to set the playlist parameter otherwise it won't work: documentation The problem is when I do so i get a playlist with 2 videos on it, the same video appearing twice, which produces a very bad visual effect since i want one video to loop endlessly. Any suggestions on how to do so? Thanks Here's my code: <iframe width="600" height="338" src="

Pygame Playlist without while True loop

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-24 07:10:38
问题 Here is a short snippet from my code: import pygame class Player(): playlist= ["track1.mp3","track2.mp3",...] def __init__(self): pygame.init()[0]) def playnext(self): self.playlist = self.playlist[1:] + [self.playlist[0]][0]) My problem is that I want to play the next track after the first finished, but without a while true loop. This class is not the only one in my